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Tingel Arm

The Tingel Arm of the galaxy

The Tingel Arm was a spiral arm of the galaxy, extending from the inner portion of the galaxy to its edge.


Before the onset of the Great Galactic War, the reformed and rebuilt Sith Empire began to make its opening moves against the Galactic Republic. They first began a period of covert operations and seeded the planets of Belkadan, Sernpidal and Ruuria with puppet governments that showed loyalty to the Republic but were truly subjects of the Sith Empire. It was during this stage that Sith battlecruisers were first sighted on the Tingel Arm with the Aparo sector subjugated though the Republic were unaware of who these intruders were at the time. During a diplomatic mission sent to the unknown fleet, the Sith struck and destroyed the envoy's vessel. When the Republic Navy rallied to attack this foe, they found their forces trapped in Sith territory as the infiltrated planets showed their true nature thus allowing the Republic forces to be devastated. In the aftermath, only a few number of ships managed to escape from the Sith and had been forced to scatter thus weakening the Republic's grasp over their territory as well as encouraging the Sith Empire to continue its onslaught.

In the time just after the end of the Clone Wars, Imperial authority was limited to the inner systems of the arm, and it was rumoured that holdouts of the Confederacy of Independent Systems continued to be active there, from 19 BBY to as far as 3 ABY.[source?]

A year following the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, the Galactic Alliance annually sent reconnaissance vessels out to the Tingel Arm in order to check that there were no lingering Yuuzhan Vong operating in the area.[1]

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Sectors part of the Tingel Arm Region[]


Star clusters[]

Behind the scenes[]

Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, indicated in June 2015 that the Tingel Arm was excluded from The Essential Atlas Online Companion because it was a geographic feature bigger than a sector.[2]



Notes and references[]
