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Life Sciences

First Quintiles, Now PPD. Oracle Siebel CTMS Is Rockin’ It



These days, it appears as if most of the big contract research organizations (CROs) are using Siebel CTMS, Oracle’s clinical trial management system.

In June of this year, I wrote about Quintiles’ use of Oracle Health Sciences applications, including Siebel CTMS. Now we’re talking about PPD, another top-5 CRO. 

PPD has been a long-time user of Oracle’s clinical and safety systems, but they recently completed migrating their Siebel CTMS from on-site to the cloud. PPD recognized the value of hosting, not just in terms of cost savings, but in the ability to focus their efforts on what they do best: helping their customers get safe, effective drugs to market as quickly as possible.

If you’re interested in learning more about Siebel CTMS, especially in the cloud, give us a shout.

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Eugene Sefanov

Director, Industry and Regional Marketing

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