Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

by EA_Najat

Original Post

Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★★ Novice

It happens to me many times that I do a jump, but nothing appears, I mean the jump is not recorded!


There are objectives where I need to jump specific amount of yards, so I do some jumps, but it is not being recorded and there is no progress.


I noticed that the problem happens mostly if I jump while Turbo is activated or Nitros button is presses. Is this normal or it is a bug?

Message 1 of 34 (6,577 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★★★★★ Novice

Are you sure you are landing the jump cleanly? Sometimes when i take the jump at an awkward angle and have a rough landing, the jump doesnt count. But if you make sure you take off and land cleanly it will count.

Message 2 of 34 (6,491 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

I think this maybe a mini bug. It's happend to me more than a few times on Kingfisher Road being that massive big bridge near Riverside Drive & Pacific Woods. Some of the jumps just don't register at certain speeds mainly with trubo activated.

Message 3 of 34 (6,488 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★★ Novice

Yes, I am sure I am landing cleanly, it just doesn't count and mainly when I use Nitros or Turbo while jumping.

Message 4 of 34 (6,475 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★ Apprentice

Got this problem too prevents me doing 100% of the game last jump  wont record stuck at 76/77

Message 5 of 34 (6,444 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

Community Manager (retired)


Are you traveling at speeds higher than 150mph?


If so, this is a known issue on some areas of the map.

We recommend trying the jump again, or rebooting your system to solve the issue.

Message 6 of 34 (6,434 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★ Apprentice

I tried jumping as slow as possible still wont record it

Message 7 of 34 (6,428 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★★★ Apprentice

There are a few jumps I have seen that if you are going too fast is screws up the takeoff and causes the jump to not count. Went slower and it registered, not with the greatest record. 


Message 8 of 34 (6,422 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie
I don't have this problem but my races times do not record... I will beat a friend time and finish 1st and it dont post up the new time.. do y'all have that problem also?
Message 9 of 34 (6,405 Views)

Re: Jumping Is Not Recorded!

★★ Novice

I have completed all the jumps, some were not registering for me. I had to try going off the jump in different spots. Most of the time if you go right under the marker it will register the jump. There were a few however I had to try a few times and stay either left or right of the marker to get it to register.

Message 10 of 34 (6,397 Views)