

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the transparent metal alloy. You may be looking for another use of the term.
MorganKatarn over Ruusan

Morgan Katarn on Cyclops looking over Ruusan through the viewport.

Transparisteel or transparasteel was a hard and completely transparent metal alloy. This made it a commonly used material for starship viewports and the windows of strongholds and other buildings where security was a must. Transparisteel could be made phototropic, to become more opaque near bright explosions or while traveling through hyperspace. A major component in the make-up of transparisteel was lommite.

Transparisteel was much weaker than its opaque counterpart durasteel. It offered a less clear view than clari-crystalline or glass, but was more resilient.

Darth Krayt encased the lightsaber of Cade's father, Kol Skywalker, in transparisteel case to honor him.[1]

Transparisteel was used in the windows of Skimmersubs.[2]

The High Council Chambers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant had floor-to-ceiling windows made of transparisteel to withstand the winds at the altitude.[3]

Padmé Amidala had a transparisteel amulet made by her parents when she became the Queen of Naboo.[4][5]

Types of transparisteel[]


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Notes and references[]
