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  • Unsolved

    da moz

    how can i get up my da?

    Moz Tools | | PeterHane
  • Unsolved


    The domain authority has not changed for a few months; even I got some high-quality links from authority sites, and Moz has not crawled them yet? Can someone tell me how much time it generally Moz takes to crawl new links for a domain and update DA?
    My domain is

    Moz Tools | | peaceforchange00

  • seo experts in the world seoexperts

    Here are some of the top SEO experts in the world known for their contributions to the field, thought leadership, and innovative strategies: Rand Fishkin - Co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, widely known for his insights and contributions to SEO. Neil Patel - Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics, renowned for his SEO and digital marketing expertise. 3.. Brian Dean - Founder of Backlinko, famous for his advanced SEO strategies and detailed guides. Rafay Waqar - Co-founder of SEOServices and a LinkedIn influencer, he provide valuable insights into search engine algorithms and updates. Barry Schwartz - Founder of Search Engine Roundtable, known for his in-depth coverage of SEO news and trends. Aleyda Solis - International SEO consultant and founder of Orainti, recognized for her expertise in technical SEO and international SEO strategies. Bill Slawski - Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital, known for his deep understanding of search engine patents and algorithms. Vanessa Fox - Creator of Google Webmaster Central and author of "Marketing in the Age of Google," known for her expertise in technical SEO and analytics. Ann Smarty - Founder of Viral Content Bee and a well-known figure in the SEO community for her content marketing and link-building expertise. Cyrus Shepard - Former Head of SEO at Moz and founder of Zyppy, known for his comprehensive SEO knowledge and actionable insights.

    International SEO | | cupll.rs1

  • website

    I need a new website for my health insurance business. What type is best for SEO? Many thanks

    Web Design | | laurentjb

  • I have a new e-commerce site and I'm focused on optimizing it for SEO. If I am taking product photos, will having a step-and-repeat (background with our logo repeated) in the background of the product impact how the images are scanned by Google? In other words, would I benefit from having a plain background behind my item shots vs. a backdrop with our logos all across it? I don't want Google to think I'm spamming my logo across all our items, but also want our photos to be recognized as ours. I want to gain SEO from my effort and definitely not hurt it! Thanks!

    Branding | | A_Wo
  • Solved

    issue fixing

    I am facing a problem when I solve any issue in my running campaign.
    Is there any option to see once I fix the issue and my campaign shows it instantly or how I can see that my exiting issue after I fix it? Can any one suggest me, please?

    Moz Tools | | ClippingOutsources

  • google listing seo website submission

    have a domain that was unused for a while and displayed the "parked by Gandi" domain message. Recently, I decided to set up a fully working website on that domain, but I'm struggling to get it to rank correctly on Google. Google isn't updating the to the correct, and I have tried everything. The redirects to if you click on it. I managed to get the correct version,, to show up, but after a couple of days, it reverted to the old version and has stayed that way. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Additionally, I had an old version of the site using .com, and I forwarded that to the, but the old .com will not be removed from Google. it was just one page without much content. At the moment, Google's search results look very messy and out of date. I have submitted the URL in the Google Search Console using the URL inspection tool and requested indexing and reindexing. I have also submitted sitemaps, but nothing is really working. Any ideas?

    SEO Tactics | | Roycd

  • Hello sir i noticed that my DA is Dropped From 27 to 26 Of this website What is the reason I don't i try a lot to find a solution but not get . But I notice that in google webmaster tool the domain linking increased every time but on the, not domain added even my DA Dropped. Even When i checked my site on   he shows approx 350 domain with high da and pa. help me i am getting frustrated. Is that Moz is crawling All domain Fairly or not ??

    Link Building | | rishu578

  • indexing google

    I have been investigating this problem for some time now and there must be a technical problem. My posts seem to be ignored by google. For example, if i put this title of my article in google, other sites come up instead of my website Lincolnshire Caravan Owners Struggle To Compete With Haven I am trying to find out what technical problem I have that is stopping google displaying my post. Can anyone advise me on what tools to use and how to find out what is going wrong

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus

  • onpage

    This is a question for the organic SEO experts, once you added the main keyword that you want to rank for in the homepage title, meta title plus meta description, perhaps once or twice in the text on the homepage. How often do you then write it in the content marketing, say blog posts, we want to rank higher on Google for "SEO agencies Cardiff" however if you mention this in the blog posts too much say once a week, this could lead to over optimisation issues?

