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"Why do we work, Alice? You killed my mom, I replaced you in our family, but... here we are on this crazy adventure together. Hmm? Why? It's because despite all of our baggage, we both found the sister we always wanted. I see who the girl who... just craves her freedom."
Mary Hamilton to Beth Kane[src]

Elizabeth Marie "Beth" Kane (born January 26, 1990),[1] known under the criminal alias Alice of Wonderland or simply Alice, is one of Gotham's most infamous criminals and the former leader of the Wonderland gang. She is also the estranged daughter of Jacob Kane and the late Gabi Kane, the estranged twin sister of Kate Kane, the step-sister of Mary Hamilton, the maternal cousin of Bruce Wayne, and the former close friend/sister-figure of the late Jonathan Cartwright.

After a family car accident caused by the Joker, Beth disappeared and was declared dead. In reality, she had been rescued from drowning and held captive by August Cartwright to become a companion for his disfigured son, Jonathan. The traumas Beth experienced in the subsequent years drove her insane until she adopted the identity of Alice. After escaping from August, Beth was found by Safiyah Sohail and taken to Coryana, where she joined the Many Arms of Death and fell in love with her trainer, Ocean. Beth and Ocean planned to flee the island with a Desert Rose, but were thwarted and had their memories altered by Enigma.

Eventually, Beth formed the Wonderland gang and began a crusade of revenge in Gotham against her family, becoming an arch-enemy of her twin sister, now known as Batwoman. She was nicknamed the Skin Pirate by the media after stealing faces from corpses. Beth murdered Catherine Hamilton-Kane as revenge for faking her death and framed Jacob. Following the entire Wonderland gang's murder by Tatiana, as well as Kate betraying and locking her up in Arkham Asylum, Beth's psyche crumbled further. Not long after her imprisonment, she managed to completely take over Arkham after having the warden killed and replaced by Jonathan, thus making him and Beth the "King and Queen of Arkham".

Upon learning the secrets of the Batsuit, Beth caused a breakout at Arkham and escaped, bent on revenge, all the while plunging Gotham into chaos alongside Jonathan and Hush. After fatally poisoning Jonathan when he wanted to leave her, she gave Hush a face that resembled her cousin, Bruce, in order to retrieve a weapon that could penetrate the Batsuit and kill Kate.

When Kate disappeared in a plane crash, Beth vowed to find her sister to continue her plans. However, after reuniting with Ocean and uncovering their erased history on Coryana, she became conflicted between regaining her lost memories and locating her sister. After a confrontation with the new Batwoman, Ryan Wilder, and Safiyah, Beth gave up on her desire to tear her family apart, instead resolving to rescue Kate. After discovering that Kate is alive and hypnotized by Enigma to serve as Black Mask's daughter, Beth soon allied with her father and the Bat Team to save her sister. With Ryan's help, she got Kate back to normal before being arrested and incarcerated again at Arkham.

After being temporarily broken out of Arkham to help stop Liam Crandle, a deranged fan of her who later became the second Mad Hatter, Beth cut a deal with Renee Montoya and offered to use her knowledge of criminals as a consultant, telling her about Ryan's identity as Batwoman as well and then later being reluctantly forced into the Bat Team by Renee as their consultant.

Upon discovering Renee's deception and realizing that Mary has been infected by one of Pamela Isley's vines, and that she has become the second Poison Ivy, Beth went on the run with her step-sister in order to protect her from Renee and the Bat Team; who see Mary as a major threat. Beth also helped Mary to to embrace her new identity as Poison Ivy. Later, after discovering that Mary had accidentally killed someone and that Renee had awakened Pamela, Beth returned to the Bat Team to help them to get back Mary to her former-self, and eventually went to the Weiße Kaninchen Sanatorium in hopes of finding herself.


Original multiverse

Early life

Young Beth and Kate in Bruce's office

Beth and Kate playing together in Bruce Wayne's office.

Beth Kane was born on January 26, 1990 in Gotham City to Jacob and Gabi Kane, along with her twin sister, Kate. Growing up, Beth and Kate shared an inseparable bond, doing everything together. The sisters frequently visited Wayne Enterprises to see their cousin, Bruce Wayne, and once snuck into his office under Kate's persuasion. There, Kate noticed a pearl necklace in a square pyramid-shaped glass container and tried to touch it. However, Beth stopped her and convinced Kate to immediately leave the office.

Beth and Kate often snuck into the abandoned Burnside Orphanage to play ouija, taking turns scaring each other.[2] On Fridays after school, the sisters would go to a waffle stand at Burnside Park to eat chocolate-covered waffles.[3] At one point, Beth was taught how to play Bach's "Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude" by Jacob, who would tell her it was their song.[4]

Gabi and her daughters

Beth and Kate with their mother, Gabi, after their Bat Mitzvah.

On January 26, 2003, Beth and Kate had a Bat Mitzvah to celebrate their 13th birthday. After the party, the sisters waited as each of the guests left. Jacob's car was filled to the brim with their birthday presents so he decided to leave on his own, with Gabi driving her daughters home. After Jacob left, Gabi personally gifted Beth and Kate necklaces adorned with garnets, their birthstones, to symbolically represent the women they would become. She wanted the twins to stay connected to her, showing how her earrings matched their pendants. Beth and Kate happily accepted the gifts before embracing their mother.[5]

Kate and Beth as kids

Beth and Kate moments before the accident.

While returning home with Gabi, Beth and Kate posed for a polaroid picture with their necklaces to remember the day. Suddenly, a school bus hijacked by the Joker slammed into the back of the family's car and veered them off a bridge. The sisters witnessed Batman arrive and stop them from falling with his grappling hooks. Beth urged Kate to escape out the rear window while she tried in vain to rouse an unconscious Gabi. After Batman left to follow the Joker, Kate yelled for Beth to get out of the car and grab her hand. Just as Beth reached the window however, the car broke off from the grappling hooks and she cried out for Kate while falling into the river.[2]

When the car hit the water, Beth witnessed her mother's head being severed and launched through the windshield, much to her terror. As the river swept them away from the bridge, she did her best to remain calm while the car filled with water.[3] Somehow, Beth managed to swim out of the vehicle, alive and hardly injured.

Falling down the rabbit hole

Meeting Johnny
Beth awakes in the Cartwright house

Beth awakens in the Cartwright house.

After escaping the sinking car and washing up on shore, Beth was found by Jonathan and August Cartwright. The pair brought her to their home in the outskirts of Gotham to recover. When Beth woke up, she was immediately terrified, only wanting to see her father again. August tried to calm her down and explained that he wanted Beth to become friends with his son. She screamed at him in protest, desiring to go home, but he only left to get her food. Beth then noticed the boy covering his face and learned its left side was severely burned. Johnny confessed he is afraid of scaring people, to which Beth assured that he didn't scare her.

August threatens Beth in the basement

August threatens Beth in the basement.

Later, while Beth and Johnny were watching television, a news report of her disappearance came on and she asked why August hadn't called the police. In response, he forcibly took Beth into the basement and locked her inside. She banged on the door to be let out, to no avail. In her cell, Beth noticed a nearby sink and saw a severed face floating in the water, causing her to scream and fall backwards in disgust. When August came to take the face out, Beth asked what he was doing with it but he only said it was for an experiment. August reiterated that Beth was here to become his son's friend, and this was her home now. After he left, Beth desperately called out to her father, wanting Jacob to come and save her.

Kate and Beth sense each other

Beth senses Kate but stays quiet as her sister searches for her.

Beth soon managed to pry a screw out of a loose board on the wall and used it to pick the lock on her cell door. She made her way to the kitchen and called her father. When Jacob picked up, Beth asked him for help but was cut off by August grabbing the phone and ripping it off the cord. He warned Beth that he would kill anyone who came for her and threw her back into her cell. Shortly after, Jacob and Kate showed up at the house and Beth heard her sister enter the basement, calling out for her and knocking on her cell. Remembering August's threat however, Beth forced herself to stay quiet. As Kate walked away, Beth silently cried to her sister that she loved her. August also convinced Jacob that Johnny had called them as a prank, causing him and Kate to leave.

Jonathan gives Beth a copy of the book Alice in Wonderland

Johnny gives Beth a copy of Alice in Wonderland.

Beth then remained alone in her cell, crying. Johnny eventually approached the door and Beth pleaded with him to let her out. However, Johnny warned her that his father wouldn't let him, also admitting he doesn't want Beth to leave since he wants her to be his friend. Johnny slid the book Alice in Wonderland underneath Beth's door in order to keep her company and the two of them began forming a friendship.[6] Beth and Johnny even created their own code to make sure August didn't find out about their secrets.[7]

Becoming Alice
Beth and Chessy

Beth receives a secret kitten for her 14th birthday.

One year after Beth's kidnapping, on her 14th birthday, she was visited by Johnny, who brought her waffles and secretly a kitten. Beth named the kitten Chessy, after "Cheshire Cat". Later, August entered the room and she quickly hid Chessy. Noting the occasion, August lit a candle on the waffles, telling Beth to make a wish. After she did so, Johnny asked her what she wished for and Beth revealed that she wanted to see her family again. August simply noted that saying the wish out loud meant it will never come true, before leaving the basement with Johnny. Left alone once more, Beth cried in her cell.

