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The Sims 4 Royal Kingdom

So I was thinking about how much I enjoyed playing the Royal Kingdom Challenge in the Sims 2 and I thought the Sims 4 might actually lend itself well to that type of challenge. Obviously the Sims 4 doesn't come with a lot of themed decoration and I generally don't download any custom content so it would have to be a more modern 'royal kingdom' but I think it could still work.

I've used this Tota's version as a template (it won't let me post links so just enter royal kingdom in the forum search box and it should pop up)

So basically the families you would start out with are:
1 Royalty
2 Noble
2 Merchant
2 Peasant

You play each family for a certain amount of time before moving on to the next family. You can start out with more families in each class (other than royalty) but I plan to play each family for 3-4 days so I want to make sure I can get to all of them a few times before they're all elders.

Here is the way in which each class is restricted:

-May used motherlode twice
-Heirs can only marry royal or nobles
-Must have wedding parties (cannot elope)
-Women cannot work*
-Available careers: Astronaut, business, athletic or tech guru

-May used motherlode once
-Heirs can marry royal, noble or merchant class
-Must have wedding parties (cannot elope)
-Women cannot work*
-Available careers: Astronaut, business, athletic, writer, secret agent or tech guru

-Heirs can marry peasant, merchant or noble classes
-Weddings can be parties or elopements
-Must pay 20% taxes (I think there is a cheat to reduce money but I'm not sure what it is - if anyone could let me know I will add it to make this possible)
-Available careers: Business, culinary, writer, painter, entertainer or secret agent

-Heirs can marry peasants or merchant classes
-Weddings must be elopements
-Must pay 30% taxes
-Available careers: Writer, painter, entertainer, gardener, angler or collector

I tried to adapt the careers from SIms 3 used in the challenge to the Sims 4 careers but I'm definitely open to suggestions on changing these around.

I figured there are a few different succession laws you can play which include patriarchy, matriarchy, first born, etc. Remember though even if a child is not an heir they can marry a member of another family and still be playable they just have to move out of the house they were born into so just because they are not the heir doesn't mean you lose them forever.

I am also going to use different traits to define each family so every child born from that family must have that trait. I am going to use different hair colors to define each class (Royal-red, noble-blonde, merchant-brown, and peasant-black) This is how I'm going to define which class each child born after the first generation will fit into. There are different ways of doing this as well such as the family takes the class of the husband/wife.

I'm going to try this out now and let you know how it goes. Please let me know what you think! I'd love to hear suggestions and if there is enough interest and my challenge goes well I'll try to come up with a point system (although I'm awful at keeping track of stuff like that)


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    br560br560 Posts: 1,836 Member
    Thank you. I'll try this challenge.
    Playing the sims since 2012
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    nikki324nikki324 Posts: 72 Member
    Cool! Let me know how it goes for you!
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    br560br560 Posts: 1,836 Member
    edited February 2015
    Although, there is a challenge a bit like this. I think it's called Monarchy. I'll send you the link.
    Playing the sims since 2012
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    haylz18haylz18 Posts: 182 Member
    Very cool idea! Will have to try this sometime =)
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    nikki324nikki324 Posts: 72 Member
    Okay yeah definitely send it to me! I'm interested to see.

    So far I've tried out the challenge and its going pretty well. The only thing is that by the time I get around to the first family I played the babies are already teens. So I'm thinking I may want to play with long lives but then I changed it and they're so long! I'm going to play through the second generation and then decide.
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    br560br560 Posts: 1,836 Member
    No wait.. Sorry I don't think there is a challenge like that.
    Playing the sims since 2012
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    StormyDayzStormyDayz Posts: 4,035 Member
    I'm going to try this after I'm done with a few challenges I'm working on. I'm wondering how the new careers from the expansion pack will fit in.
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    br560br560 Posts: 1,836 Member
    I'm going to try this after I'm done with a few challenges I'm working on. I'm wondering how the new careers from the expansion pack will fit in.

