


The Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth was a tall droid that, during the Kymoodon Era, sat upon a brick throne at the celestial body Tomo-Reth and breathed fire at visitors. It was destroyed during the Herglic Crush of 14,743 BBY but was subsequently included by the historian Vicendi in the list known as the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy in 10,000 BBY.



A scale model of the Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth was displayed as part of the exhibit "Wonders of the Galaxy" (pictured) in the Figg & Associates Art Museum.

The Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth was a droid that was publicly displayed at the Inner Rim celestial body Tomo-Reth during the Kymoodon Era, a period of time that began around 15,000 BBY. In 14,743 BBY, the Caliginous Automaton was destroyed in the event known as the Herglic Crush, although it was immortalized as part of the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy—a list of spectactular, antique artificial objects that the historian Vicendi compiled in 10,000 BBY for the publication Arturum Galactinum.[1]

At some point between 1 ABY and 3 ABY,[2] the Automaton was also represented by a scale model at "Wonders of the Galaxy," an exhibit of the Figg & Associates Art Museum in the Cloud City settlement of the[3] Outer Rim Territories planet Bespin.[1] In the exhibit, the model of the Caliginous Automaton and that of the[3] ultra-high skyscraper known as the Shawken Spire were placed by the room's walls, near inscriptions of quotes originating from two other Wonders of the Galaxy, the Celebratus Archive and the Halls of Knowledge.[1]


Coated with a layer of black lacquer and reaching more than fifty meters in height, the Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth sat upon a brick throne and breathed fire at visitors—a sight that amazed them and ensured fame for the droid.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"The Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth: God, I loved naming these things."
―Daniel Wallace[4]

The Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth was introduced in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.[1] Wallace noted in his personal blog that he particularly enjoyed creating names for those of the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy that were original to the book, which included the Caliginous Automaton. He also noted that the Automaton may have been an subconscious reference to a scene from an episode of the animated television series Futurama.[4] The Caliginous Automaton of Tomo-Reth made its first appearance in a scale model form in The Jewel of Yavin, a 2014 adventure supplement for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game system.[3]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 The Essential Atlas
  2. The Jewel of Yavin is set during Lando Calrissian's tenure as Baron Administrator of Cloud City and before the Galactic Empire's occupation of that settlement. StarWarsTales-Icon "Lady Luck" — Star Wars Tales 3, which depicts Calrissian winning the title of Baron Administrator in a game of sabacc, is set a year after the Battle of Yavin, which corresponds to 1 ABY, according to The New Essential Chronology. Since the latter source also dates the occupation of Cloud City to 3 ABY, the events of The Jewel of Yavin must be set at some point between those two dates.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Jewel of Yavin
  4. 4.0 4.1 Blogger-Logo Daniel Wallace's GeekosityEndnotes for Star Wars: The Essential Atlas (part 2 of 5) on Blogspot (backup link)

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