Beth watches as Chessy got killed

Beth watches Chessy be killed.

Later as August worked to make Johnny a realistic mask of skin grafts, becoming enraged and unpleased at the results as they were too unreal, Beth tried to escape the nightmarish vision by reading Alice in Wonderland. A few days later, she tailored a sweater for Chessy and showed it to Johnny. However, August suddenly entered the cell and discovered their secret pet. The kids begged him to simply free the kitten but he ruthlessly killed Chessy in front of them, much to their devastation.

Beth learns her father replaced her

Beth learns her father "replaced" her.

Noticing the handiwork of Chessy's sweater, August asked Beth about it but she refused to reply. He then destroyed her copy of Alice in Wonderland in a fit of rage, further upsetting Beth and causing her to yell that her father would kill him. August spitefully claimed that Beth's father had already forgotten about her, showing a newspaper about Jacob's remarriage to Catherine Hamilton. When he asked about the sweater again, a distressed Beth admitted that she made it herself. August then started to teach her how to create masks out of skin grafts, exploiting the dexterity of her fingers.

Beth becomes Alice

Beth "breaks" and becomes Alice.

Beth complied with his request, desperate at the shock that no one would come to rescue her, eventually making Johnny's first realistic skin mask. Later, Johnny came into her cell, thanking Beth for helping him "look normal" and bringing some fishing wire as binding to fix Alice in Wonderland. Traumatized at the thought of being forgotten and abandoned, Beth stared intensively at one of the book's illustrations with the quote "It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person, then". This ultimately "broke" her, as she took the phrase to heart; Beth radically changed the tone of her voice, declaring that from now on, she would call Johnny her little "Mouse" and he could call her "Alice", before inviting him to a "tea party".[7]

Abused by the Queen of Hearts
Alice meets Mabel

Alice meets Mabel.

Alice assimilated into the Cartwright family as their servant, with this new persona overwriting her true self. Sometime later, August's mother, Mabel, came to live with them and Alice was assigned to be her caretaker. However, while Alice treated Mabel with kindness, the elderly woman was hateful and cruel towards her out of jealousy for her beauty. Mabel treated Alice like a slave by savagely beating her when Mabel's tea was too sweet, pouring it on her hands when it was too hot, cutting out her hair, violently attacking her whenever Mabel didn't get what she wanted to eat, and making Alice address her as "your majesty". Alice endured this treatment for the next 10 years, pathologically unable to resist. August allowed this abuse, while Johnny was too afraid of his family to try to stop it.[5]


Alice kills Mabel

Alice kills Mabel.

One day in 2014 as Alice was serving her tea, Mabel put on a pair of earrings and asked for a compliment. Alice saw that the earrings matched her necklace and remembered they belonged to her mother. She asked Mabel where she got them, to which Mabel explained the earrings were a gift from August. Alice investigated the shed outside and it was in that moment she discovered the horrible truth which awakened her repressed memories; August hadn't only found Beth in the river, but also her mother's severed head and kept it in the freezer, hoping one day to successfully give Gabi's face to his mother. At this revelation, Alice regained her memories and finally snapped from the years of torment. She sadistically burned Mabel alive using her oxygen tank as a makeshift flamethrower as revenge for what Mabel planned to do with Gabi's remains. This awakened her desire to escape August even more so.[5]

After killing Mabel, Beth finally escaped from August under unknown circumstances that led to her and Jonathan believing August was killed in the process.[8] She remained deeply close to Jonathan.[9] For unknown reasons, Beth didn't immediately make her way back to Gotham to reunite with her family.

Meeting Safiyah

Alice is taken to Coryana

Alice is taken to Coryana.

Somehow, Alice learned that her step-mother Catherine faked the former's death only 14 months after her kidnapping, thus leaving her to suffer for 11 years under the Cartwright family.[10] Alice then snuck onto one of Catherine's yachts, where she tried on the woman's clothes and drank her champagne until being found by Tatiana and several members of the Many Arms of Death. Alice took down four men before being captured and taken to Coryana, where she was introduced to the island's ruler, Safiyah Sohail. Tatiana wanted to kill Alice but Safiyah, realizing her anger and inspired by her determination, decided to train Alice to be a soldier.[11][12] Under Safiyah's tutelage, Alice became her best student in the Many Arms of Death, with Safiyah secretly developing feelings for her.


Beth meets Ocean in Coryana.

During her time in Coryana, Beth met another soldier and Safiyah's brother-figure, Ocean.[13] The two initially despised each other until they became training partners, with Ocean teaching Beth many fighting techniques.[11] Ocean eventually convinced Beth to open up to him about her hatred for Catherine and desire for revenge. He tried to help her let go of that anger, insisting that even if Beth could never forgive Catherine, she should still move on with her life. As Ocean's words began reaching Beth, the two began a passionate relationship after talking about Kate at a campfire.

Alice and Ocean in Coryana

Alice and Ocean in Coryana.

Safiyah was eventually alerted of Beth and Ocean's romance, which also lead to her catching Ocean stealing a Desert Rose. Furious with him over stealing both Beth's affections and her prized plant, Safiyah had Enigma wipe the couple's memories of each other, including Beth's love and understanding about her situation. In the process, Beth's emerging conscience was suppressed, programming her to become completely consumed by her emotional scars as Alice. Beth was sent back to Gotham under the belief that she escaped.[12] During this period, she managed to acquire a Desert Rose, and came to greatly fear and despise Safiyah.[14]

In preparation for her revenge, Beth studied her father Jacob and sister Kate's lives quite rigorously, learning almost everything she could about them, specifically her twin. Seeing Kate's determination to join their father in Crows Security, expulsion from Point Rock Academy, and relationship with Sophie Moore, Beth felt nothing but hateful envy towards her sister. However, despite no longer having any compassion for Jacob due to his willingness to abandon her, Beth still very much cared for Kate and probably her cousin Bruce, most likely because he never gave up on finding her. She additionally desired to either "remove" Mary from the picture or have her suffer unspeakable pain out of irrational jealousy and hatred, ever since Beth was told by August that her father "replaced" her with Catherine's daughter.[2]

Terrorizing Gotham City as Alice

Reuniting with Kate
Alice and her gang hold Sophie hostage

Alice and the Wonderland gang hold Sophie Moore hostage.

By late 2018, still calling herself "Alice", Beth had formed the Wonderland gang and set up a base at Burnside Orphanage. She ambushed an event to turn off the Bat-Signal, kidnapping Sophie. Kate pursued the gang after deducing their whereabouts from surveillance footage, but was knocked out and strung up. Alice confronted Kate, taunting how she'd kidnapped Sophie since the latter was Jacob's preferred daughter, despite them not even being related. Alice promptly knocked Kate back out, sending her to a makeshift clinic run by Mary to get rid of her. Planning to ambush the city's Movie in the Park event, Alice made use of the gang's mole inside Crows Security, Agent Dodgson.

Alice strangles Batwoman

Alice strangles Batwoman.

The Wonderland Gang took Sophie to a building manned by Dodgson, forcing her to stand on a plank overlooking the park to use her as a hostage against Jacob. The group was suddenly attacked by an unknown Bat vigilante. Beth tried to make Sophie fall but was attacked, and during the scuffle she nearly strangled the vigilante with a rope. However, the Bat vigilante managed to break free in time to save a falling Sophie, after which Beth fled the scene. Later, Beth admired a photo of her and Kate together from their birthday as she sought to rule over Gotham alongside her sister.[2]

Beth promises to make Jacob suffer

Alice promises to make Jacob suffer.

Beth sat at the table in her former childhood home, which now belonged to an elderly man and woman, and hosted a tea party, giving the members of the Wonderland Gang a pep talk. Once they disbanded, Dodgson entered and explained that he couldn't find Beth's butterfly knife that she had left during her fight with Batwoman. When told her mission was getting personal, Beth became angry and exclaimed to Dodgson that it was personal as her father had given up on finding her and she wanted to make him suffer. She then angrily bashed on the table and screamed for her knife. She also eventually murdered the old couple by slitting their throats and left their bodies in the house for The Crows to find.

Kate protects Beth

Kate protects Beth.

One of the members of the Wonderland Gang later returned with a message from Kate Kane, "waffles", which Beth knew immediately meant that she wanted to meet up with her. The two then met up in an old park and Beth teased Kate, not directly telling her if she was in fact Beth. However, Kate directly asked what had happened during the crash and Beth explained the events as they had happened and after their conversation, Beth offered up a blood sample in order prove to their father it was actually her before several Crows turned up and pointed their guns at her, including Jacob. Kate stood in front of Beth to protect her and ordered them all to stand down, eventually convincing Jacob that he shouldn't kill Alice in case it was Beth. He finally complied and ordered Beth to be taken to Arkham Asylum.

Kate saves Beth

Kate saves Beth.