    They could have a doctor or something for the kingdom or just the royal family.
    Playing the sims since 2012
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    nikki324nikki324 Posts: 72 Member
    > @Rainydayz179 said:
    > I'm going to try this after I'm done with a few challenges I'm working on. I'm wondering how the new careers from the expansion pack will fit in.

    Yeah I'm not sure how the new careers would fit in. I'm thinking owning your own business would have to be merchant and up. Doctor could be merchant or noble, inventor could be peasant or merchant and detective could be merchant or noble. Not too sure yet though.

    Also, for the second generation I'm working on I have changed the lifespan to long and decided to play each family for a week rather than only a couple days. I was feeling like I couldn't make much progress on each family in only a few days so I like this much better.

    Has anyone else tried it out yet? How is it going for you?
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    FlitterShyFlitterShy Posts: 19 New Member
    Hmm.. I think what this challenge needs is a little BUMP!
    Great challenge by the way, I have just made my royal family and I'm already excited!
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    Bri SBri S Posts: 1 New Member
    Just a question, in the merchant and peasant class, can women get jobs?
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    Frodo16Frodo16 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited August 2015
    But, I don't know… What is the "challenge" of this challenge?
    Post edited by Frodo16 on
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    sweetbbdragonsweetbbdragon Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for this challenge, it seems to be a very cool idea :') I'm going to give it a try :)
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    AbsafraginlootlyAbsafraginlootly Posts: 34 Member
    > @Frodo16 said:
    > But, I don't know… What is the "challenge" of this challenge?

    The original goal of the sims 2 version was

    >The Goal: The point of this challenge is to make a themed neighborhood with a royal family, nobility, merchants, and peasants/farmers and reach 5 generations with at least one family from each category.

    Google "the Royal kingdom challange sims 2" and you'll find the original.
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    AbsafraginlootlyAbsafraginlootly Posts: 34 Member
    edited January 2016
    Edit: Realised I'd input the wrong cheat for setting your money as opposed to just increasing it.

    These are the rules that I intend to use for my playthrough, its basically nikki324's and the one for sims 2 posted by discordkitty on modthesims mashed together, plus a few things I added eg. the GTW careers.

    Figured I might aswell share. :)

    The Royal Kingdom Challenge

    The Goal: The point of this challenge is to make a themed neighborhood with a royal family, nobility, merchants, and peasants/farmers and reach 5 generations with at least one family from each category.

    Starting Families in CAS:
    •Royalty – make 1 King and Queen
    •Noble – 3 or less familes
    •Merchant – 2 or less familles
    •Peasant – 3 or less familes

    You can randomize this much as the prosperity challenge does or just make them as normal.

    Class Restrictions


    o Way 1 May use motherlode twice/ Way 2 All money cheats are acceptable (choose way 1 or 2, if you pick way 1 for noble you must pick way 1 for royal etc.)
    o You may use other cheats for building purposes only
    o You may download a castle for the royal family if you don’t want to build one
    o The first-born of the current King and Queen will become the heir to the throne and must never move out of the house except to go to university (n/a)
    o Nobles may only marry a Sim from the royal family or the Nobel class, but they may have lovers of any class (They can marry as close a relation as the game allows)
    o The heir to the throne must be the legitimate son of both the king and the queen
    o Must have wedding parties (cannot elope)
    o Non-heir Peasants may move in as servants to cook and clean

    Available careers: Painter, Scientist, Astronaut, Business, Retail Business Owner, Athletics, Writer
     Optional rule: One gender is not allowed to have a job
    ONE child of each class per generation (not per house, only per generation) could go to ANY job


    o Way 1, May used motherlode once/ Way 2, You may use the motherlode cheat only two times (choose way 1 or 2, if you pick way 1 for noble you must pick way 1 for royal etc.)
    o You may use other cheats for building purposes only
    o The first-born will be the family heir and must never move out of the house except to go to university
    o Nobles can marry royal, noble or merchant class; HEIRS cannot marry beneath their station (can only marry other nobles or royalty). Can have any class as a lover.
    o Must have wedding parties (cannot elope)
    o Non-heir Peasants may move in as servants to cook and clean

