Disadvantage Algorithm

by thegatorfan122

Original Post

Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert

I gotta get this off my chest because its driving me crazy.

I know that last season there was an algorithm in the game that gave a player a disadvantage whenever they started winning too much. I found that to be appalling but last season is over.

I want to know if that wretched algorithm is still being used?


I can play just fine, minus the obvious glitches, for a while. I win more than I lose I and I steadily move up in overdrive. That is simply because I am a good player and I have built a fairly good team.

However, after a little while Ill begin to notice that the defense starts to play completely out of their minds. They are always in the right position, they always call the perfect protection against my play call. My blockers wont block, my receivers drop pass after pass...etc etc....you get the picture. And this happens against much lesser opponents and it just doesn't affect me in overdrive....it affects me throughout all phases of the game.


So please be honest and tell us if you guys are intentionally putting teams at a disadvantage when they begin to win too much?!? 

Message 1 of 12 (1,218 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★★★ Pro

I never knew that. That's not fair to anyone if you're winning in a legit manner. It's like, why spend money on your team only to have that happen.

Message 2 of 12 (1,208 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert
Bro, it was a for real think last season for sure. I was sooo hoping they wouldnt carry it over
Message 3 of 12 (1,203 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert
Bump. I wanna know!!
Message 4 of 12 (1,169 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Apprentice

Gator fan it is true. It has happened to me on many occasions and other team members in my league. After 3-5 matches you will start losing games, it doesn’t matter if it’s someone better or worse than you. I have experienced everything from dropped passes for 5 yds all the way to my opponent randomly getting 800ptd within the last 20 seconds. EA’s objective is to allow you a little bit to also * you off to the point to where you feel you should but MC and buy more players/content. This game had so much potential, however EA decided they wanted to go to a pay2play format and make money. If you haven’t noticed, it is taking longer to find matches in OD Ranked and Unranked. It’s because more and more people have either stopped playing the OD matches of basically given up on this game and uninstalled. EA has seen a sharp decline in players since launching this years Madden which is why they sent out that BS survey earlier this week. Go online and checkout the reviews by the YouTubers who were EA Madden content channel owners and now they have even said this gams sucks. 

Message 5 of 12 (1,161 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert
It breaks my heart that a few greedy businessmen that have no real grasp on how much this game means to many of us have decided that a fatter bottom line was more important than providing a good experience for its players. They depend on morons like me to keep pushing through the bs hoping they will make the game better for the players and not just their corporate bonus.
Message 6 of 12 (1,157 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert

Barry, David...you guys care to chime in on this please?
Message 7 of 12 (1,127 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert
Can I please hear from a board moderator on this issue please? Are you guys not allowed to comment on this subject?

Its happening all over my league today because everyone is grinding HOF in overdrive. You get a little streak going of 3 or 4 wins in a row then your team falls apart.

Dropped passes like crazy, instasacks, no blocking, and the defence is always lined up in the right coverage no matter what play you run.

I want to know if this algorithm is the reason. I mean I think we all know it is but I want to hear from someone in the know.

Its just an unfair practice. I should not be put at a disadvantage because I have a better team and/or more skill than my opponent. It does not make the game more competitive. If I lose it should be because my opponent is better than me, not because EA decides Ive won enough. Its really uncool.
Message 8 of 12 (1,089 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★ Expert
Seeing as how this thread has been completely ignored I guess I have my answer.

This practice of hamstringing someones team to make sure they don't win too much is ridiculous. We don't appreciate EA deciding how much we are allowed to win. I would love to be able to take my team that I built and my skill into battle on an even playing field every time I play. I should only lose to my opponent if I make a mistake or he plays better than me. There should be no other deciding factors.

Tell EA that for me, would ya?
Message 9 of 12 (1,057 Views)

Re: Disadvantage Algorithm

★★★ Newbie

Honesty it’s disgusting and way to obvious it’ literally gets me sick I think we should all sue ea sports for this we take it very serious it’s a game madden shouldn’t hane to dictate who wins and who loses what’s even worse is the more money you spend the more they will make you win if you don’t buy any players and build up naturally forget to after 4 wins you will lose 4 -5 games in a row it’s so annoying and quite frankly should not be allowed I asked my brother in law it is indeed illegal to do it so if we can prove it we can 100% sue them especially if it’s affecting quality of life like it is to me I started recording games now and you would be surprised how obvious it is I hate playing kids that are obviously not on my level and watch them do the same stupid play over and over and no matter what defense I choose it doesn’t work … WE SHOULD ALL SUE OM DEAD SERIOIS 

Message 10 of 12 (367 Views)

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