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The Official The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge [UPDATED ON DEC 29, 2018]

Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
edited March 7 in Nominated Threads
<3<3<3The Official 100 Baby Challenge <3<3<3

Hello! You may be wondering where the heck the 100 Baby Challenge Rules went. The truth is, it got really difficult for me to keep up with updating the challenge here and on other fan sites I had it posted on, so I ended up falling behind on updating in a couple places (like here), which led to a lot of craziness and confusion.

Fear not, though! I came up with a quick and easy solution.

From now on, you can find the 100 Baby Challenge rules along with all the updates right here on my simblr:

Happy Simming!

Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    kiwi84kiwi84 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Sounds interesting
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    kiwi84 wrote: »
    Sounds interesting

    Thanks! I'm playing with these rules right now and I haven't encountered problems so far. It's actually a really good thing I decided to allow adoptions before playing because it turned out my matriarch's aspiration required her to adopt a child, lol. He doesn't count towards the 100 child count so I'm hoping I can have him do really well in school so I can age him up and move him out fast.
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    15MagPies15MagPies Posts: 416 Member
    Like OMG how pretentious of you!

    Haha, I kid, I kid. :) I'm glad someone has finally taken the time to write out a set of rules. Maybe it'll help some more baby challenge stories to spring up.
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    15MagPies wrote: »
    Like OMG how pretentious of you!

    Haha, I kid, I kid. :) I'm glad someone has finally taken the time to write out a set of rules. Maybe it'll help some more baby challenge stories to spring up.

    Haha well it felt kind of arrogant to barge in and be like "These are my rules and I'm making them official!" when I didn't write the original challenge but I agree, we definitely need a set of rules that is more or less uniform among all the challenge players. I'll get around to adding a point system later for this.

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    MonaLisaJonesMonaLisaJones Posts: 126 Member
    Love this challenge - it was lots of fun in Sims 3! Thanks for putting it together here. :)

    I seem to remember a restriction about the matriarch not being able to leave the lot unless it was to find a donor. Did I make that up? lol Leave it to me to make things harder on myself!
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Love this challenge - it was lots of fun in Sims 3! Thanks for putting it together here. :)

    I seem to remember a restriction about the matriarch not being able to leave the lot unless it was to find a donor. Did I make that up? lol Leave it to me to make things harder on myself!

    It was a restriction in The Sims 3 but I eased up on it for The Sims 4, mostly because of the common space around lots within the different districts. I didn't see a reason why I would need to restrict her from leaving her lot. Since she can't have a job either, also restricting her from going to the clubs to perform for tips seemed silly to me. I wanted her to be able to collect and perform and earn money in any of the ways that don't require her to have a career.

    My matriarch took up painting so she rarely leaves her district (she does chase down men regularly in the community garden near her house, lol) but if she had been a music lover or an aspiring comedian, she would have needed to leave her home to make tips.
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    Solar_CatSolar_Cat Posts: 104 Member
    I've been toying with the idea of starting a 100 baby challenge, despite already being involved in a Legacy challenge and just starting a Legacy/ISBI challenge (that one is crazy town, BTW :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ). I wasn't sure what the specific rules were, so this is very helpful!
    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fuuuurrrr....

    Stella Terrano's Legacy:
    Plum It!: An ISBI Challenge:

    Origin ID: SolarCat85
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Solar_Cat wrote: »
    I've been toying with the idea of starting a 100 baby challenge, despite already being involved in a Legacy challenge and just starting a Legacy/ISBI challenge (that one is crazy town, BTW :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ). I wasn't sure what the specific rules were, so this is very helpful!

    Thanks! Yeah, I noticed a lot of people wanted to play The Sims 4 for the 100 Baby Challenge but no one really had a proper set of adapted rules to go by and I love writing and adapting challenges so I decided to just go ahead and write one up for people. :)

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    scurvywenchscurvywench Posts: 1 New Member
    edited October 2014
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    Nicarra60Nicarra60 Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm glad to see some rules for the 100 baby challenge. I've always wondered about that.

    Can you actually have 100 children in one blood line without having your game implode? I've always thought my game would bog down entirely with this challenge.
    My Sim Story blogs -- Hi Mum, It's Sammy || WA with the Grants || Art flows through || Sims Short Stories (Adult content warning)
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Nicarra60 wrote: »
    I'm glad to see some rules for the 100 baby challenge. I've always wondered about that.

    Can you actually have 100 children in one blood line without having your game implode? I've always thought my game would bog down entirely with this challenge.

    In The Sims 3, it often caused complete meltdowns but The Sims 3 had Story Progression so if your matriarch had 20 children in her lifetime, one of those children would likely have 20 more for your challenge but then the other 19 children you moved out would also each have several children and the number of Sims could easily multiply into the thousands that way very quickly. With The Sims 4, at least you know that only one child will go on to have a lot of children and the others will just grow old and die childless unless you intervene.