After she was loaded into the back off the Crows transfer truck, Beth informed Kate that she had sent Dodgson to kill her step-sister, Mary, as she didn't like to share her sister with someone else, prompting Kate to quickly leave. On the way to Arkham, the transfer truck was bombed by Hamilton Dynamics in an attempt on Beth's life by Catherine Hamilton-Kane. After the truck had fallen off the bridge and was completely underwater, Batwoman entered through a hole in the side and placed a rebreather onto Beth's face, allowing her to breathe and waking her up. She realised Batwoman's identity as Kate and caressed her face until the Crows began shooting in the water, sending off another explosion and launching the two in opposite directions. Later, in her lair, Beth wrote Kate a small note reading, "You have our father's eyes", and also included a dead bat in the box, letting Kate know that Beth knew her secret.[3]

Alice mocks Kate

Alice mocks Kate.

One night, while Beth was sleeping, she dreamt of when she was younger and trapped in the Cartwright house. As she discovered a floating face in a sink, she woke up, terrified. Later, she turned on the Bat-Signal in order to call upon Kate, which it did. Beth mocked her and made fun of the situation she had gotten herself into, making Gotham believe Batman was back. She then demanded to know where Kate had taken Dodgson who then explained that he would only be returned if Beth would stop killing people. She reluctantly accepted Kate's challenge but only for Dodgson's sake. She then grabbed a baseball bat and smashed the Bat-Signal.

Alice in Kane penthouse

Alice in Kane penthouse.

While the Kane family were out at Tommy Elliot's party, Beth infiltrated their penthouse by wearing a stolen Crows uniform. She drank at martini and licked a cupcake before noticing a photo of Jacob, Catherine, and Mary, crushing it under her foot. When a Crows member suddenly appeared, Beth swiftly threw one of her knives into his chest, killing him and only realizing that she broke her oath to Kate when it was too late. She then called Jacob at the party and began playing the cello piece that he taught her, constantly teasing him about losing Beth. She insulted him for not even being capable of protecting his own home, making him realize where she was before she abruptly hung up the phone. She then discovered a box of her childhood keepsakes, smiling at the memories and appreciating the map that Kate made in order to look for Beth.

Alice rescues Kate

Beth rescues Kate.

Later, after the party was cut short by Tommy activating bombs within the building and fighting Batwoman on the roof, he had her holding on for dear life from a drop in the elevator. However, before he could kill her, Beth hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat and allowed Kate to climb back onto the roof. Kate seemed proud that Beth could be capable of saving her but her hopes were crushed when she learned of her murdering a Crows member. She exclaimed that the innocent Beth was gone and that she hoped Kate would stop thinking of her as her sister. She then forcibly removed Kate's hand from her shoulder and walked off.[4]

Catherine is blackmailed by Alice

Alice blackmails Catherine.

When Catherine Hamilton-Kane was digging up the graves of Beth and Gabi in order to cover up her involvement in the doctoring of the bone fragments, she was confronted by Beth who threatened to expose Catherine's wrongdoings if she didn't hand over a "top secret weapon" developed by Hamilton Dynamics. If she refused, Beth explained that she would tell Jacob all about what Catherine did and smugly walked off with her rabbits by her side. Later, Catherine took another attempt at Beth's life by sending her men to her lair, however, the Wonderland Gang members quickly defeated the three men who were promptly taken hostage by Beth.

Alice watches as Catherine's men are tortured by hers

Alice watches as Catherine's men are tortured by hers.

She lined them up in three chairs and teased them with a pair of hedge clippers before picking Catherine's right-hand man, Shane McKillen. She placed the clippers around the man's pinky finger and cut if off. Later, after Shane returned to Catherine, Beth called her and informed her that it was too late to go through with their deal and promptly hung up.[10]

Alice patches Dodgson up

Alice patches Dodgson up.

In the middle of the night, Beth snuck into a local morgue and proceeded to cut the skin off of several corpses. Once she had three perfect rectangles of skin, she placed them in a suitcase and left. The next day, Beth is reunited with Dodgson who was recently released by Kate, albeit severely injured. She helped patch him up and made sure that he told Kate nothing that could ruin their plan, or it was off with his head. He assured that he didn't just as the lights in the room were shut off and many of the Wonderland Gang members were knocked out by a bo-staff-wielding Batwoman. Beth screamed that she wasn't afraid of the dark only for Kate to knock her out as well. Beth was then taken by Kate to the Batcave.

Kane sisters on the road

Kane sisters on the road.

Later, Beth woke up chained to the ceiling within a cell and joked to Kate about the setup. Kate demanded Beth tell her how all of this had happened to her, how she became Alice. At first, Beth refused until Kate called their father but abruptly hung up, knowing he would trace, Beth quickly explained that she would tell her story if she was set and free and the two started on their road trip. Beth told her sister all about her kidnapper's house, his son and how he could mimic voices. However, before she got any further, she abruptly changed the subject and directed Kate down the road of a nearby diner, Dusty's.

Posing as a waiter, Jonathan helps Beth drug Kate

Beth and Kate talk in the diner.

At the diner, Beth remained handcuffed with a pair of sunglasses on, eating a small basket of fries and continued her story. She explained how she began to warm up to her kidnapper's son and experienced a slight friendship with him until she saw a report of her disappearance on TV and was locked in the basement where she first discovered a floating face in the nearby sink. After hearing more of Beth's story, Kate began to feel dizzy and eventually passed out, realising that Beth had somehow had her beer drugged. Unbeknownst to Kate, Beth arranged for her old friend, Jonathan Cartwright, to pose as a waiter and drug Kate's drink. The two took her to the old, abandoned Cartwright house where Beth had been held captive.

Alice watches Jacob in agony after having stabbed him

Alice watches Jacob in agony after stabbing him.

Later, Kate woke up chained to a wall in the same basement Beth was held in during her time in captivity. Beth then explained how years ago, Kate almost found her but instead of sensing her like twins should, Kate walked away and left Beth to rot. She then did the same to Kate, leaving her chained up and locking the door behind her. After both Jacob and Sophie arrived to rescue Kate, Beth confronted her father who exclaimed that he now believed her and asked her to step outside for them to talk. However, once he asked where Kate was, Beth became angry and ended up stabbing him in the stomach.

Mouse and Alice reunited

Mouse and Alice reunited.

She was about to kill him before Kate entered, holding Jonathan hostage and ordered she let their father go. Beth refused, believing Kate didn't have it in her, however, Sophie entered and exclaimed that she did. Beth knew it was true and let Jacob go, taking Jonathan with her as she fled. Later, the two sat in one of Beth's hideouts and discussed the outline of her plan to destroy the Kane family.[6]

Revenge on Catherine Hamilton
Alice holds Dean Deveraux captive

Alice holds Dean Deveraux captive.

In order to initiate her plan for revenge on Catherine, Beth needed Mouse to infiltrate Hamilton Dynamics and steal a powerful weapon. She kidnapped Hamilton employee, Dean Deveraux and used stolen skin to make Mouse look exactly like him. However, when the two got into a heated argument about Kate changing Beth, she became angry and ordered him to just go along with her plan. While waiting for Mouse's return, Beth played checkers with Deveraux until she received a call from who she thought was Kate who asked about her plans. It turned out to be in fact Mouse calling, causing Beth to become angry with him, however, he quickly spoke over her and accused her of keeping secrets from him and helping Kate, even killing Deveraux in his fit of rage, much to Beth's horror.

Mouse and Alice watches over Wayne Tower

Alice and Mouse look up at Wayne Tower.

Later, Beth found Mouse sitting alone in the street and looking up at Wayne Tower. She explained to him that she never wanted to replace him to Kate. When asked why she was helping Kate, Beth explained that she had saved her a seat at the tea-party and that she needed to be alive. She assured him that they would be the ones sharing Kate instead of the other way around and if she didn't want to take part, they were lucky to have the stolen weapon from Hamilton Dynamics. Beth offered him a peace offering in the form of a stuffed Mr. Pandy doll Mouse had given her years before as the two stared up at Wayne Tower.[15]

Alice shows to Rifle that the Hamilton Dynamics weapon works

Alice shows Rifle that the Hamilton Dynamics weapon works.

After stealing the weapon (capable of penetrating the bat-suit, Beth ordered the Rifle to murder one of the scientists responsible for its creation, Derek Holcomb. Holcomb was then ambushed in an alleyway and stabbed to death as Beth emerged from the shadows alongside Mouse, applauding. However, she still wasn't impressed and asked for what his boss promised to her. He explained that his boss wouldn't hand over anything until they knew the gun worked, causing Beth to swiftly shoot it into a wall and walk away. Later, after the Rifle retrieved what Beth wanted, he delivered it to her and she finally handed over the gun, requesting he give Batwoman her best.

Alice remove the power cell from the Hamilton Dynamics gun

Alice removes the power cell from the Hamilton Dynamics gun.

After the Rifle attempted to use the gun on Batwoman and it didn't work, he angrily returned to Beth's lair who only told him that it was a shame the only three people who could fix it were dead. He warned her that Safiyah was going to be pissed, causing Beth to slap him and warn him not to mention her name. After he left, Beth looked at the power cell she had taken from the gun and told herself there was nothing she wouldn't do to protect Kate. Later, Mouse, wearing a mask to look like Jacob Kane, walked up to Alice who held up a small vial of poison and explained that they were about to host the most memorable tea-party Gotham had ever seen.[16]

Kate confronts Beth in her lair

Kate confronts Beth in her lair.

