Patch for running game with this GPU?

by EpicJustin1

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Accepted Solution

Patch for running game with this GPU?

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

Hello. I have gone through a lot of research and contacted EA advisors via live chat 3 times. And I have come to the conclusion that my GPU is the only thing that doesn't meet the minimum system requirements for NFS on my Dell laptop PC. I will attach my MSInfo and DxDiag in this post. But my main question is:


Since my computer is only 1 year old, is it possible for there to be a patch/update released that will allow for me (and others) to run this game with a different GPU than it currently requires? My GPU is: Intel HD Graphics Family. If this is possible, I highly recommend it, since there is a lot of people that have problems with this game and they just want to play it. The problems that people have been having, at least in the Origin Access trial, are: falling through the map, the road ahead turning white, which then results in the whole screen going white, and I'm sure there are other issues. I really hope that this is possible.




Message 1 of 2 (760 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Patch for running game with this GPU?




Hi, Justin,


The system requirements is something that we won't be able to patch. It would require an overhaul of the entire graphics engine of the game, which is not something that we currently have plans for.



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Message 2 of 2 (780 Views)

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Re: Patch for running game with this GPU?




Hi, Justin,


The system requirements is something that we won't be able to patch. It would require an overhaul of the entire graphics engine of the game, which is not something that we currently have plans for.



Message 2 of 2 (781 Views)