    On-Page Optimization | | sarahwalsh

  • seo expert

    Hey everyone, i am creating a blog post on Top SEO Experts in the World. I need your recommendation who is in the top 10 list? Your suggestions is highly appreciated for me. Thanks!

    International SEO | | gxpl09
  • Unsolved


    Hello I can not for the life of me figure out how to connect Facebook. I have tried, my wife has tried. We have tried on chrome, safari, and bing and we just can't seem to make it work. Can you help us with this? Thanks.

    Moz Local | | Ingrins
  • Unsolved

    moz tool da history

    Hello everyone!
    I want to know how to check the DA history of my website Inkjet Wholesale. Because I don't have any idea about Moz that how to use it. If anyone knows about DA's history check on Moz, please let me know.

    Moz Tools | | ZeonAley

  • My website is,it is a E-commerce Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Link Building | | offilery

  • national seo spam score

    I have a serious problem with the domain Spam Score (44%) which seems to have a direct impact on the website ranking nationwide in Germany. The domain itself is not Spammy as I managed to disallow all the unwanted Backlinks and the domain is not penalised by Google Search Console. It ranks very well locally for local keywords but would not show among the 100 positions nationwide as it used to do a couple of years ago, even if I implemented the right SEO strategies and the right backlinks, it just doesn't rank in Germany for national SEO.
    This is the website in question: Übersetzungsbüro Kaiwords, do you think there is a way to lower the Spam Score, is there any chance that the website ranks again for national SEO?

    Link Building | | Kaiwords1

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter

  • local seo local ranking factors service pages content optimization service based website

    Hey guys! We are targeting a number of cities in the Nassau and Suffolk County areas for foundation repair, insulation, and mold remediation keywords, and we were debating on creating city-specific pages for each location and service, or creating one service page for each type of service that contains all of the services and solutions within that service category for each city. Example: City-Specific Pages for Each Service: One page for say foundation repair, one page for foundation crack repair, one page for foundation problems, etc. (for each target city) Service Category Pages for Each City: One page for foundation contractors that lists all services on one page in sections. Which one do you think is better for local SEO and rankings? Both seem to have their advantages and disadvantages to me. Just to throw a couple out there, the category pages may not rank as high as the city pages for each individual service if our competitors have a whole page designed for that service and we only have a part of a page covering the topic. At the same time, they would save labor hours, technical issues would be less, and they would be condensed, and we would have WAY less mess on the backend. I appreciate your expert opinion on this one. The site is www. in case you want to check us out.

    Local SEO | | everysecond

  • images bing google

    I have uploaded images to our Mozlocal account and they are showing up on Google but when we go to Bing not all the images are showing up and there is a png image of our logo that is not on Google. Wondering why this is happening and if it is possible to be fixed?

    Image & Video Optimization | | SCMarCom
  • Solved


    Re: Title Too Long - Seo importance 521bf443-0c95-46f7-b358-e8568a947a9e-image.png #titletoolong, #longtitlepages

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes

  • I wanted to implement lazy loading on my whole domain, but was unsure about the effect on the organic image search. Therefore I implemented it some months ago on 3 selected URLs with medium organic image traffic. Unfortunately all 3 pages dropped significantly (roughly 80%) of image impressions and clicks (seach console data). It seems that just images within the fold, that are not loaded via lazy load are still ranking. Does anybody have here more positive experiences?

    Image & Video Optimization | | _Heiko_
  • Unsolved

    spam score white hat

    How can I reduce the spamscore on my website?
    All the activities I did on my website were completely white hat and I did not do any spam jobs, but my spam score is 2%
    This is my site address
    Please help me how can I reduce the spamscore in my account?

    Moz Tools | | serktba
  • Unsolved

    seo tools seo audit

    Check the Domain Age on THE SEO TOOLS KING
    Get Free seo tools only on THE SEO TOOLS KING

    Moz Tools | | seotoolsking

  • shopify ecommerce url

    Hi, I'm a new bee here, Just wondering if we have some good but easy strategies to get a higher rank in PA and DA?
    My Store URL is [].
    We are selling Shoes, Watches and smart gadgets.
    We do shipping worldwide but need help from the community.