Few days later, Alice was trying on clothes, whining about how she has nothing to wear, when Kate comes in and accuses her of hiring the Rifle to kill her, to which she stated that she made sure he didn't kill her, giving her the piece of tech that allowed the weapon to penetrate the Batwoman suit. Kate advised Alice to turn herself in, however the latter told her to leave as several of her henchmen arrived to back her up.

Beth holds her father prisoner

Alice holds Jacob prisoner.

Later, Alice woke up the imprisoned Jacob Kane; the man said that he was sorry that he left her behind, however, Beth asked why he never tested the skull fragments Catherine found, and Jacob explained that he didn't think Catherine was lying and that believing her was easy than going to bed with a broken heart; finally admitting that he failed her. Alice thanked him for saying it and for making her what she was today. Jacob asked what she was planning, and Alice explained it was the day of her mad tea party, to which he has been invited despite being stuck there. That night, Kate visited Alice after having discovered Mouse replaced Jacob, asking her where their father was, Alice said that she left him in the same place he left her and that he wasn't doing well; however after reaching the old Cartwright house Kate discovered that Alice lied about Jacob being there.

Alice at the Orpheum Theatre

Alice at the Orpheum Theatre.

Then the villainess went to the Gotham's annual Humanitarian Ball at the Orpheum Theatre in time for Catherine speech; after the woman noticed her between the audience, on Catherine's teleprompter appeared a message from Alice informing her that the Wonderland gang had infiltrated the Crows and was now surrounding the building, thus, forcing Catherine, in order to avoid anyone to get harmed, to admit all of her crimes in front of the audience declaring to be the real villainess of Gotham together with her husband. Then the woman started to feel dizzy and collapsed to the ground, prompting the ceremony to end.

Alice pours the antidote for Hamilton Dynamics' toxin into a cup of tea

Alice pours the antidote for Hamilton Dynamics' toxin into a cup of tea.

Then, after Catherine was transported to the back of the stage and Mary called the hospital while "Jacob" left stating that he was going to look for help, Alice entered the room revealing that the woman was poisoned with a Hamilton Dynamics toxin by Mouse under the pretense he was Jacob and that she got the antidote with her. After pouring the antidote into a teacup, Alice forced Catherine to apologize to her for the years of suffering she endured because of her deception then, after having received said apology, she revealed Mary was poisoned too and that there was only enough antidote for one of them. After Alice left, Catherine sacrificed herself to save her daughter.

Alice and Mouse flee the Orpheum Theatre

Alice and Mouse flee the Orpheum Theatre.

After her revenge was finally complete, Alice prepared to flee the building bus but was confronted by Batwoman, who asked her once again where their father was, Alice responded that she would find it out soon, stating that she spent eleven years locked in a cell dreaming of revenge and insisting that Catherine brought it on herself. Enraged, Batwoman grabbed Alice by the throat starting to suffocating her, however Mouse intervened, breaking up the fight before fleeing with Alice.[9]

Anti-Monitor Crisis

During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Beth as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[17] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.[18]

New multiverse

Death of Cora Lewis

Alice and her gang leave Ryan and Cora's apartment

Alice and her gang leave Ryan and Cora's apartment.

"Help me!"
"Good luck with that."
"I remember your mom. Cora. I remember her. Short hair, purple sweater. I lied about forgetting her. Now help me... please."
"Like you said, can't save everyone.
—Alice and Ryan Wilder.[src]

On December 13, 2015,[12] the Wonderland gang stayed as squatters in an apartment when the landlord brought its intended tenants, Cora Lewis and Ryan Wilder. The gang killed Cora and the landlord. As the gang assaulted Ryan with the intent to kill her next, Alice entered the apartment and ordered her minions to exit immediately, leaving Ryan with a vendetta against them.[19]

Changing Kate's mind

Reaching out
Mouse and Alice over Catherine's grave

Mouse and Alice desecrating Catherine's grave.

Alice along with Mouse celebrate the death of Catherine over her grave by having a Tea Party in the rain as the graveyard was empty of other people. Alice expressed her desires for Kate to finally join her newfound family seeing as she got their father and stepmother out of the way, but Mouse knows Kate won't see it that way and tells Alice so, but she continues to believe her delusion of grandeur. A few days later, Alice abducted Parker Torres, planning to use her hacking skills to out Kate as Batwoman so they could finally be sisters. Parker, however, refused to out Kate and instead tipped off law enforcement about Alice's location and to the C-4 bomb, the latter hid at Parker's school dance while only messaging both Kate and Alice's phones to give a false impression that Batwoman was exposed.

Kate says the world would have been better if Beth had stayed dead

Kate tells Beth that the world would have been a better place if she had stayed dead.

Kate then quickly set Parker free, allowing her to escape while she dealt with Alice and tells her that "The world would stayed an better place if Beth had stayed dead" visibly hurting Alice despite her earlier statements that Beth died an long time ago in the rabbit hole. Mouse detonate the C-4 by distance like he was ordered to do by Alice as a contingency in case her plan was thwarted, despite Batwoman, the Crows and GCPD managing to save everyone inside the building.

Alice in Sophie Moore's custody

Alice in Crow's custody.

Later, the villainess was arrested and placed into an interrogation room at Crows Security headquarters, where she was visited by Sophie Moore, determined to extort her a confession to free Jacob.[20] Alice explained her tragic past to Sophie, who appeared to feel sympathy for her. However, Alice expressed no interest in changing her ways or giving up any information and even attempted to mess with Sophie's mind, bringing up the pain of her hidden sexuality. Sophie eventually grew tired of her and ordered for her to be taken to to Arkham, unaware that she had managed to obtain the fishing wire from her old copy of Alice in Wonderland and escaped her restraints. When Sophie attempted to stop her, Alice threatened her with a gun and then escaped after mocking her fear of coming out. Later, Alice began to feel an immensely painful headache which was, unbeknownst to her, due to her Earth-TUD14 doppelgänger's existence on Earth-Prime.[7]

Cheating death
Alice comparing herself with her doppelgänger

Alice compares herself with her doppelgänger.

The symptoms suffered by the doppelgängers were ascribed to the impossibility to host two Beth Kanes on the same Earth and the two were given about 7 hours to live due to cellular disruption. When Alice discovered the doppelgänger's existence and figured out what was going on, she tried to kill her at Wayne Tower, but she was stopped by Kate. Later, she tried to use Mary's blood, containing the universal cure-all Desert Rose, to survive. Kate had to choose between Beth or Alice to save, she chose her sister's doppelgänger, giving her the serum. Eventually, at the very last second, Beth was nonetheless shot to death by August Cartwright who mistook her for Alice ironically saving the life of his former captive whom he wanted to kill. Alice self-resurrected and she knocked out a stunned Kate and fled Mary's clinic very hurt and angry by Kate's betrayal and also a little bit confused about why she was still alive.[8]

Alice realises August Cartwright is alive

Alice realizes August Cartwright is alive.

Alice listens as her lackeys tell her that they cannot find Mouse. Alice then shows up at the opening of Kate's new club and wants to know where Mouse is; Kate says she doesn't know where he is. When Alice returns to her hideout, she is attacked by Nocturna and tied up. Nocturna tells Alice she has to kill her since she has seen her face, but Alice points her in Mary's direction instead. Later, Kate finds Alice tied up and wonders why Nocturna let her live. Alice evades the questions, and Kate finds out Mary has been captured by Nocturna. She quickly realizes Alice sent Nocturna after Mary and leaves to go rescue her. Alice shows up and helps Kate save Mary. Kate confronts Alice in her lair and calls her a parasite, feeding on her guilt. She wonders why Alice helped her save Mary. Alice told Kate that she did it to prove how stupid she is. Kate tells Alice she has given up on her, and as she leaves, Alice says that maybe she doesn't want Kate to give up on her. One of Alice's henchmen hands her a file on a Dr. Ethan Campbell. After going through the file, Alice realizes that Dr. Campbell is actually August Cartwright.[21]

Revenge on the Caterpillar
Alice confronts the Caterpillar

Alice confronts the Caterpillar.

Alice finds that she can't think of ways to torture Cartwright, so she calls in Dr. Malone for help. He tells her that she is still scared of Cartwright and needs a third person to act as an emotional shield. Alice says he has been helpful, but still orders her men to kill him to make sure no one knows she is still alive. Alice is then handed a file on Duela Dent, and reads about her. Realizing Duela is the "buffer" she needs, Alice approaches her to make a deal. She knows that she had surgery performed by Dr. Campbell and wants to get revenge for both of them. Alice takes Duela's face and wears it as a mask. She corners August in his office, who believes he had previously killed her when he has shot and killed Beth. Alice then ties up Cartwright and leaves him for Batwoman to find while she goes to find Mouse after forcing Cartwright to reveal to her his location.[22]

Alice experiences her worst fear

Alice experiences her worst fear; being abandoned by her family again.

