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Sims 4 Room Challenge

katoregamakatoregama Posts: 1,129 Member
edited March 7 in Nominated Threads

The Sims 4 Room Challenge is meant to test your management of social activities without the presence of other Sims. You build an 8 x 8 room on any lot of your choosing, move your Sim inside, and then delete the door! Your sim may not leave the room until the challenge is complete. The final goal is to complete the Mansion Baron aspiration without ever getting a job, friends, or exiting the allotted space.
Step 1: Create your Sim! Appearance is irrelevant. Make them look however you wish, and with whatever traits you wish. There's just one exception: You may NOT choose the "Loner" trait. Mine is Doris Dolores. I made her a rather finicky Sim with the Outgoing Trait for extra challenge! Doris can be found in the gallery under #theroomchallenge or under my username katoregama. She's just my mascot though. Feel free to make your own. However, you may only have ONE SIM in the household.

Step 2: Add traits and aspirations. Again you may NOT use "Loner". All other traits or starting aspirations are acceptable. Bear in mind however, you are not allowed to switch Aspirations until you reach a point where they are completed, or impossible to complete. Choose wisely! I did NOT choose wisely, as Doris's Gregarious trait will not help her in any way during the challenge. But hey, that's Doris!

Step 3: Move into any vacant lot you choose. You get to use all of the game's initial starting funds to help you get on your feet. I chose Bargain Bend in Willow Creek, but every lot is available as long as they are empty and bulldozed when you move in. Once you do, build an 8 x 8 square room. You don't necessarily HAVE to build a box, but keep the maximum tiles around 64.

Step 4: Feel free to make your house look nice and pretty, and again, use whatever starting funds the game has available inside or out.

Step 5: Move your Sim inside, then DELETE the front door.

Step 6: Your home is your castle, be it ever so humble. So humble in fact you've only got an 8 x 8 grid to work with. However, you can fill the inside with any decorations, furniture, skill objects, toys, computers or whatever you please. Keep in mind you will need to make money without ever getting a job or leaving, so things like fishing and collecting are out. Painting, Programming, Gardening, or Microscoping are all valid means of obtaining income. As long as you never LEAVE.

Step 7: While the FINAL goal is to complete Mansion Baron, clearly it's going to be difficult to accomplish right away. You are more than welcome to build anywhere on your lot to achieve the objectives, such as 30 windows, 20 columns, and a final lot value of $350,000. You may check your progress on Mansion Baron at any time, but again, you may NOT select a new aspiration until your current one is complete or impossible. That's it!

1. Create any Sim you choose from scratch. They may look like whatever you wish.
2. Your Sim may start off with any traits or aspirations you wish EXCEPT "Loner".
3. A hard-mode would require your sim to take the "Outgoing" trait.

1. Choose any lot you wish, as long as you bulldoze every object from the lot before moving in.
2. A small 20 x 15 lot is recommended to give you maximum starting funds.
3. Build an 8 x 8 square room. Foundations are acceptable. You may build a porch and front door at the start.
4. Move your sim into the room, then delete the door. They may not leave under any circumstances.
5. You may only use ONE SIM in the household.

1. Walls may be any height.
2. You may NOT build a staircase to the second floor. 1 Floor Only.
3. Access to a mailbox is allowed, but only if it is in a location within the acceptable confines of your 8 x 8 room.
4. The above is possible by having a corner of the room outside, but fenced off. The mailman won't be able to use the postbox, but you can!
5. You may place any objects, beds, skill objects, or furniture within the confines on your room.
6. You may place walls and doors within your room.
7. You don't necessarily have to build a boring cube if you don't want to. Just keep the final floor plan around 64 tiles, and it will be fine.
8. You can build an outdoor area of your room, or make the entire room a fenced off outdoor area, as long as it fits within the space, and prohibits communication with other sims.

1. When gameplay begins your final goal is to complete the Mansion Baron aspiration.
2. 30 windows, 20 columns and $350,000 worth of stuff? Yes, you ARE allowed to build outside of your room.
3. You can build anything, anywhere, at any time, as long as your sim never leaves their 8 x 8 area.
4. You may NOT switch aspirations once one is selected, until it become impossible to complete, or is completed.
5. The exception to the above, is Mansion Baron. You can switch to it at any time to track your primary progress.
6. You may spend points on any rewards you wish, excluding the "Independent" reward, and "Moodlet Solver"
7. Your sim is not allowed to have a job, making money gains difficult.
8. You may turn aging on or off as desired.

