DataParrots – Query Database with Natural Languages


DataParrots – Query Database with Natural Languages


Natural language database query tool that's easy to use, with central management and data security.

DataParrots is an easy-to-use tool to get data from databases with plain English or other natural languages. Results can be viewed in tabular formats, in charts, or downloaded to be used as data sources by other solutions such as Microsoft Excel or Power BI.

For business users, getting the right data at the right moment has been out of reach, especially for ad hoc questions and drill down and follow up questions. There are significant technical barriers to overcome. DataParrots removes these barriers, and let you get to your data intuitively and directly.

For technologists, navigating complex database schemas can be challenging, and writing SQL queries can be mind-twisting. DataParrots understands the data structures and generate SQL statements for you with your natural language input. You can then refine and test the queries in DataParrots.

DataParrots is powerful yet easy to use. It also has built-in central management and data security features that's suited for business environments.

  • Easy to Use – No learning curve. Just ask questions in natural languages and get answers in real-time. Ask follow-up or drill down questions and get answers in real-time as well. All in a simple yet powerful user interface. Additional features such as query histroy, save to favorites and query recommendation provides added convenience.
  • Data Source – Existing data analytics tools require "data with well-formed schema" prepared in advance. DataParrots can export its query results as data source ready to be used by these analytics tools.
  • Central Management – IT organization can centrally manage users, databases, and access controls. This allows granting user access to their data while adhering with data governance policies.
  • Data Security – While organizations are eager to explore applications of AI, they don't want to send their data over the wire or store their data in cloud storage. DataParrots uses Azure OpenAI, it is architected to have data security in mind. DataParrots only send meta data to web services. Execution of SQL and extract of business data is conducted locally. (For added data security, DataParrots can be deployed to customer's Azure tenant. Please contact for inquiry)