Alice goes to Mabel's old house where she finds Mouse strapped to a chair being forced to ingest Jonathan Crane's fear toxin. Alice tells mouse the caterpillar told her where to find him. Mouse has a hard time believing it is Alice since Cartwright had told him Alice was dead. Alice slaps him and recited their password, so Mouse believes her. Alice wonders why his own father would strap him to a chair and force him to ingest fear toxin. Mouse explains he wanted him to relive his greatest fear, which it turns out is Alice. Mouse knocks Alice out, and straps her to the chair.

Beth calls Jacob daddy for the first time in years

Beth "comes out" for a short moment and calls her father "daddy" for the first time in many years.

As Alice comes to, he turns on the fear toxin and puts the mask on her, forcing her to also ingest it. Alice screams as Mouse leaves her there. The toxin forces Alice to see a hallucination of Mabel Cartwright with a burned face, who forced Alice to submit to her authority like she used to. Alice then relives her past causing her to scream and cry. By the time Alice breaks free, she is completely broken. Sobbing uncontrollably, Alice tries the door, but it is locked. Alice cries that she can't do this again, and breaks the window. She holds a shard of glass and prepares to slit her throat when Jacob arrives. He begs Alice not to kill herself, and Alice screams at him to get away, believing he is not real.

Alice congratulates Jacob

Alice "congratulates" her father that now both his daughters are now killers.

Jacob grabs Alice and injects adrenaline into her which nullifies the fear toxin. He grabs his daughter and holds her tight as she continues to sob hysterically and call him daddy. Jacob wraps a blanket around Alice after she clams down. Alice asks why he came, and Jacob says he still cares and wants her to hang onto whatever sanity she has left. Alice talks about Mabel having her mother's earrings being her breaking point. Jacob wonders how Cartwright got the earrings, and Alice days that somethings are better left unsaid. Alice is handcuffed and she and Jacob return to Kate's club where they discover Kate killed Cartwright. Alice taunts Jacob over the fact that both his daughters are now killers. She joins Kate in the alleyway where they share a drink straight from the bottle.[5]

Betrayed and locked up

Tricked by Kate
Alice and Kate unite

Alice and Kate agree to work together.

Alice is freed from her handcuffs, so she can help Jacob and Kate bury Cartwright's body. Alice taunts Kate over killing Cartwright and laments the irony of how he tore them apart and has now brought them back together. Alice finishes burying the body, and then reveals that she stole Jacob's gun. She warns them not to make a move against her as their fingerprints are all over the crime scene. When Alice returns to her lair, she finds all of her gang members have been slaughtered. Alice approaches Kate and asks for her help in finding Mouse. Kate reduces, which causes a a brawl to break out between them where Kate almost strangles Alice to death before stopping herself. Alice promises to take Mouse and leave Gotham for good, so Kaye agrees. They go to the home of a nurse that had previously treated Mouse in Arkham. Mouse shows up and she calls the Crows, who capture him and lock him up in Arkham.

Alice Vowing Revenge

Alice vows revenge while locked in Arkham.

Alice convinces Kate to help her break into Arkham to save Mouse after Kate makes her promise not to kill. Alice eventually finds Mouse, strapped to a chair and receiving electroshock therapy. As Alice goes to free him, Kate closed the cell door, locking Alice in. Alice wants to know what Kate is doing, and Jacob appears revealing it was a plan between the two of them to trap Alice. They had already relocated Cartwright's body, so Alice has nothing on them. Alice raged at Kate for lying to her, but Kate said she kept her promise to help her find Mouse. Alice cries and begs to be let out, but Jacob and Kate walk away. Alice is later placed into a cell of her own where it is implied her psyche has fractured even more. She laments her imprisonment, saying she doesn't want to be a prisoner; she wants to be a queen.[23]

Becoming the queen
Alice Suffering in Arkham

Alice tortured by Dr. Butler.

During her first week, at Arkham, Dr. Butler repeatedly tortured Alice through electroshock therapy. The day after the last ECT, while Mouse got accustomed to the quiet and safety it offered, Alice was heavily annoyed during a psychoanalytic session with Dr. Butler and few other patients, Mouse tried to convince Alice in opening up as well and describing the asylum as a "sanctuary" just a few moment before the session was dismissed due to Tommy Elliot intervention. As he was opening up, she took notice of his hidden shiv and began concocting a plan to take over the asylum.

Alice Stabbed

Alice gets stabbed by Elliot.

The following day, Alice got herself stabbed by Elliot, so she would take his shiv. After exiting the infirmary, she met with Mouse, who asked her how she felt, to which she replied that Elliot has done exactly what she wanted, thus removing the wire the nurse placed on her wound and giving it to him. Few hours later, while Mouse was being prepared by Dr. Butler for an electroshock therapy session, he stabbed the doctor in the chest, killed him and took his place by sewing a skin grafts mask with Alice's wire. The following morning he approached Alice as Butler and asked her if she was ready to exit the institute from the front door, however she replied that she changed her mind and believed he was right because by staying there they could be the "King and Queen of Arkham" at least till it was time for her return to Gotham.[24]

Alice learns her cousin Bruce is Batman

Alice learns her cousin Bruce is Batman.

A week later, Alice ordered Mouse to deny Tommy Elliot's insanity plea, when the Crows asked if he was able to undergo a trial for Lucius Fox's murder. She met with Elliot in his cell, after his visit with her sister Kate. Alice informed him of his soon to be arrest, and that Crows would arrive the following day to take him to trial, where he would most likely be executed. Alice then offered the man to help him escape Arkham and giving him a new face in exchange of Lucius Fox's journal, with Mouse unmasking in front of him for good measure. Tommy then relented and explained that the journal allegedly had a way to activate a fail-safe in the Batsuit that would kill the wearer, revealing to them that her cousin Bruce Wayne is Batman. Alice and Mouse staged Elliot's "suicide", after removing his face, and began plotting on getting the journal back from Johnny Sabatino, Elliot's money launderer. However, expecting Johnny to betray Elliot, she sent Magpie to retrieve the journal in exchange for her freedom.

Alice learns Lucius's Journal in encoded

Alice learns Lucius's journal is encoded.

She was soon visited by her father, who was suspicious of Elliot's suicide, Jacob interrogated his daughter asking her if she knew what was happening. Alice however reminded him that he was the reason she was locked up in Arkham and she couldn't care less about helping him, causing Jacob to state that she was the one who told him that "Beth was never coming back" and he was simply acting accordingly in order to protect the only daughters he had left. In response, Alice vowed to make him suffer far worse than how she's suffering behind Arkham's walls and left the meeting room. The following day, after retrieving the journal, Alice kept her word and removed Magpie's tracker. After she left, Mouse revealed to her something that Elliot neglected to mention about the journal; Lucius Fox wrote the entire journal in code.[25]

Escape from Arkham
Alice and Mouse arguing

Alice and Mouse argue about bringing Luke Fox into Arkham.

Impatient and wanting to decrypt the journal as soon as possible, Alice wanted Elliot to kidnap Luke Fox, as she believed Lucius's son can decrypt the code. To prevent her from kidnapping Luke Fox and thus attracting Batwoman's attention on them, risking their hideout, Elliot and Mouse had a professor and an N.S.A. agent abducted to get the book decoded, but out of spite and impatience, Alice mercilessly killed them both after neither of them managed to translate the journal in ninety minutes.

Alice gets Lucius's Glasses

Alice exchanges Luke and Julia Pennyworth for Lucius's glasses.

Since Elliot's various kidnappings led Crows Security to place all of Gotham's cryptography experts under surveillance, Alice then suggested to kidnap her old hostage, Parker Torres for the third and final attempt before her idea would be implemented; however, after Elliot failed his kidnapping mission due to Batwoman's intervention, Alice finally got her things way as Mouse called Luke on the phone mimicking Kate's voice in order to get his location allowing Elliot to get him and Julia Pennyworth, whom they decided to use as the leverage for Luke to do the job. Though he managed to translate his father's work, both Julia and Luke decided that they would not yield the code until Batwoman arrived and traded their lives with a pair of eyeglasses that could make the journal readable.

Alice learns how to kill Batwoman

Alice learns the key to penetrating the batsuit is through Kryptonite.

After accepting the exchange, much to Mouse's dismay, Alice declared that she wanted Kate dead more than she wanted peace in paradise so she opened all of Arkham's cells, releasing all of the inmates. This chaos, along with fire and the Crows' arrival, caused Tommy, Mouse, and Alice to flee; Alice threw Mouse's disguise as Butler to the flames.[26] Escaping the asylum, Alice stepped over the trampled body of Circe Sionis, an inmate she jokingly called the "Can't CEO Killer".[27]

While they sat in a sewer, Mouse was unhappy and very resentful toward Alice for her choice. Yet Alice didn't care, she only cared about killing her sister, so after reading Lucius Fox's journal, she learned the key to penetrating the batsuit is through a little green rock called Kryptonite.[26]

Revenge on Kate
Mouse dies

Mouse dies in Alice's arms.

During her search, she goes to Gotham University and asked where to find Kryptonite, but the geologist had no idea, after getting whatever information she could get, she bludgoned him with a piece of his rock collection.