    Available careers: Painter, Doctor, Scientist , Astronaut, Business, Retail Business Owner, Police Detective, Secret Agent, Tech Guru, Athletic, Writer,
     Optional Rule: One Gender Does not work

    ONE child of each class per generation (not per house, only per generation) could go to ANY job


    o Way 1, no money cheats/ Way 2, You may use the motherlode cheat only one time
    o You may use other cheats for building purposes only
    o Although the eldest child traditionally becomes the heir, if the eldest becomes enemies with the previous heir, any of the children may inherit their parent’s house and fortune.
    o The heir must never move out of the house
    o Merchants can marry peasant, merchant or noble classes, the HEIR cannot marry beneath their station (eg. Anyone but a peasant). Merchants make take any class as a lover.
    o Weddings can be parties or elopements
    o Optional Rule: Use the cheat testingcheats on and money [amount] to pay 20% taxes on Sundays.

    Available careers: Business, Retail Business Owner, Police Detective, Doctor, Culinary, Writer, Painter, Entertainer, Secret agent, Science, Criminal
     Optional Rule: One gender does not work UNLESS they are unmarried.

    ONE child of each class per generation (not per house, only per generation) could go to ANY job


    o May not use money cheats, may use no other cheats except for building purposes.
    o Although the eldest traditionally becomes the heir, any of the children may inherit their parent’s house and fortune
    o The heir must never move out of the house.
    o Peasants can marry peasants or merchant classes, may be lovers with any class
    o Weddings must be elopements
    o Optional Rule: Use the cheat testingcheats on and money [amount] to pay 30% taxes on sundays

    Available careers: Criminal, Entertainer, Culinary, Police,
    Other income sources: Barista, DJ, Gardener, Angler or Collector, Painting or Writing (but not the career)

     Optional Rule: Everyone is encouraged to work, they’re poor and need the money.

    ONE child of each class per generation (not per house, only per generation) could go to ANY job

    General Rules:

    o Unless otherwise specified you may not use any cheats. No mood or aspiration cheats and no hacks that alter a Sims mood, personality, aspiration etc.

    o To keep all the families and classes in the same generation try to play each family for a specified number of days and then move on to the next family. Play atleast one family from each class before you move on to the next.

    o Roll a dice (or pick from a hat) to determine the aspiration for teens. If the aspiration is totally impossible to achieve for your sims class you may reroll. (eg. If a peasant rolls computer whiz and the free career choice for that classes generation has already been used, they cannot complete as neither they nor any class they can marry into may take the tech guru career) If your sim completes an aspiration you may select the next one.

    o Townies/Npcs take on the class of the player sim they married.

    o When marrying player sims you decide which spouse takes the others name and class. The Heir’s spouse always takes the heir’s class.
    Optional rules
     One gender always takes the other genders class
     Marry up: Player Sims always take the higher partners class.
     Marry Down: Player sims always take the lower sims class, unless they are royalty.

    o You can choose to deal with Illegitimate children by:
     Always assigning the infant their mothers class
     Or assigning the infant the class of their same gendered parent (eg. A noble woman had a child out of wedlock with a merchant man, if the child is a boy, they are merchant class, if the child is a girl, they are noble class)

    o NPC's (maid, repairman, pizza man) are servants so they may only marry Sims from the merchant class or lower

    o For the Townies (game generated sims, eg. Your coworkers in the Doctor career) you should assign a hair colour to each Class so you know which class they belong to (example: All townies with red hair could be considered of the merchant class). However since Townies do not have a family tree they are less respectable and should not belong to the Royal or Nobel class.

    o If you want you can use CC to make a neighbourhood theme. Pick a theme and try to make your neighborhood fit that theme as much as possible. You may choose to avoid using objects that do not match a theme, eg not using a TV in an historical setting.

    o You may use bb.moveobjects on only to decorate lots and move Sims if they get stuck or there is a glitch

    o You may use all reward/aspiration objects unless stated differently. If doing a historical theme, try to hide any modern looking rewards in a basement or attic.

    o Hacks and mods are allowed for the purpose of making the neighborhood more historical accurate/match a theme. Hacks and/or mods that make the game easier are not permitted

    Optional Extras:

    • Since reliable birth control was not used in the old days, you must choose "try for baby" each time your Sims woohoo, this is optional since whether it’s appropriate depends on your theme.

