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Z-95 Headhunter

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A cluster missile was one of a group of low-powered, unguided concussion missiles that would rapidly fire in the direction that the starship which carried them was pointing. If a ship changed course while firing the missiles, the missiles that had not been fired yet would change their direction also, instead of seeking out the previous target.

Cluster missiles were used by the Rebellion against the Empire in starfighter combat,[3] and later equipped on New Republic V-wing airspeeders at the Battle of Dac during the Galactic Civil War.[1]

Additionally, an upgraded, target-seeking variation of cluster missile was available.[2] Rather than firing in a standard formation, each of the six missiles could seek an individual target, or strike as a unified assault against a single ship.

But with Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1, it shoots a cylindrical cluster of five missiles.

Behind the scenes[]

Cluster missiles first appeared in Star Wars video games in 1998 with the release of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Players may upgrade the cluster missiles to the seeker version by finding the upgrade in the Battle of Thyferra mission. In the game's sequel, Rogue Leader, Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 is equipped with cluster missiles during the bonus missions. That version is further upgradeable to the advanced version. In Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, the unlockable N-1 starfighter is equipped to carry cluster missiles. The Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game also features cluster missiles for simulated combat between Imperial and Rebel starfighters in Rebellion era combat.[3]



Notes and references[]