Mouse grew impatient and decided to go to a place where they always dreamed of going. Alice burned her copy of Alice in Wonderland when Mouse started to bleed. Alice poisoned him, said that she was sorry, and continued her search for Kryptonite. Beth gave Hush a face that resembled her cousin, Bruce, in order to retrieve the piece of Kryptonite, that could penetrate the batsuit and kill Kate, hidden in Wayne Tower.[28]

Foiled revenge

Kate Kane's disappearance
Alice and Tommy are interrupted

Alice and Tommy are interrupted.

Despite Mouse's death, Alice kept his corpse from her as a way to keep him close to her.

Alice tells Jacob that Kate is the Batwoman

Alice tells Jacob that Kate is Batwoman.

After the plane crash that left Kate missing, Alice went to the location. Alice later entered the Wayne Manor, drunk and dressed in black; she rebuked Tommy (disguised as Bruce) for having a good time while she mourned the death of her sister, but Tommy felt that he could celebrate her since he had sought the Kryptonite that he was sent by her to get her. When one of the two women approached "Bruce" to ask about the shower, Alice threw her knife at the woman's head, killing her.

Alice reads Safiyah's letter

Alice reads Safiyah's letter.

Later, while Alice was playing the piano, Jacob, who was told by "Bruce" that she was hiding there, entered to arrest his daughter. To spite Jacob, Alice told him that Kate is Batwoman and to test the statement by activating the Bat-Signal to see if Batwoman arrives, then she disarms him and leaves the manor.

When Alice was returning to her hiding place, she received a note from Safiyah who confirmed she might've had something to do with Kate's disappearance, leading Alice to tell Mouse's corpse that she is now at war with Safiyah.[19]

Meeting the new Batwoman

To get Safiyah's attention, Alice taped a rat to Mouse's corpse to attract some bats so they could feed on his blood, thus devouring the poison that killed him.

Alice threatens Julia

Alice threatens Julia.

Then, Alice broke into Julia Pennyworth's car and suggested that they join forces as they had an enemy in common, Safiyah. Julia refused and said that Alice was desperate and alone, Alice then stabbed her and got out of the car.

Ryan hears the bats arrive

Alice summons a swarm of bats.

During Gotham's protest, Alice watched Ryan Wilder posing as Batwoman and said she was a fraud. Alice shot Ryan several times but to no avail since the Batsuit is bulletproof. Realizing that the costume is real, Alice challenged her to fight. She lost and Ryan was about to kill her, so Alice activated the device that controlled the bats and released them on Gotham. Alice managed to escape while Ryan tried to save the citizens of Gotham.

Alice tells Mary that the new girl can be a problem

Alice tells Mary that the new girl can be a problem.

Alice then Mary some of the blood Nocturna took from her when it was still imbued with the Desert Rose cure. Mary was able to get the blood to Hamilton Dynamics where they produced an antidote to those infected by the bats. When Alice is leaving the clinic, she tells Mary that the "new girl" can be a problem.[29]

Back in Coryana
Alice talks to Tatiana

Alice talks to Tatiana.

Later, Alice was approached by Sophie, who was struck by Safiyah's right-hand, Tatiana. She says that Safiyah was not pleased with Alice's latest scheme and wanted to see her, so Tatiana knocked Alice unconscious and taking her to Coryana with Sophie.[29]

The next morning, Alice woke up on Sophie's side of the island. They briefly talked about Safiyah and then Tatiana arrived and took Alice to meet the feared queen of Coryana. Alice and Safiyah talked about the past, but Alice was more interested in avenging the death of Kate because she believed that Safiyah had killed her twin sister.

After a brief scuffle, Safiyah told Alice that she had not killed Kate and showed Kate's unique necklace to Alice as proof that she knew the whereabouts of Alice's twin sister. Before being drugged and dismissed from Coryana with Sophie, Alice promised Safiyah that she would do a job for her in order to be reunited with Kate. Safiyah told Alice that Kate would be returned to the island after Alice left. Alice and Sophie then woke up in Gotham and Alice managed to escape.[14]

Job from Safiyah
Alice and Luke in Sophie's apartment

Alice and Luke in Sophie's apartment.

Alice broke into Sophie Moore's apartment and told her that they need to find Ocean for Safiyah Sohail to return Kate Kane. When Luke Fox also arrives at Sophie's apartment, Alice threatens him with a gun and forces him to help. Luke helps by calling Julia Pennyworth, who restricts Ocean's residence to four locations. Sophie soon manages to disarm Alice, leaving her alone in the apartment. When Sophie goes to the most likely location, she fights a thief until Alice arrives and scares the thief. Alice further explains that she needs to kill Ocean to gain her sister's freedom before kicking Sophie until she is knocked unconscious. She has a weird pain when she sees a picture of Ocean.[13]

Later, Alice has learned the location of Ocean and goes to kill him; however, she decides that she wants to research him first. She enters a bar where she is approached by a man who hits on her, but she scares him and makes him leave. Ocean sees and congratulates her for making him leave. Not revealing her identity or intent, Alice drinks and flirts with he until she asks of his origins, prompting him to leave.

When Alice tries to sneak into his hotel room, Ocean strikes her, leaving her unconscious and tied to her room chair. When she wakes up, the two discuss his connection to Safiyah Sohail when the Many Arms of Death arrive. The two fight the assassins and flee. They both have weird pains and memories as they talk and grow closer. As they flee from the hotel in a car, Ocean reveals that he has the real Napier painting.[11]

They went to an abandoned train base, where they talked about Coryana and her lost memories. Alice touched him and remembered some time together on the island. She then called Tatiana and Safiyah answered. Alice questioned her about her lost memories and Safiyah said that this was better, and that if she wanted to see Kate she would have to kill Ocean. When the call ended, Alice took her knife and tried to kill him. In the middle of the fight, Alice touched him and again remembered parts of their past. Then Sophie arrived demanding that Ocean show him the real painting of Jack Napier, which contained Coryana's map, and even though Alice was against it, he did. Then they got a body and disguised it to look like Ocean, so she called Safiyah and said he was dead. Ocean got off part of the train and said that Alice was crazier than he thought, and she thanked him.[30]

When Tatiana went to get Ocean's body, Alice hit her and tied her up, until they talked and made a deal. The two discussed the past of Ocean's and Alice's romantic relationship and how the two lost their memories and love for one another. Later, Alice told Ocean that it was Enigma that erased their memories. He said he would go to Portofino and asked where she would go, with her replying that she is going back to Coryana. After he left, the new Batwoman appeared and revealed her identity, saying that she wanted revenge for Alice killing her mother. They had a brief fight, but the Batwoman was too weak and let Alice go, but put a tracker on her without her knowing it. Afterwards, Alice released Tatiana and she took her to Coryana with Ocean's fake body.[12]

Alice write in her diary what she think will happen today. Alice thinks she will find Kate in Coryana and kills her. At Coryana, Alice is afraid that Safiyah will realize that Ocean's face is fake but until then she doesn't notice. Safiyah reveals to Alice that she was being followed. When Safiyah's men capture the intruder and take her to them, Batwoman reveals that is not Ocean, so Safiyah takes his face off and finds out the truth. Then, she takes her to the cell to stay in the cell with Batwoman. Safiyah so managed to find the real Ocean and took him to Coryana, where she asked Alice to choose him or Kate. Alice then chose her sister and stabbed Ocean with Safiyah's knife. Safiyah took Alice to the cell where Kate was supposed to be and revealed that she never had Kate and arrested Alice, but she defeated Safiyah's men and managed to break free, burning the desert roses in retaliation.[31]

New purpose

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Alice spent weeks on a boat back from Coryana and arrived in Gotham, where she went to her captor's house and began to hallucinate with Kate.[32] While investigating Ryan Wilder, Alice learned that her biological mother was still alive.[33]

Alice talks to Julia

Julia talks to Alice.

Alice asked Julia Pennyworth to help her find Enigma and make her forget about Kate,[34] which didn't work. She ended up meeting Ocean in Gotham and found out he was alive, so they got back together.[35]

Ryan and Alice team up

Alice and Ryan team up.

When Ocean was captured by False Face Society, Alice tortured several gang members to discover his location, and allied with Ryan/Batwoman to rescue him, since she was also after Angelique Martin. A woman in a mask ended up cornering Alice, who asked Ryan for help and she didn't mind. Alice was then captured and taken to the Black Mask's hideout,[36] who tortured her to learn the identity of the new Batwoman, but she would not reveal it. Alice briefly managed to escape and called Jacob for help, but he was high on Snakebite and didn't care.

Jacob and Alice talk to Kate

Jacob and Alice talk to Kate.