    Link Building | | BeriCollection
  • Unsolved

    seo rankings

    Bringing on a handful of established clients that have never focused on SEO. Needless to say, they will be starting past page 5 on many items. What is the best tactic to figure out their ranking, determine progress internally and also provide movement reports when they are past the five page limit?

    Moz Tools | | StartupStreet

  • I have a website that has recently been removed from Bing's index, but can't figure out why. The website isn't new, and it is indexed just fine on Google. These are the steps I've tried: The website is verified in Bing Webmaster Tools and successfully submitted the sitemap. I tested the URL to ensure that Bingbot is allowed to crawl the site I submitted URLs to Bing via the URL Submission tool There isn't a "noindex" on the site preventing it from being indexed When I do a URL Inspection, an error message comes up saying "The inspected URL is known to Bing but has some issues which are preventing us from serving it to our users. We recommend you to follow Bing Webmaster Guidelines." I contacted Bing to ask whether the website was removed in error, but received a reply that the website doesn't comply with Bing's quality guidelines, but they wouldn't go into detail as to which guidelines the website isn't meeting. The website URL is Can anyone offer any advice or insight as to why Bing won't index our site?  Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lindsey.steinkamp

  • update

    Hello my new website is showing everything at minimum like domain and page rating and backlinks, when will the next update will be?

    Algorithm Updates | | raffaelegurrieri

  • seo content optimization

    I am a college student studying Information Sciences and was "hired" by my uncle over the summer to work and maintain his baseball-related website, which he started in 2016. His posts provide very in-depth information but were created without a focus on SEO. I've noticed that a competing site, which seems to have started as an e-commerce site, is ranking higher than my uncle's site for the query "how much does a baseball weigh." Interestingly, this competing site ranks for keywords like "mass of baseball," even though these exact keywords are not present in the post. Given the recent Google updates and changes in rankings, I'm trying to understand: How can an e-commerce site with seemingly less specific content outrank a detailed blog post?
    What strategies can I employ to improve the ranking of my uncle's site for this specific query?
    Are there tools or methods I can use to analyze why the competitor is ranking higher and how to address it?
    I recognize I am not well-versed in SEO, so any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | sf9090
  • Unsolved

    moz moz academy

    Re: Star snippet not work
    Thank you, I am writing Persian text:
    برای داشتن مبل و دکوراسیون خانه سایت دکورانیک پیشنهاد می شود.
    داشتن اسپاتیفای خرید اسپاتیفای مناسب است.
    آیین نامه
    قالیشویی اصل سایت اصلی قالیشویی های برتر تهران
    سایت اصلی تالار عروسی سایت مناسب تالارهای تهران و سالن عقد
    سایت آموزشی انگلیسی آموزش هایی مربوط به یادگیری زبان

    Moz Tools | | freakymozzz5

  • tipbongda

    Re: I'm stuck by internal linking. What structure should a football website follow? Silo or Topic Cluster?
    I need advice on my website. My website:
    I hope there are answers!

    Competitive Research | | thanhdung0906

  • Is it okay to embed YouTube videos of channel which we don't own? For example, I have written a blog on enabling event search in Google Analytics and Google Webmasters YouTube channel has a video based on those steps. I am looking to add that video in my blog.

    Branding | | Ravi_Rana
  • Unsolved


    Website DA is 4 but Ahref is showing DR 5. Why its different. Top Follow APK
    Top Follow
    Top follow for PC
    Top Follow Mod APK

    Link Explorer | | Be7sjsj38sj

  • I've noticed that some of our URLs have recently dropped completely out of Google's index. When carrying out a URL inspection in GSC, it comes up with 'Crawled, currently not indexed'. Strangely, I've also noticed that under referring page it says 'None detected', which is definitely not the case. I wonder if it could be something to do with the following? - It seems to be a bug affecting quite a few people. Here are a few examples of the URLs that have gone missing: Any help here would be massively appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | iHasco

  • After the June Core Algorithim Update, the site suffered a loss of about 30-35% of traffic. My suggestions to try to get traffic back up have been to add metadata (since the majority of our content is lacking it), as well ask linking if possible, adding keywords to alt images, expanding and adding content as it's thin content wise. I know that from a technical standpoint there are a lot of fixes we can implement, but I do not want to suggest anything as we are onboarding an SEO agency soon. Last week, I saw that traffic for the site went back to "normal" for one day and then saw a dip of 30% the next day. Despite my efforts, traffic has been up and down, but the majority of organic traffic has dipped overall this month. I have been told by my company that I am not doing a good job of getting numbers back up, and have been given a warning stating that I need to increase traffic by 25% by the end of the month and keep it steady,  or else. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it realistic and/or possible to reach that goal?

