Accuracy Guaranteed.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Scholarship Experts
Helps students and parents quickly and accurately identify sources of college scholarships.

Pay Less for College
For over 36 years has been offering solutions for college and college-bound families guaranteed to give students that all-important edge in admissions, and countless ways to legally cut the cost of college, as well as the ground-breaking newly updated book, How To Pay For College Without Going Broke.

Money 4 College
Helps families maximize financial aid and scholarships by providing online coaching through every step of the college financial aid process. Save time by learning insider tips to correctly complete your FAFSA and how to effectively negotiate your financial aid package to receive additional money from colleges.

Credit Union Student Loans
The industry's leading private lending marketplace that connects students with not-for-profit credit unions.

Glossary of Financial Terms

This page provides a glossary of financial terms pertinent to college loans.

Standardized Testing and Test Prep

Ivy Bound SAT Test Prep
Provides private and semi-private SAT test prep taught by instructors who ranked in the top 1% on the SAT. Offers extremely flexible scheduling and year-round options.

The College Board
Administers standardized tests such as the SAT and SAT Subject Tests, offers advice on taking the tests, practice tests and testing dates and locations.

The American College Testing Service
Administers the ACT test, offers advice on taking the test, practice tests, and testing dates and locations.

Eureka Review 
Eureka One-on-One Review offers one-on-one tutoring. Eureka guarantees an increase of at least 100 points or the course is free. The Full SAT Program consists of 10, 90-minute lessons that have resulted in an average increase of 195 points.

Prep Me SAT Preparation
Helps high school students prepare for the vocabulary section of the new SAT exam. Over 3,000 multiple choice questions divided into 21 groups.

SAT - ACT - 
Eureka One-on-One is a complete test-prep system for the SAT and the ACT. It provides complete test strategies and a customized practice ground for students who are preparing for the SAT or the ACT and want to accelerate the preparation progress.

Math Tutor Chicago 
Tom Heineman provides one-on-one tutoring in the Chicagoland area.

Higher SAT Score
Score Raising Programs offers a set of calculator programs to be used DURING the math portion of the SAT and the SAT math subject tests. These programs are approved for use on the SAT and are a revolutionary way to instantly improve your score.

Parliament Private Tutors
Parliament Tutors offers private tutoring and test preparation for all academic subjects and standardized tests including the SAT, LSAT, GMAT & more.

SAT Test Dates: How to Find Your Best Date
This guide offers a full calendar of upcoming SAT test dates, registration deadlines, and score release dates with a printable PDF and a complete guide to help students find the best test date for them.

ACT Test Dates: How to Choose Your Best Date
This guide includes a complete schedule of upcoming ACT test dates, registration deadlines, and score release dates along with a quiz to help students find the best test date for them.

Admissions Counseling & Essay Help

Admissions Consultants
Offers in-person counseling with specialists located throughout the U.S. Be sure to mention that College Admissions Services sent you!

Admissions Accomplished
Offers full-service, one-to-one counseling for college-bound students including an analysis of target schools using ChancesR™ technology and qualitative analysis, editing of application essays and personal statements, suggestions for obtaining recommendations, information about financial aid and scholarship opportunities, and advice for improving interviewing skills.

Options for College
Comprehensive guidance through the college admissions process. Unique comprehensive approach incorporates the best educational, research, and admissions resources for your child. Offices in New York and Boston.
Advice and editing for college applicants. Features sample essays and tips on admissions writing and interviews, plus online admissions chats, valuable links, a bookstore, and an informative monthly newsletter.

Editors For Students
Provides a range of academic editing services, including dissertation, term paper, and admissions essay editing.

Advice for Students & Parents

College Bound Magazine
The CollegeBound Network has worked in partnership with America's colleges and universities, Fortune 1000 companies, military branches, and leading educational companies to help students achieve their academic and lifestyle goals.

Next Step Magazine
Provides information about potential careers and collegiate options including a calendar of events for potential students at various colleges, writing contents and advice from current students.
Offers tips, resources and practical books for parents and their children.

Visiting Colleges

College Visits
Know where you're going! College Visits offers the college-bound student a first-hand look at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Collegiate Explorations 
Collegiate Explorations is the nation’s leading provider of student travel including college tours and educational trips.

Collegiate Choice
Offers unedited videos of college walking tours for students and parents who may not have the time or resources to visit the colleges in person.

College Athletics

College Athletics Scholarships
An information and resource site for athletes who want to apply for college sports scholarships. Information and advice is free.

College Sports Scholarships
A recruiting and resume service for high school athletes who want to compete at college level in the USA. Initial help and advice is free.

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