Then Alice was hit by the woman and arrested again. Alice realized that the woman acted like Circe Sionis, so she realized that the Black Mask was actually Roman Sionis. So she offered to build a new face for "Circe", even though she knew it was impossible for her to be the real Circe since she died in Arkham. When she put the face on "Circe", she realized it was Kate, because she had their father's eyes.[27] She wanted to stay to rescue Kate but Roman wouldn't let her.[37]

Alice soon allied with her father and the Bat Team to save Kate. Eventually, Ocean was killed by Tatiana, so Alice killed her in revenge.[38] She cremated Ocean and threw his ashes into the river, where she found Safiyah, and tricked her into killing her as well.[39] With Ryan's help, Alice got Kate back to normal.[33]

In Arkham again

After saving Kate, Alice was found by the GCPD and incarcerated again at Arkham. Later, she was visited by Ryan and revealed to her that her biological mother is still alive.[33]

Reluctant partnership with Batwoman

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Ryan, Alice and Renee team up

Ryan, Alice and Renee team up.

After being incarcerated in Arkham yet again, Alice, unhappy with her freedom yet again being taken away, began having several periods of hallucinations, such as imagining her father, Jacob, writing letters to her while also being in prison himself. Alice also received periodic visits from Mary Hamilton, who only visited out of obligation to keep an eye out for Alice on Kate and Jacob's behalves. After a brief back and forth, and taunting Mary about not having any of her family coming to her graduation, Mary angrily began to storm out, being stopped halfway by Alice, who wanted to ask Mary about how Ryan was doing.

Later, Ryan visited Alice herself to find out information on the new criminal claiming to be her biggest fan and supporter. However, Alice stated that she knows nothing about him, but know what he might try next. When Ryan asked what, Alice tried to change the subject to Ryan and the revelation of her birth mother being alive, which further infuriated Ryan, leading to her leaving. Later on, as Alice's episodes began to worsen while in group therapy, she was shocked by the sudden arrival of Batwoman, who came to brake Alice out to force her help stop the new Mad Hatter, leading Alice to run back to her cell away from her, not wanting to be taken out of Arkham by anyone other than her father. As Batwoman forced Alice to see that she is imagining things and that her father is not coming, Alice solemnly went with her. After showing up to Mary's graduation, Alice spoke to Crandle about what he was doing and managed to convince him to let everyone go, only for her to literally stab her fan in the back after being asked for a hug.

As Beth tried escaping, both Batwoman and Batwing stopped her, with Beth unhappily sent right back to Arkham.

Later on, Beth was approached by Renee Montoya and cut a deal with her for her release from Arkham as a consultant; in exchange for her help dealing with the Bat trophies and the new villans popping up in Gotham, and working with Batwoman to achieve this. Beth agreed and also told Montoya about Batwoman's secret identity as Ryan Wilder. After waiting with Montoya for Batwoman to show up after turning on the Bat-Signal, Montoya revealed her intentions to Ryan and begrudgingly convinced both women to work together to retrieve the trophies.[40]

Taking Mary under her wing

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Poison Ivy Mary traps Batwoman in vines

Poison Mary traps Batwoman in vines.

When Mary Hamilton becomes Poison Ivy, Alice takes Mary under her wing. The two bond as sisters, and Mary and Alice become an unlikely villainous duo. Eventually, it pertains that Alice is not only trying to free the villainous tendencies that Mary has in this form, but also to keep her safe from the Bat Team and anyone else who may be in her way. Mary grows closer to Pamela Isley, and she becomes a danger to Gotham. To protect her sister from harm, Alice reports back to the Bat Team. Together, they plan to save Mary and stop Poison Pam. When Mary kills someone, it is Alice who takes blame for the murder, offering herself up to the authorities in Mary's place.[41][42][43][44][45]

Reforming herself

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Mary researched the Weiße Kaninchen Sanatorium and recommended it to Aloce to help restore her mental state, but she initially resisted in favor of the Joker's joy buzzer. Eventually though, she decided to go to the facility in hopes of finding herself.[46]


Beth Kane as a child

Beth as a child.

"You don't scare me."
—Beth Kane expressing her kindness to Jonathan Cartwright[src]

Beth was a cheerful, kind-hearted young girl who loved her family unconditionally; she was shown to be fond of her parents, Jacob and Gabi, and twin sister, Kate, more than anything. Beth was also compassionate and open-minded, willingly accepting Jonathan Cartwright as a friend despite his hideous face. She was shown to be levelheaded and somewhat cautious, contrasting Kate's more daring nature.

According to Kate and Beth herself, a trait she had since childhood is that she "doesn't like to share".[3]

Beth becomes Alice

A year after being held captive, Beth "broke" and became Alice.

"Beth's dead. Whatever happened to her in that house erased all traces of my daughter."
Jacob Kane[src]

However, the car crash in which Beth witnessed her mother's death had a profound effect on her psyche; soon after the accident, Beth was kidnapped and held captive by Dr. August Cartwright, during which she began to sink into depression, especially after a failed escape attempt. Nonetheless, Beth initially tried hard to remain strong and optimistic through her bond with Jonathan in hopes that someone would rescue them. After a year of captivity however, Beth learned her father had "replaced" her with Catherine and Mary Hamilton, much to her heartbreak. This realization, combined with the horrors of being forced to partake in August's experiments, began to break her psyche, prompting Beth to create an entirely different reality to cope.

Alice begins to remember

After 10 years, Beth began to remember her past.

Soon, Beth had blocked all memories of her past and adopted the persona of "Alice", the Cartwright family's humble servant. When August's mother, Mabel, came to live with them, Beth's mental state worsened as Mabel inflicted unspeakable cruelty onto her, twisting her mind to the point of insanity. In the face of Mabel's abuse, she became a broken, submissive woman—a mere shadow of her former lively self.

Ten years later, Beth finally reached her breaking point when she saw Mabel wearing Gabi's earrings to taunt her. This prompted Beth to remember her past and true identity, which led to the discovery of her mother's decapitated head. At this point, she finally snapped and regained her confidence to exact revenge on Mabel; Beth sadistically burned the woman alive, committing her first murder, at the cost of her humanity.


Beth in Coryana.

By the time Beth came to Coryana, she was filled with a violent rage, scornful to all that approached her and wanting nothing more than to kill Catherine for her role in Beth's suffering from Cartwright. Thus; she took on Safiyah Sohail's training as an assassin with earnest as means for revenge. During this time, Beth regained her spirit and survivalist nature, as noted by Safiyah.

However, simultaneously, Beth entered into a passionate relationship with Ocean. While originally hating him and his pacifist views, Ocean's open nature eventually reached her as he started to convince Beth that vengeance would never bring her any peace. Beth's sincere love for Ocean began to heal her scars, since she planned on leaving Coryana to start a new life with him.

Beth was even willing to help Ocean steal a Desert Rose so they could help the world outside together. Unfortunately, any chance of them having a normal, happy life with was destroyed with Enigma wiping the couple's memories of each other, warping Beth's mind with a new psychopathic drive as "Alice".

Alice Grinning

Beth as Alice.

"I was locked in a cell for 11 years! What do you think put me to sleep at night? Rainbows? Unicorns? I dreamt of revenge!"
—Beth Kane makes her motivations clear to her sister, Kate Kane[src]
With Beth's new unhinged nature, she eventually created her "Alice in Wonderland" persona and a gang of criminals that follow her orders. As Alice, Beth is manipulative, charming, and highly dramatic. While seemingly chaotic and unstable, she is revealed to be highly intelligent, calculating and methodical.

Alice Escaped

Beth as post-imprisoned Alice.

"I imagine she'll unravel completely, out herself to Gotham in the process of going nuclear. I would hate to be in the blast radius when that happens."
August Cartwright's prediction on Alice's deteriorating psyche [src]
After Beth was imprisoned in Arkham by her Kate with their father, Jacob Kane's help, her psyche began to collapse even further than ever before, she began plotting her revenge, declaring she no longer wants to be a prisoner. Instead she vows to take her tormentor Mabel's role, hinting that her psyche has collapsed even further.

Beth Kane

Alice talks to Ocean.

When Beth's attempt to get revenge on her twin sister, Kate Kane was foiled, she became emotionally broken, as she felt like any purpose in her life was lost. She also mourned Kate's apparent death, proving that she still has some love for her sister despite her betrayal. This sense of loss was temporarily replaced with intrigue after meeting the new Batwoman and learning that this one was willing to kill her, which made her happily state that the new Batwoman would be a "handful" to deal with. But after learning who she was, and learning more about why she wanted her dead, Beth's interest in Ryan waned, making her less interested in fighting her. After discovering that Safiyah Sohail was the one who was apparently responsible for causing the explosion on Kate's private jet, Beth gains a new purpose, as she wanted to get revenge on Safiyah for killing her twin sister.

As Beth spent more time with her step-sister Mary, she began to reform herself and escape the persona of Alice. While initially resorting to using the joy buzzer to drastically reform herself, but; with the help of Mary, Beth; realized that the joy buzzer was not a viable option for her, and she instead opted to seek treatment at the Weiße Kaninchen Sanatorium.


