

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

Apatros was a desolate world in the Apatros system of the Savareen sector, located in the Outer Rim Territories under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Republic. As of 1003 BBY, Apatros fell under the direct control of the Outer Rim Oreworks Company, which maintained a cortosis mine on the planet. Apatros was notable for being the homeworld of Darth Bane, the Dark Lord of the Sith who worked in the cortosis mines for ten years before joining the Sith army during the New Sith Wars.


Apatros was a planet within the Apatros system, which was part of the Savareen sector of the Outer Rim Territories.[2] A desolate world of featureless wastes and barren rocky flatlands, Apatros was small, moon-sized, and orbited a dim orange star. It was orbited by a single moon, had a thin atmosphere and some indigenous plant life, and a day that was twenty standard hours in length. Below the planet's surface was a large amount of very valuable material—cortosis, a rare fibrous substance that was often used for starship hulls and armor, which was mined in underground tunnels.[1]



Darth Bane, the most famous individual from Apatros

Apatros was located within the borders of the Galactic Republic. At some point, large quantities of cortosis were discovered underneath the planet's surface, prompting the Outer Rim Oreworks Company to take over Apatros. Outer Rim Oreworks established a colony on the desolate planet and began mining for cortosis, which it sold to the Republic.[1]

In 1026 BBY, a man named Dessel was born on the planet, eventually going on to work in the cortosis mines for ten years. In 1003 BBY, Dessel killed a Republic ensign over a game of sabacc, although with the aid of a Neimoidian bartender named Groshik, he was able to escape the planet before being incarcerated. Dessel joined the Sith army during the New Sith Wars, and, after serving with distinction, his Force-sensitivity was discovered. He later became Darth Bane, one of the most influential Dark Lords of the Sith in galactic history.[1]


Apatros had only one colony on the entire planet, also called Apatros. The Apatros colony was primarily used as the home of the cortosis miners and only had two buildings of note: a cantina owned by the Neimoidian Groshik, which was the main retreat of off-duty miners and visiting Republic crews, and a market, once a barracks, which sold basic items at high prices. The colony and mines were connected by a shuttle for transport back and forth. The cortosis mines were maintained by the Outer Rim Oreworks Company, but the death toll for miners was high and their equipment outdated and substandard.[1]


Apatros was mostly inhabited by miners working in the cortosis mines, the majority of which were Humans. However, other species lived on the planet, including a Neimoidian named Groshik who owned a cantina in the Apatros colony. The most famous of Apatros' inhabitants was Dessel, who worked in the cortosis mines for a decade and later became a Dark Lord of the Sith after leaving Apatros.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Apatros first appeared in Drew Karpyshyn's 2006 novel, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, published as part of his Darth Bane Trilogy.[1] The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Apatros system, and therefore Apatros, in grid square Q-16.[2]



Notes and references[]