    Algorithm Updates | | NBJ_SM

  • indexing technical seo ranking

    Hi, I made the mistake of hiring a freelancer to work on my website [](link url) but after having a good website things went from bad to worse. The freelancer was kicked off the platform due to lots of compliants from people and creating backdoors to websites and posting on them. It cost me money to have the back door to our site closed. I then found lots of websites were stealing my content through the rss feed. Two of those sites have now been shut down by their hosting company. With all these problems I found in Feb that the hundreds of keywords that I ranked for had vanished. And all the ones that were in the top ten for many years have also vanished. When I create an article which includes they cannot be found in Google. Normally before all these problems, my articles were found straight away. If I put in the title name Lincolnshire Premier Inn Staff Fear For Their Jobs and then add In2town in front of it, then instead of the page coming up with the article, it instead shows the home page. Can anyone please advise what tools i should be using to find out the problems and solve them, and can anyone offer advice please on what to do to solve this.

    Technical SEO | | blogwoman1

  • local seo nap change of address tool

    Hello, I'm looking to change a business address to a new one on a Google business profile (still in the same area but on a different street). So, I'll need to update all citations and website with the new address - Is it recommended to update the citations & website first, and then change the address on the Google business profile, or vice-versa? Looking to do this as safely as possible without negatively impacting the rankings much. I'm seeing a lot of conflicting information on this. Thanks in advance.

    Local SEO | | UpLinkSEO

  • Our company just did a complete rebrand with a new name and logo. Instagram allows us to change our name, username, logo, and information, unlike Facebook, but there isn't a lot of online content about whether or not that's the best route.  Any thoughts?

    Branding | | RyanHeffernon

  • Hey guys i need know whether targeting homepage for local SEO is good or creating separate page for locatin

    On-Page Optimization | | moz12pro

  • Hi folks, I'm looking for an SEO extension for Magento 2 that enables me to add Custom Canonical URLs on any page (especially on category pages). Any advice would be appreciated greatly!

    Technical SEO | | bbop33

  • speed wordpress website speed technical seo

    I'm reaching out for some advice on improving my WordPress website's speed. I'm currently using a free theme for this fusion magazine and aiming for a score of 95+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. I'm aware that premium plugins can significantly enhance performance, but I'm hoping to achieve similar results using primarily free solutions and manual optimizations.

    Technical SEO | | mohammadrehanseo

  • I'm facing an issue with my website. Due to little to no knowledge about link building and backlink, i created backlinks without checking the quality and spam score of the sites. Now there are many sites linking to my website but the overall spam score is very high of my website and my domain is that i'm talking about. I have created a list and disavowed all he poor linking domains but still no improvement shown. Can anyone have the idea how much time moz will take to show the updated spam score as i have disavowed all the low quality spammed linking site?

    Moz Bar | | rajas2019

  • tf trust flow cf

    Increasing your Trust Flow What news methods to increase trust flow majestic?
    Some say that there are methods to climb trust flow majestic in 15-30 days, does anyone know the method?
    Some say that they can increase trust flow on any portal in 30 days from 0 to 20/100.
    What are the methods of such a thing?

    Community | |

  • for sale

    Can someone recommend a good path to selling a website with good backlinks? possibily a broker or direct buyer?

    Community | | s360

  • redirects urlredirect optimization site structure business

    I have a website with less than 3K visits a year. Only customers with an Account with me who have login credentials can see my product pricing and make a purchase onsite; therefore, indexing/page ranking is not a concern for me. My agency suggests that my product catalog be corrected to a parent/child relationship. Currently, each product variation has its own SKU and PDP. As a result, product findability: Site Search, Categorization, and Facets are a mess. Is there any way I can keep my current URL (branding purposes)? I thought we could delete all pages (PLPs & PDPs) and create all new and enforce 301 redirects. Thoughts?

    Community | | SEOfreshman

  • reduce the spam score

    My website is it is a informational website and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Community | | rameezmirza

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