"Being captive is a way of life for her."
Kate Kane to Mary Hamilton[src]
  • High-level intellect/Master tactician/Manipulator/Leader: Beth was able to attack highly secured places and bypass security measures with ease and swiftly adjusting to changing situations.[2][4] She also effectively lead the Wonderland gang and was perfectly able to develop and orchestrate complex plots against her enemies.[9] Beth is able to stay ahead of both the GCPD and the crows, predicting their moves and using them to her advantage.[7] Even as she was near death, she cleverly manipulated the crows into hunting her doppelgänger at Wayne Tower. When looking at a file containing details about Ethan Campbell, she quickly deduced that he was really August Cartwright impersonating Campbell. In addition, she succeeded in manipulating her sister into "breaking" her code, when she handed August to her and let him goad her into killing him after learning the full tragic story of Beth's transformation into Alice. Even at her weakest state she still managed to turn the tables, in only one week, after being imprisoned in Arkham, she managed to completely take over the asylum after having the warden killed and replaced by Mouse. A feat not even all the other inmates, who are considered to be Gotham's worst criminals, were able to accomplish. When it was time to escape, she masterfully plunged the city into chaos after releasing all of Arkham's inmates as a distraction. Her own father even began comparing her methods to the legendary psychotic criminal the Joker.
    • Medical knowledge: At the age of 14, Beth was taught by her kidnapper and tormenter, August, about the human anatomy so she could easily skin a living or a dead human being and preserve said skin. Alice was able to make Johnny look "normal" at her first try, a feat that August alone couldn't do.[7]
    • Expert interrogator/Torturer: Beth is a very effective interrogator and torturer.[10]She also knew many different skinning techniques, most likely taught by August.[6] After getting locked up in Arkham by her sister's betrayal, she became far more merciless than ever before, as she took pleasure in electrocuting two cryptographers to death out of spite, and electrocuting Julia Pennyworth to "motivate" Luke Fox in deciphering his father's journal.[26]
    • Toxicology: Beth was very proficient in toxicology and the use of poison.
  • Cellist: Beth was taught how to play Bach's "Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude" by her father, Jacob Kane. Even after more than a decade of not practicing, she retained her skills with her very own cello.[4]
"Did you really think you could beat me?"
—Alice to Luke Fox[src]
  • Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Due to being trained by Safiyah Sohail and Ocean; Beth is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist. She was able to fight on par against and nearly best Batwoman, the latter; who is a master hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist in her own right. Beth was also able to use her surroundings and a variety of improvised weaponry; with great effect.[2] During a second confrontation, she sensed Kate approach from behind, at a clear blind-spot, quickly dodging and was able to handily overpower a distracted Kate to knock her out. Despite Kate being in a bullet-proof suit, Beth was able to land blows on her sister that; made Batwoman grunt with each hit.[20] She also was able to kill two crows operatives with her hands cuffed using a fishing line. Beth is also one of the most deadliest combatants in the entire multiverse.
    • Master knife-wielder/Knife thrower: Beth is very capable with using knives in combat, using them in close range fights against Batwoman and killing two cops with thrown knives with ease.[3]
    • Expert markswoman:
      Alice shoots Ryan Wilder

      Alice shoots Ryan Wilder.

      Beth is highly skilled in the use of firearms; this is seen when she used a Crows agent's gun to shoot other guards in quick succession during her escape. She was able to shoot two pistols simultaneously at Ryan.
  • High tolerance for pain: Beth has a high tolerance for pain; as she cut her palm with one of her knives to provide Kate with a DNA sample, without displaying any discomfort. She even was able to withstand getting stabbed by Tommy Elliot and enduring the pain from feeble stitching.
  • Intimidation: Beth is feared by the citizens of Gotham City. After she escaped from the Crows' custody, they started a massive riot outside the GCPD till they turned on the bat-signal; which was turned off after Batwoman was revealed to be a lesbian. After her recent escape from Arkham, all of Gotham went under terror as she released all of Arkham's inmates upon the city.
  • Expert driver: Beth is a highly skilled driver; she is able to drive several different types of vehicles; such as cars and RVs.


  • Balisong knives: Beth used regular butterfly knives for close-quarters combat or as makeshift throwing knives. She used one as a substitute after her butterfly knife was taken from her.

Former equipment

"Where is my damn knife?!"
—Beth Kane on her knife's disappearance[src]
  • Garnet-encrusted butterfly knife: Beth wielded a butterfly knife embroidered with her garnet birthstone from her childhood necklace as her main weapon. It was later taken by Batwoman during their fight and later stolen by Shane McKillen under orders from Catherine Hamilton-Kane, who ordered for the knife to be destroyed.
  • Wooden paddle: Beth used this wooden paddle to knock people unconscious and even used it to break the Bat-Signal.
  • Guns: Beth has used guns, primarily handguns, she used Jacob Kane's gun against him in an attempt to execute him, she also used a police officer's gun to shoot other guards in her escape, even hold Sophie at gunpoint to make her getaway. She also used the specialized railgun that can penetrate Batwoman's suit. During her fight with Ryan Wilder, she used twin pistols, but discarded them after the batsuit protected Ryan from the shots.
  • Alice in Wonderland: During her eleven years of captivity, Beth would seek comfort in reading Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland book. Though the book was destroyed by August Cartwright, Beth and Johnny repaired the book, using fish wire. By 2018, she memorized each and every word in the book to heart. Beth would use the fish wire that was used to repair her book to escape captivity from Crows Security years later. After escaping Arkham, when Mouse decided he was going to leave Alice and her quest for revenge on her family, Alice gave him a send off party to which they burned the pages of the novel, since that was the item that anchor them to their trauma, and they needed to let it go once and for all.[28]
  • Journal: During Beth's time ruling Arkham, she learned that the late Lucius Fox's journal has the knowledge on how to pierce the Batsuit from Tommy Elliot, she had Magpie steal the journal from Johnny Sabatino, in exchange for her freedom. After getting Lucius' glasses from her sister Kate, she began to easily read it and learned on how she can kill her sister as Batwoman.
  • Glasses: After making an exchange with Kate for Beth's prisoners, Luke Fox and Julia Pennyworth, Beth got her hands on Lucius Fox's glasses, and she began to easily read Lucius's journal and learned on how she can kill her sister as Batwoman.



Season 1

Season 2

Season 3


Season 5




Concept art

Promotional images


Season 1
Season 2


  • On Fridays after school, Beth and Kate Kane would get chocolate-covered waffles at a waffle stand.[3] This is a reference to the DC comics, where they went to get waffles for their birthday before being kidnapped.
  • Beth's blood type is O-negative.[21] She is a "universal donor", able to donate blood to individuals of every other blood type. However, she can only receive blood from individuals with the same blood type as hers.[41]
  • Beth likes Mortal Kombat.[24]
  • Beth is Jewish.
  • Even though Beth and Mary Hamilton initially weren't recognized by the law as step-sisters, the two have referred to each other as such.[9] Nora Fries recognizes that they certainly fight like sisters.
  • Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne, Gabi Kane, and Mouse are the only people Beth cares about, even though she is ruthless she still shows those them mercy.
  • Beth and Kate's birthday is on January 26,[5] which is also "Australia Day".
    • Coincidentally, Kate's original actress, Ruby Rose is Australian.

Behind the scenes

  • In the DC comics, Elizabeth Kane is the twin sister of Katherine "Kate" Kane, also known as the super-hero "Batwoman". She is a super-villain who is a member of the Religion of Crime under the alias "Alice", a name taken from the novel Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. She later adopted the name "Red Alice" in the Prime Earth continuity and became a hero.
  • Beth served as the main antagonist of Season 1 of Batwoman.


  1. In "An Un-Birthday Present", parallel Earth Beth's driver's license shows her date of birth, January 26, 1990. She and Earth-Prime Kate later celebrated their birthdays, which means that Earth-Prime Beth is also born on the same day.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 "Pilot"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 "The Rabbit Hole"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "Down Down Down"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 "Off With Her Head"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "Mine Is a Long And a Sad Tale"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 "An Un-Birthday Present"
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Take Your Choice"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 "A Mad Tea-Party"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 "Who Are You?"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 "Gore on Canvas"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 "It's Best You Stop Digging"
  13. 13.0 13.1 "Fair Skin, Blue Eyes"
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Bat Girl Magic!"
  15. "I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury"
  16. "Tell Me the Truth"
  17. "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three"
  18. "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four"
  19. 19.0 19.1 "Whatever Happened to Kate Kane?"
  20. 20.0 20.1 "How Queer Everything Is Today!"
  21. 21.0 21.1 "Drink Me"
  22. "Grinning From Ear to Ear"
  23. "Through the Looking-Glass"
  24. 24.0 24.1 "A Narrow Escape"
  25. "If You Believe In Me, I'll Believe In You"
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 "A Secret Kept From All the Rest"
  27. ��� 27.0 27.1 "I'll Give You a Clue"
  28. 28.0 28.1 "O, Mouse!"
  29. 29.0 29.1 "Prior Criminal History"
  30. "Do Not Resuscitate"
  31. "Survived Much Worse"
  32. "Rule #1"
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 "Power"
  34. "Time Off for Good Behavior"
  35. "Arrive Alive"
  36. "Initiate Self-Destruct"
  37. "And Justice For All"
  38. "Rebirth"
  39. "Kane, Kate"
  40. "Mad As a Hatter"
  41. 41.0 41.1 "Pick Your Poison"
  42. "Trust Destiny"
  43. "Meet Your Maker"
  44. "Toxic"
  45. "Broken Toys"
  46. "We Having Fun Yet?"
