
Get paid

for what you love - creating and placing content

It Works
01Add your
platform(s) and
pass moderation
02Receive tasks
directly from
03Get paid for
creating and
placing content
on your platform
Add your
platform(s) and
pass moderation
Receive tasks
directly from
Get paid for
creating and
placing content
on your platform
What You Get
  • Website monetization

    Get decent remuneration for your work: content placement or content creation and placement.

  • Opportunity to set prices for your services

    Put desired prices for content creation and placement while adding your site at Adsy.

  • Free unique and relevant content for your website

    Receive unparalleled content from buyers for free and earn money after placing it on your platform.

  • Higher rankings for quality and frequently updated content

    Increase your website position in search engines & grow traffic thanks to the quality and relevant sponsored content.

  • 100% control over the content placed on your site

    Accept or reject tasks from buyers to control the content that will be placed on your website.

  • More advantages
  • Sponsorship disclosure to keep your readers' trust

    Use disclosure to mark sponsored content and show a transparent and honest attitude to your website visitors.

  • Opportunity to clarify any task requirements

    Contact buyers directly via messages in our system to have a better understanding of their requests.

  • 100% payment guarantee

    Get your payment reserved right after the buyer has created and sent you a task.

Monetize Sites
Easily & Efficiently
  • Advanced publisher roles

    Contributor - add sites in any number, pass moderation, and monetize them. That’s the initial role you get. Now, there’s no need to be a site owner to get income!

    Site owner - add sites in any number and monetize them. Switch to this role by confirming the site’s ownership. Receive extended rights over the sites.

  • An easier way to add sites

    One site - add one site and data about it, & get paid for publishing content on it.

    List of websites - add any number of sites, wait until they pass moderation, and increase your chances to earn more.

Still in Doubt?
  • Claim a free consultation with guest blogging experts!
    Contact Us
  • Do you prefer finding answers on your own?
    Jump to FAQ
to Get Started?
Sign up to monetize your site thanks to creating
and placing content on it!
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