

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about Jedi farsight. You may be looking for Gungan farseein.

"I wouldn't trust Jedi farsight all that much if I were you. The Emperor did a lot of that, too. It didn't help him much in the end…"
―Mara Jade[2]

Farsight (also called clairvoyance, far sight or farseeing) was the ability requiring training in the Control and Sense skills. Force users employing farsight were able to see visions of people or places in their mind, as it appeared at the same time they were observing. The visions included the immediate surroundings, allowing the Force user to determine if a friend was in danger, or what had occurred on a planet in their absence.[1] These visions focused on strong imagery and emotions.[source?]

Jedi and Sith skilled in this technique were capable of detecting when friends and apprentices were in danger, examining details of past events, and predicting the probable outcome of a stated course of action. Farsight could also be applied to combat, allowing the practitioner to glimpse moves his opponent may make, as well as outside forces that might affect the battle. Sometimes, if the Jedi was in meditation for long enough, in farsight, their spirit could leave their body for a limited amount of time, making their spirit able to go where they please. This was used for reconnaissance in a hostile place.[source?]

Palpatine used this skill to discover that Darth Vader was in danger after his fight with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.[3] He also used it to set his traps for the Jedi, keeping himself several steps ahead. During a meeting aboard the Death Star, when Vader told Admiral Conan Antonio Motti to not place too much faith in the Death Star's capabilities and implied even its destructive power was insignificant compared to the power of the Cosmic Force, Motti insubordinately retorted that Vader's devotion to the Force didn't have him find the stolen Death Star plans while sarcastically referring to such as clairvoyance before Vader nearly choked him.[4][5]

Despite being a powerful Force-user, Galen Marek had problems with farsight until he recognized himself as a Jedi.[source?]

One of the first Force powers Yoda taught to the young Luke Skywalker was farseeing. He used this ability to sense that his friends were in danger on Bespin. Despite the advice of Yoda and the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he decided to intervene.[6]

Far Sight

Mara Jade viewing herself and Dark Mara through farseeing

Behind the scenes[]

In the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, receiving a farseeing vision requires at least an hour of meditation, and can only be done once per week (although members of the Gand Findsman prestige class could use it as often as three times per day).[source?]



Notes and references[]

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