
Search Experience Testing

Understand why and where users click on search features to increase your click through rates.

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Website User Experience Testing Plans


4 User Videos

£100 + vat


one off fee

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+ Analysis & Reporting Option

Qualitative Observations

Website & Search Results Recommendations


one off fee

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10 User Videos

£600 + vat


one off fee

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+ Analysis & Reporting Option

Click & Conversion Audit

Key Website/Competitor Conversion Audit

Search Results Click Trigger Analysis

Keyword Analysis

Time on site Analysis

Qualitative Observations

Positional Click Metrics

Device Breakdown

Online Digital Review Report

Website & Search Results Recommendations

£1950 + vat

one off fee

Book a free demo


25 User Videos

£1250 + vat


one off fee

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+ Analysis & Reporting Option

Click & Conversion Audit

Key Website/Competitor Conversion Audit

Search Results Click Trigger Analysis

Keyword Analysis

Time on site Analysis

Qualitative Observations

Positional Click Metrics

Device Breakdown

Online Digital Review Report

Website & Search Results Recommendations

£2300 + vat

one off fee

Book a free demo


40 User Videos

£1600 + vat


one off fee

Book a free demo

+ Analysis & Reporting Option

Click & Conversion Audit

Key Website/Competitor Conversion Audit

Search Results Click Trigger Analysis

Keyword Analysis

Time on site Analysis

Qualitative Observations

Positional Click Metrics

Device Breakdown

Online Digital Review Report

Website & Search Results Recommendations

£2300 + vat

one off fee

Book a free demo

Website & Search Experience Testing?

Understand your users behaviour from point of search to point of purchase to improve performance.

We provide insights to enable you to win the search click and gain the on-site conversion.

We can show you which of your competitors are doing well and why?

Uncover, which search elements are the main click triggers!  Improve CTR, get more clicks, beat your competitors.

Search experience testing delivers data that enables you to massively improve results across the paid and organic 'search' experience and your website.

  • Who is winning the click & conversion

    in your market? 

  • Discover the Click Triggers

    on the SERP's in your market

  • Which competitor

    is performing best?


What are the deliverables?

Website & Search Engine Testing delivers both qualitative and quantitative data.

User videos with commentary provide insights into real users engaging with the SERP's. What do they click and why?

Barracuda professionals analyse the videos to generate qualitative data with real insights and trends. How influential is position to get the click? What elements and features within the SERP's are getting clicks? Which websites are winning the click and why?

We'll show you trends for your target search terms that were only visible previously to Google or Bing.

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What insights can I get?

An understanding of how users engage with your website and which Search Features are important.

Insights into what position on the page generates most site visits.

  • What are the 'click triggers' on the page?
  • Competitor Insights - who is getting the clicks and why?
  • Purchasing patterns - who is winning the conversion?
  • AI impact - Is AI playing a role in users finding your website?
  • How do customers react to your website?
  • Which website is winning the conversion?

& so much more...

How will this help?

The insights Search Experience Testing provide enable website owners to review the relative importance of micro and macro search features and elements.

What messaging works? What Images work? Where can you improve both your listing and your website.

Search experience testing, provides recommendations on how to improve your search presence as well as insights into users behaviour on your and your competitor websites.

We'll help you increase your market share and profitability.

Trusted by leading brands

Enhance your data with Search Experience Testing...

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Website User Testing

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