

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the poster. You may be looking for the DJ Rang Thang.

DJ Rangthang was a poster advertisement[1] for Rang Thang, a music DJ.[2] It could be found in several different locations in the galaxy during the Clone Wars. The poster had a black, beige and purple color palette and showed the titular DJ against a building backdrop, with an Aurebesh caption spelling out the poster's name at the top. It was put up in the Trueping's cantina on Coruscant;[1] a Turtle Tanker[3] commandeered by Savage Opress on the planet Stobar;[4] in Pons Ora, a settlement on the planet Abafar;[5] outside Jackar Bowmani's apartment on Coruscant;[6] and onboard a Coruscant train.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

"Among the posters seen in the bar's back room where Hardeen sleeps is one for DJ Rangthang, one for Sy Snootles, a Felucian pin-up, and a travel poster for Pantora."
―StarWars.com episode guide for "Deception"[8]

This poster was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Deception" and was designed by concept artist Randy Bantog.[8]



Notes and references[]