    • You can add a church/monastery or abbey to you neighborhood that you can send Sims to that you don't want to marry. You can choose to play these sims, add them to your playlist, they count as a separate class. Or you can choose not to play them and let the game auto age them by going into the household manager and clicking the plumbob to mark them as unplayed.

    • To keep track of which class played sims are, instead of writing it down, you can choose to have each class have a specific hair colour (ex. all peasants could have brown hair)

    • You can have succession laws other than first born (ex. patriarchy, matriarchy, competition etc).

    Point System:

     2pts for every aspiration level completed. (ex. a completed adult aspiration equals 8pts, only two levels completed equals 4pts)
     1pt every time your royal heir marries another royal
     1pt for reaching the top of a career (maximum of 2pts per sim)
     1pt per completed collection
     5pts per sim who maxs all skills
     -1pt if fired due to poor work performance (n/a if due to chance card)
     -1pt for every child/infant taken by social services.
     -2pts every time you deliberately kill a sim.

    Remember, this challenge is very flexible so it can fit your personal tastes. With this challenge you can unite all the families in a neighborhood and give it some sort of structure and goal. If you are not playing for points feel free to bend the rules a bit to fit your playing style, but don't be afraid to try something different then you normally do!
    Post edited by Absafraginlootly on
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    goguenmgoguenm Posts: 201 Member
    edited January 2016
    I remember loosely playing a royal kingdom challenge with Sims 2 (I don't play for points - I just play). I loved the class system. Will have to give this a go again and see where it takes me :) I too have taken rules from a few different variations of this to suit my playing style.

    I think I am also going to try and make a Kingdom in each town that I have in my game (I think 3 or 4). That way I have a few different Royal families to choose from and they can marry each other and have alliances with other "countries".
    Post edited by goguenm on
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    cutegamer15623cutegamer15623 Posts: 2 New Member
    i remmember watching a video of the royalty challenge so i thought i should try it and now iv seen your fourm i will deffo do it thanx
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    MathsillaMathsilla Posts: 3 New Member
    suggested addition if the sim takes the hair colour when born it joins that class excluding royals, also FreeRealEstate On can be used
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    MathsillaMathsilla Posts: 3 New Member
    Also MC command mod should be used but take off marriages and disenable played household from population cheats
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    RadiantLady1985RadiantLady1985 Posts: 2 New Member
    I just ran across this challenge today :) I think I am going to do it just for fun. :) I have been playing around for a while attempting to make a kingdom in my Sims4. This should be a blast!
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    RadiantLady1985RadiantLady1985 Posts: 2 New Member
    Alright! I spent almost all day setting it up, but I have my Kingdom ready to go. :D I can't wait! I think I am going to play each family 3-4 days a time. I set them for a long life so that I can play each family several times before they age up. I don't like feeling rushed. lol.
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    angl2005151angl2005151 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks! I wanted to do a new Kingdom Challenge with the Sims 4, and this very helpful to get started and to decide my own set of rules :)
    Nicole's Sims Story's

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    AshleyTheLlamaAshleyTheLlama Posts: 6 New Member
    this is pretty cool! I think I'm going to try this out
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    TotaTota Posts: 1,385 Member
    I made this adaptation of RKC for sims 3, maybe you can find some inspiration for the TS4 version.
    Of Kings and Castles
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    MINEZMINEZ Posts: 793 Member
    edited July 2017
    Anyone posting stories of their kingdoms?
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