A downloadable game for Windows

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After a catastrophe you are left adrift on your old ship hoping to find life.

Although not human...

A short horror game by Anjin16

You can help me by donating on my itch.io page, it would help me a lot to continue creating games .

Thanks to all the people who supported me in my previous game (Hole In The Cabin)

 If you like my games you can support me by playing

 Sad Moon: https://anjin16.itch.io/sad-moon


Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(24 total ratings)
TagsCreepy, Dark, Experimental, Horror, Indie, Low-poly, Mystery, Psychological Horror, Retro, Short


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This was a slower build but I appreciate how isolated you feel in it and it's overall strangeness.

I had fun with this short little horror game, pretty minimalistic and entertaining, This man-made island isn't what it seems!

Muy buen juego. Mira el video!

Game doesn't work. I played it about 7 times but the flashlight never worked and I couldn't see anything. Also in full screen mode the game hardlocks if you fall into the water. Had to manually restart my computer after 10 minute

super :) 

Really cool game just wish there was more instruction towards the end. Awesome concept tho!!!

Played the game on my channel! I loved the style, I'd like to see more!

cool game

Downloaded via itch app and could not get the NPCs to work. Most would not respond, some would have dialog boxes appear for an instant before immediately closing.

I've left a link to my video if anyone wants to take a look. Thanks in advance. 

This game was pretty creepy tbh, it had a good atmosphere which it took time to build by utilising the pixelated graphics & creepy npcs. It took me about 30 mins to complete as I fell in the water half way through & had to restart but apart from that I found the game progressed rather well. 

The only real critiques I have are that the climax could've been a little scarier especially when you get caught. Also it would've been nice to have a slightly clearer idea as to what Marcus was. Is he a demon, a god, or some kind of Eldrich horror in human form? 

I enjoyed this game a lot & look forward to playing more of your games in the future. 

Seeing signs of life made me hopeful at first hahaha but that quickly dissipated once I realized. The strange sightings, the noises, and uncanny 'survivors' had me all sorts of regretful. If only my birdie bird friend could've helped me!

Great Work!

(2 edits)

the game in general is ok, i liked it.

please continue to do these type of games, i love them :D

i was at the end of the game, and i tried to shoot him, but i clicked 3-4 times and it didn't worked, fix this thing please, because it ruined the final :/

(1 edit)

When I start up the game its just a black screen, what do I do?

Edit: I was an idiot and was in fullscreen.

Really fun game although it has some bugs which kinda ruin the moment but over all it's neat.

Really enjoyed your game! I tried my best to figure out the radios but alas! The last ending I DID get was KINDA TERRIFYING THO

good story

Cool looking game. I think i screwed up somewhere cause i had no idea what to do xD

Enjoyed it! Few bugs but overall was a fun play through. Thank you!

I had a good time with this game!!! The unsettling noises and interactions with people made things really weird and creepy!! If you're curious about my experience, then you can check out the video on my channel or watch the video I posted here! Enjoy my agony!

I ran into a few problems with the game which made it unenjoyable for me. When I went to sleep it wouldn’t let me activate the action. I then accidentally drowned myself and restarted the game. once I was able to actually fall asleep some dialogue got stuck on the screen and would overlap the new dialogue which made it extremely hard to read. 

you got drowned by your own dna but multiplied 100000 times so it's an easy dive into water

Excels in atmosphere and visuals, I was trembling all throughout and the suspense was unbearable (in a good way). The story however, was a teeny tiny bit confusing, but I think I could connect some dots. A shame no one has actually found any other endings if any, me included.

Really weird but interesting game. Though it has some bugs and glitches. Would be interesting in revisiting this game again when it is in a better state. But besides it's issues it has lots of potentional.

Comment below clip;

A very buggy game. You really should iron out a game before you launch it.  What happens when you fall into the ocean/water? What happens when dialogues don't work? 

<3 the concept/idea, but not the execution.

Kudos to all involved.

Hey, I recently played your game, and gotta say, that was a wild ride! I just wanted to know more! It was such a neat story going on. Keep up the good work! :)

Gaming But In RGB, either way 10/10 spoopy game

Very cool game and idea! The only suggestion I have is adding an invisible wall to the outside of the town. I fell in twice and didn't know what to do until the sound effects stopped. Other than that, it was really enjoyable! Thank you so much for sharing your game. 

I played this for my YouTube, if you're interested in watching then you can click here!

Low Frequency is a creepy unsettling game, you is in the middle of the ocean tryna find a new life

Really loved the creepy atmosphere this had the entire time! The characters played into the story really well and everything felt unsettling! Loved this 

loved this game so much cant wait for more cool games to come!!!

i made a vid on it come check it out

This is such an interesting world and I wish I could see more of it. The meta, digital stuff that occurs really surprised me and it had me thinking about what was actually going on. The attention to detail is awesome and it shows just by that little touch of what happens when you stay on the main menu for too long. Really cool!

I did encounter a bug where I couldn't sleep after arriving in the town but a quick restart fixed it. 

Thanks for making games!

My favorite game now. Great job  👏🏾 I can’t wait to see more 👍🏾


this was life changing 

(1 edit) (-2)

I think im just dumb bc i didnt rly get it lmao but it was pretty creepy watching the footage late gj bro. I played this 2nd on my 3 Scary Games video.


This was pretty solid. Made a video on it.


Good game. Final D here:

why it open on my media player? 


This game made me bi 11/10

Be careful.

Very fun game!

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