


"Most poisonous serpent in the rain forest."
―Tribeless Sha[1]

The Kodashi viper was an ophidian indigenous to the rainforests of the Outer Rim world of Dathomir. Kodashi vipers were the most poisonous serpents in Dathomir's jungles, and those who failed to heed the multicolored aposematic patterns of their hides often fell victim to the Kodashi's neurotoxic venom. Despite the lethality of their natural defensive poison, Kodashi vipers were safely edible, and their skins were used by the natives to fashion garments.

In 43.5 ABY, Kodashi vipers were exploited by the Nightsister clan of Dathomiri witches as the means by which they attacked the annual gathering of the Raining Leaves and Broken Columns Clans. Through their command of the Force, the Nightsisters directed several Kodashi vipers into the camp of the Broken Columns, which resulted in the deaths of four clansmen.

Biology and appearance[]

"She even dresses in Kodashi colors."
Drola Kinn recognizes the easily-identifiable colors of the Kodashi viper[1]

Kodashi vipers were serpents found on Dathomir,[1] a jungle planet in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim Territories.[2] The aposematism of the Kodashi was evident in its multicolored hide, which was predominately green but adorned with alternating bands of red and yellow. When predators and other nuisances neglected to recognize the Kodashi's warning coloration, the serpent defended itself with an extremely potent neurotoxin that was capable of killing an adult Human within minutes.[1]

Behavior and intelligence[]

"Their stealth and power are to be admired."
Halliava Vurse[1]

Kodashi vipers were indigenous to Dathomir.

Kodashi were ectothermic reptiles usually found in the rainforests of Dathomir, where the temperate climate was more suited to their nocturnal activities, and very seldom near places like Redgill Lake, where evening temperatures were too cold. When Kodashi attacked, they coiled and struck with a bite that caused agonizing pain and delivered a dose of lethal venom for which there was no antidote. The serpent was easily subdued if grabbed securely behind its head, although it attempted to constrict the assailant during its subsequent struggle for freedom. Kodashi were also susceptible to manipulations of the Force, and a being skilled in the use of the dark arts was able to command multiple vipers with their powers. Despite the negative connotations associated with Kodashi vipers, the jungle natives admired them for their stealth and recognized the serpent as a viable resource. Women and men of Dathomir killed the vipers for their meat and hides, which were fashioned into colorful garments.[1]


"Drola, think about it. Who has the Arts to command the serpents? Who wants to return things to the way they were generations ago? Who would be happy for brave men to die and for Raining Leaves women to take the blame?"
Tasander Dest and Drola Kinn, upon realization that the Nightsisters had been in control of the Kodashi vipers[1]

By 43.5 ABY, Kodashi vipers were recognized as the most venomous serpent in the jungles of Dathomir. As such, members of the Raining Leaves Clan of Dathomiri witches, as well as their male counterparts of the Broken Columns Clan, clad themselves in Kodashi skins and colors. That same year, the dark art–practicing Nightsisters of Dathomir spied on the annual gathering of the Raining Leaves and Broken Columns Clans. As the congregation settled down for the evening after a full day of contests and challenges amongst each other, the Nightsisters directed six Kodashi into the camp of the Broken Columns men.[1]

One of the beings present, offworlder and Jedi Leia Organa Solo, experienced a disturbance in the Force caused by the Nightsisters' malicious intent and intercepted one of the serpents as it prepared to attack her husband, Han. Another of the serpents was killed by a discharge of blasterfire, but the remaining Kodashi found their marks and were able to kill four members of the Broken Columns Clan, men who had each placed first in various competitions from the previous day.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Kodashi viper was a creature created by author Aaron Allston for the fourth novel in the Fate of the Jedi series, titled Fate of the Jedi: Backlash and published in 2010.[1]



Notes and references[]

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