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An Imperial morale officer

"Good day citizen! You are familiar with the New Order, of course, but have you heard the latest statistics on the standard of living in this sector? Up, up, up!"
―An Imperial morale officer[1]

Morale officers were members of the Imperial Morale Corps. Chosen from recruits with a fervent loyalty to the Galactic Empire, morale officers promoted and praised the achievements of the New Order to the general population. Morale officers traveled the galaxy promoting the achievements of the Empire, often on worlds hostile to Imperial rule. Morale officers truly believed in the tenets of the New Order and sincerely attempted to spread this belief to the people they talked to in an effort to forestall military action. Debin Karre served as a morale officer despite never serving in the military due to a limp, a result of a childhood accident. His work with the New Order party led to a well connected officer arranging for his placement in the Imperial Morale Corps.


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