Chain Chronicle Wiki

Weapons can be obtained a variety of sources such as quests, events and chest drops. Each weapon has stat points that increase the user's abilities in battle. Weapon ranks range from C up to A, with each rank increasing skill points and abilities available. Evolving a weapon requires the previous rank to be present. A weapon can be evolved to the same rank or one rank higher.

Weapon Types
Icon Type Primarily used by Types of Weapon
Blade Forger Icon Blade Warriors, Knights, and Runefencers Slashing Weapons
Club Forger Icon Blunt Warriors and Knights Blunt Weapons
Spear Forger Icon Impact Warriors, Knights, and Runefencers Stabbing Weapons
Bow Forger Icon Bow Archers Bows
Magic Forger Icon Magic Magicians Staves and Wands
Holy Forger Icon Holy Clerics Rods and Canes
Fist Forger Icon Fist Soldiers Gloves and Objects
Pistol Forger Icon Pistol Archers Handguns and Small Firearms
Rifle Forger Icon Rifle Archers Rifles and Large Firearms

Stat Points[]

Weapons can be enhanced by weapon enhancers, which unlock each stat point within the weapon until all of them are unlocked. Each stat is responsible for producing a different effect on the wielder.

Stat Effect
Attack Attack Stat increases by 100 for each point.
Attack+ Attack Stat increases by 130 for each point.
Attack++ Attack Stat increases by 200 for each point.
Critical Critical hit rate increases by 0.50% for each point.
Critical+ Critical hit rate increases by 0.65% for each point.
Defense Damage taken decreases by 10 for each point.
Defense+ Damage taken decreases by 13 for each point.
HP Increases HP by 60 for each point
HP+ Increases HP by 78 for each point.
Fire Rate Attack interval shortens by ? seconds for each point.
Movement Movement speed increases by ?% for each point.
Range Increases healing range by ?% for each point.
Ability Adds the Weapon Ability to the User.

See Also[]
