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"Surely we can't keep kidnap her? She's a queen? People tend to be somewhat protective of their Heads of State, in my experience."
Tunga Arpagion, on Queen Trios[4]

Head of State[1] was a generic title used to refer to the leader of a nation or other sovereign political entity.[4] As leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku possessed the title. Dooku determined the overall strategy for the Confederacy military,[1] served as the leader of the Separatist Parliament—the legislative organ of the Confederacy[3]—and presided power over the Separatist Council.[2] Satine Kryze, Duchess of Kalevala was the head of state of Mandalore during the final years of the Republic. In the New Republic Era, The Duchess of Plazir-15 and Captain Bombardier were the joint heads of state of Plazir-15.


Confederacy of Independent Systems[]

"In accordance with the Bylaws of Independent Systems, a voice vote is required."
―Count Dooku[3]

Dooku was a Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

In the wake of the Naboo Crisis, Sheev Palpatine was appointed to the position of Supreme Chancellor in the image of himself as a mild-mannered servant of the common good.[6][7] Despite his true intentions, growing tensions between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim Territories gradually increased to the point where many believed that a war was imminent. Following Dooku's denouncement of the Galactic Republic, many systems rallied to Dooku and seceded from the Republic to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, he also began backing coups on Ryloth and meddling in the affairs of a variety of worlds including Kashyyyk, Sullust, and Onderon while alienating distant worlds from the galactic political process and denied all attempts to negotiate with the Republic—igniting a Separatist Crisis as he elected as its Head of State by parliament.[6]

The powers of the Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems was legally limited by the Bylaws of Independent Systems which vested most power the Separatist Senate in regards to state matters, with only the Head of State being officiator of congressional procedure.[3] However, during the Clone Wars, the position became a dictatorship under the guise of Count Dooku, who could make executive orders in regards to governmental decisions which undermined the democratic process completely and making the senate ineffective.[8] As Count of Serenno, Dooku resided in his prestigious family's[9] palace on the planet. His private quarters were in the main tower which featured a grand window on cliff side which was made up of luxurious and lush furnishings, and were decorated with many statues and elaborate paintings.[10]

While some senators learned of Dooku's true nature, and some members of the Peace Faction opposed the war powers granted to Dooku, as they felt it made the Confederacy no better than the Republic,[1] the Count remained the leader of the Confederacy until the Battle of Coruscant, where he was killed by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker.[11]

Afterwards, General Grievous, the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, succeeded Dooku as the Head of State. However, mere days later, Grievous was killed by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Battle of Utapau,[11] causing the Separatist command structure ultimately collapsed[12] Following this, a demoralized Separatist Council that had fled into hiding on Mustafar took over remaining control, until their execution at the hands of Darth Vader.[2] who then deactivated the droid armies, bringing the war to a close.[2]


After the creation of the democratic charter, the people of the planet Plazir-15 voted for the Duchess and Captain Bombardier as co-heads of states as a elective monarchy utilizing direct democracy as the primary decision-making and election method.[5]


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