


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.


The canonicity of the in-universe existence of the subject of this article is unconfirmed.

This article's subject originated in an example passage in a roleplaying game product; its in-universe existence is assumed to be canonical with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity, as opposed to only being a game-mechanical example, but has not been confirmed by other canonical sources.

A species of hermaphroditic sentients lived on the temperate planet Millinar[1] that was located in the Inner Rim's Hapes Cluster[2] and was hidden from the rest of the galaxy by a giant dust cloud. Members of the species developed skills in using the Force, including abilities that were unknown to Luke Skywalker,[1] a Human Jedi who attempted to establish a new incarnation of the dissolved Jedi Order between 4 ABY and 11 ABY.[3]

Behind the scenes[]


The species of Millinar was introduced in the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook.

The species was introduced in the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, a 1993 sourcebook published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, it was mentioned in a hypothetical example describing the creation of a setting—the species' homeworld, Millinar—for the game. The example characterized Millinar as the Star Wars equivalent of Avalon, a mythical island in the medieval legends about King Arthur[1] of Britain,[4] and the species inhabiting the planet was made as a counterpart to[1] the nine sisters, including Morgan le Fay, who ruled Avalon and were skilled in the arts of healing and magic.[4]

The April 7, 2005 Wizards.com article ""The Dark Forces Saga, Part 2" by Abel G. Peña and Jason Fry later confirmed Millinar's canonicity with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity,[5] and this article assumes that the information related to the planet from the entire section of the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook featuring the mention of its native species applies as described.[1]


Notes and references[]