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    islem101islem101 Posts: 59 Member
    I heard of this 100 baby Challenge. i will definetly try this :#
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    MelReduxMelRedux Posts: 54 Member
    Are you still thinking of doing a point system for this?
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    PlyrKttyKtKrnchPlyrKttyKtKrnch Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for posting and adpating! I've never done a 100 baby challenge before but I've started one using these rules :)
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    Southernbelle1283Southernbelle1283 Posts: 398 Member
    I don't think a point system is necessary - keeping up with points on Pinstar's Legacy Challenge is challenging enough! (thanks, Excel!) I'm planning on doing one of these though, and I really like the idea of it being generational instead of just one matriarch for the whole thing. I'm not sure yet if I have that squinty-eye lantern jaw bug yet, I'll have to check. If I DON'T then I may start this weekend! Thanks for putting this together!

    Origin ID: simmerdownsouth
    Twitter: @simmerdownsouth
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    MelRedux wrote: »
    Are you still thinking of doing a point system for this?

    Yep, I probably will. This weekend's pretty busy for me since it's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada but I plan to make an optional point system for those who like to collect points and earn high scores. Anyone who doesn't wish to play for points doesn't have to; they can just follow the basic rules for fun. :)

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    kiwi84kiwi84 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I like the look of the challenge, but it seems like a bit of work having to figure out the traits for each male sim.. I wanted to try it out, but my game seems to give me the weird squity eyes and square jaws when kids grow up..
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    kiwi84 wrote: »
    I like the look of the challenge, but it seems like a bit of work having to figure out the traits for each male sim.. I wanted to try it out, but my game seems to give me the weird squity eyes and square jaws when kids grow up..

    Are you thinking of the Legacy Challenge? In the Legacy Challenge, the traits of the spouses matter for points but in this challenge, their traits are pretty irrelevant except for randomly generating their child's traits. It's actually very easy to find out the traits of the fathers for that (three button clicks from map view, in fact).

    In map view, select Household Management, find the father and select to edit the household in CAS. Note his traits then exit.

    Personally, I find taking care of all those children and getting all their grades up to an A so I can age them up the biggest hassle in the challenge but then again, it is a challenge so it's meant to be, well, challenging.

    As for the squinty-eyed, block-jaw glitch, everyone has it. The last patch broke the genetics. It's up to you whether you want to play with aging on or not until that gets fixed but I don't blame you for not wanting to. I don't really want to play my game at all until that's fixed; I've been playing Dragon Age instead.
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    kiwi84kiwi84 Posts: 1,092 Member
    He,he, do you find dragon age fun? I got it for free just now, but have yet to play it. I did not realise you could just find the traits that easy, I have used the randon trait generator before, but then with my two sims I was playing
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I've been obsessed with Dragon Age for years! I was so stoked when I saw it was Origin's On The House deal! Definitely worth a play through. You get so wrapped up in the stories and the characters.
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    ImaginingMysticImaginingMystic Posts: 119 Member
    I had heard of the 100 Baby Challenge for the Sims 3, but never actually attempted it. I'm curious! I might need to try it out!
    Christina aka ImaginingMystic

    Wife of @Pinstar1161 and Community Manager at The Sims Legacy Challenge (

    Also, check out my Youtube channel ( for Sims 2, Sims 3, and Sims 4 Legacy Challenge and Sims 4 Block Party Let's Plays!
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    biglil711biglil711 Posts: 162 Member
    I have been having a ball with this but it makes think of some floozy chasing the guys down to impregnate her. I have only had 6 kids so far but am going to keep the oldest around to help make money painting, etc. I did have a date with the first guy and unlocked the flirty basket. Hope that wasn't cheating. lol even seduced Bob Pancakes.
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    BrittSmith31BrittSmith31 Posts: 3 New Member
    Started this challenge on the sims 4! So excited about this challenge, it is my first attempt at the 100 baby challenge. Posting the first video on my youtube now! if you want to check it out you can find my youtube channel at CYB0R G11RL31
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    biglil711biglil711 Posts: 162 Member
    Started this challenge on the sims 4! So excited about this challenge, it is my first attempt at the 100 baby challenge. Posting the first video on my youtube now! if you want to check it out you can find my youtube channel at CYB0R G11RL31

    Amazing how nice your house can get just from painting! Wanted to do guitar but who has time for that? lol
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    biglil711 wrote: »
    I have been having a ball with this but it makes think of some floozy chasing the guys down to impregnate her. I have only had 6 kids so far but am going to keep the oldest around to help make money painting, etc. I did have a date with the first guy and unlocked the flirty basket. Hope that wasn't cheating. lol even seduced Bob Pancakes.

    Lol nope! Not cheating. If you unlock something the proper way without using mods or cheats, you're fine. If the rules don't specifically say you can't use something, then it's fair game as log as you didn't cheat to get it.
    I had heard of the 100 Baby Challenge for the Sims 3, but never actually attempted it. I'm curious! I might need to try it out!

    I never managed to complete this challenge actually but that doesn't stop me from trying my hardest to do so lol! There's something addictive about it.

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