You START with a score of 100 points.
- 1 for every day that passes, excluding day 1.
- 10 for every time the social need reaches critical.
- 10 every time utilities are shut off from unpaid bills.
+10 for every skill that reaches level 10.
+5 for ANY Aspiration Stage you complete.***

***You cannot complete any aspirations requiring you to leave home or make friends. So you will not be able to complete many aspirations in full. That is why it is +5 for every stage, making it +20 for every aspiration fully completed

@zerrina1 - - - - 321 pts
@naniminna - - - - 318 pts
@naniminna - - - - 311 pts
@GeorgiaTehSimmer - - - - 311 pts
@Redliner1960 - - - - 264 pts
@milkewayplayer - - - - 259 pts
@nettlejuice - - - - 258 pts
@MissTrips - - - - 257 pts
@have2admit - - - - 241 pts
@MVWdeZT - - - - 217 pts
@Rainydayz179 - - - - 217 pts
@katoregama - - - - 209 pts (2nd Try) (Achieved Without Rewards!)
@Pooky21365 - - - - 207 pts (2nd Try) (Achieved Without Rewards!)
@mjgd94 - - - - 205 pts
@netguysteve - - - - 204 pts
@queenmermaid2082 - - - - 203 pts
@Moon_Willow - - - - 202 pts
@muffinladyrebecca - - - - 194 pts
@jodiegarfoot - - - - 189 pts
@hedgekat1 - - - - 188 pts
@Mouse1996 - - - - 181 pts
@00Nur - - - - 174 pts
@nateslice - - - - 168 pts
@litabelaqua - - - - 164 pts
@katoregama - - - - 157 pts (1st Try)
@Piperbird1 - - - - 157 pts
@JuleScot - - - - 155 pts
@Rinoa04 - - - - 154 pts
@SimPoseyYum - - - - 143 pts
@Pooky21365 - - - - 138 pts
@Thursday10pm - - - - 137 pts
@junceda - - - - 109 pts
@Piperbird1 - - - - 87 pts (2nd Try) (Achieved Without Rewards, and 1/2 Room Size)
@kremesch73 - - - - 70 pts (Achieved Without Rewards!)

*Just post on my wall with your final score, or send me a PM, and I'll add you to the leaderboard!
Kato, Kato, rhymes with tomato.
Players: Check out my Sims 4 Room Challenge.
Devs & Players: Check out my Archaeology Career Idea
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    CaySedaiSimCaySedaiSim Posts: 581 Member
    Don't you need to use the mailbox to pay bills? Other than that, it sounds like an interesting challenge.
    Member of the Own the Store Club! B)
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    lynnylynny Posts: 1,141 Member
    Don't you need to use the mailbox to pay bills? Other than that, it sounds like an interesting challenge.

    no, you can pay on the computer
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    dmama1314dmama1314 Posts: 262 Member
    You should add this to the forum section for challenges! Sounds fun!
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    Kal_T0rakKal_T0rak Posts: 172 Member
    Sounds intriguing. I think I'm going to try it.
    To be gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely, all you have to do is to believe that one is gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely.
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    Nicarra60Nicarra60 Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'll add it to my list of challenges
    My Sim Story blogs -- Hi Mum, It's Sammy || WA with the Grants || Art flows through || Sims Short Stories (Adult content warning)
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    katoregamakatoregama Posts: 1,129 Member
    I've never really made a challenge before, so I don't know if this will be too easy. I started a file yesterday for this. I just left the mailbox outside. I gave my sim the Childish Trait and a Blarrfy, and so far he's been able to keep up his social pretty well. It tanks pretty hard every time he sleeps, and once money starts becoming an issue it will tank even more. So I'll let you know how it goes.

    Did I post in the wrong section? I'm sorry. XD I usually post in General Discussion just because it seems to be the most generic "let's talk about Sims 4" place.
    Kato, Kato, rhymes with tomato.
    Players: Check out my Sims 4 Room Challenge.
    Devs & Players: Check out my Archaeology Career Idea
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    katoregamakatoregama Posts: 1,129 Member
    Sorry about the double post. XD

    Rules have been updated with pictures, and a slight change to them . Rooms should be 8 x 8 instead of 10 x 10. Again I apologize that this is probably in the wrong section. If any mods find this, I would appreciate it if you could correct my error, and move it to the appropriate area. Thank you, and enjoy!
    Kato, Kato, rhymes with tomato.
    Players: Check out my Sims 4 Room Challenge.
    Devs & Players: Check out my Archaeology Career Idea
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    kremesch73kremesch73 Posts: 10,474 Member
    edited October 2014
    How do you empty the trash of you can't go outside? Just delete the trash and buy a new one each time?
    Dissatisfied with Sims 4 and hoping for a better Sims 5
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    thesims3andtwothesims3andtwo Posts: 4,643 Member

    there is a trash can that turns trash into money.
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    kremesch73kremesch73 Posts: 10,474 Member
    there is a trash can that turns trash into money.

    Ooh. I did not know that. Will have to check it out when I go back upstairs.
    Dissatisfied with Sims 4 and hoping for a better Sims 5
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    moongodessmoongodess Posts: 1,550 Member
    You've got a rule conflict here:
    "Bear in mind however, you are not allowed to switch Aspirations until you reach a point where they are completed, or impossible to complete." in the CAS section and

    "4. You may switch aspirations at any time, and may spend points on any rewards you wish."
    under Gameplay Rules
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    katoregamakatoregama Posts: 1,129 Member
    moongodess wrote: »
    You've got a rule conflict here:
    "Bear in mind however, you are not allowed to switch Aspirations until you reach a point where they are completed, or impossible to complete." in the CAS section and

    "4. You may switch aspirations at any time, and may spend points on any rewards you wish."
    under Gameplay Rules

    Thanks! I'll fix that. The first one is correct.
    Kato, Kato, rhymes with tomato.
    Players: Check out my Sims 4 Room Challenge.
    Devs & Players: Check out my Archaeology Career Idea
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    moongodessmoongodess Posts: 1,550 Member
    Sounds like fun - I was a fan of the old legacy challenge that required you to earn basic showers LOL
    I'll try it out once I'm done with my current project.
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    litabelaqualitabelaqua Posts: 4,322 Member
    ok this sounds fun, I need a side game to play so im gonna give this a go
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    litabelaqualitabelaqua Posts: 4,322 Member
    age length? I guess it will have to be the long life to achieve this
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    moongodessmoongodess Posts: 1,550 Member
    age length? I guess it will have to be the long life to achieve this

    "7. You may turn aging on or off as desired."
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    katoregamakatoregama Posts: 1,129 Member
    age length? I guess it will have to be the long life to achieve this

    Long life is probably necessary. XD You can always turn aging off though, just in case. Mansion Baron is a bit difficult to achieve for Sims starting out.

    So far while playing Doris it's been.... rough. I've never been able to do much more than keep her social just above yellow. Once her Gardening is up a bit and she can talk to plants it will help. On my first test it was easier, since the Childish Trait let you talk to the stuffed toys.
    Kato, Kato, rhymes with tomato.
    Players: Check out my Sims 4 Room Challenge.
    Devs & Players: Check out my Archaeology Career Idea
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    natashifiednatashified Posts: 3,314 Member
    I love this!
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    kremesch73kremesch73 Posts: 10,474 Member
    I'd rather try it with aging on. More challenging that way. I think I'm going to give this one a go. Long life. Aging on, etc.
    Dissatisfied with Sims 4 and hoping for a better Sims 5
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    jeanmichael01jeanmichael01 Posts: 62 Member
    Challenge accepted!
    "If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... A tragedy."
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    thesims3andtwothesims3andtwo Posts: 4,643 Member
    **sigh** i admit , i expected the Asylum challenge to be more horror movie like.
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    asphyxiateddollasphyxiateddoll Posts: 139 Member
    Can we use the buyable reward trait Independent? I didn't see anything in the rules about this.
    Digital Dollhouse Designs Lot Showcase
    Origin ID: asphyxiateddoll
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    Kal_T0rakKal_T0rak Posts: 172 Member
    Can we use the buyable reward trait Independent? I didn't see anything in the rules about this.

    Gameplay Rule #5. You may spend points on any rewards you wish, excluding the "Independent" reward.
    To be gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely, all you have to do is to believe that one is gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely.
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    Jlm0072012Jlm0072012 Posts: 159 Member
    Sounds fun:) going to try this on the weekend:) thanks!

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