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World Roleplay codes (May 2024)

Claim free nukes with the latest World Roleplay codes!

Updated: May 9, 2024

We searched for the latest codes!

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Jump into this realistic historical map of the world and leave your mark in World Roleplay. Claim the country of your birth and become the true diplomatic hero who will unite nations together. You can also declare war on everyone and take over the world if that’s your jam. 

If you want to claim enemy territories effortlessly, you can use World Roleplay codes. Unlock free nukes and swiftly defeat your opponents to become the most powerful nation in the world. If you want to claim free goodies in another fun Roblox game, check out our list of Berry Avenue codes.

All World Roleplay codes list

Active World Roleplay codes

  • There are currently no active World Roleplay codes.

Expired World Roleplay codes


Related: Emergency Response: Liberty County codes

How to redeem codes in World Roleplay

You can redeem the latest World Roleplay codes in a few simple steps, and here is how:

How to redeem World Roleplay codes
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  1. Launch World Roleplay in Roblox.
  2. Claim a country.
  3. Press the gift icon at the top of the screen.
  4. Hit the Redeem Code button to open the code redemption box.
  5. Type the code into the text area.
  6. Click Redeem and receive the rewards.

How to get more World Roleplay codes

You don’t have to look far to find World Roleplay codes because they are all in this guide. We add all the latest codes as soon as they come out, so you can bookmark this page and check it occasionally. If you want to look for codes by yourself, you can check out the links below: 

Why are my World Roleplay codes not working?

When you try to redeem World Roleplay codes, error messages usually appear due to the codes being expired or having typos. If you made spelling mistakes, try copying and pasting codes to avoid this issue from now on. However, if the codes have expired, you can reach out to us to let us know, and we will test them ourselves and update our lists. 

Other ways to get free rewards in World Roleplay

Your best bet for getting freebies is to redeem World Roleplay codes. However, if you like and favorite the game on Roblox, you can claim a free nuke. By joining the official Discord (linked above), you can also participate in special events and giveaways

What is World Roleplay?

In World Roleplay, you can claim a country and expand it across a historically accurate map. You can build factories, banks, and forts and form alliances with neighboring countries. In addition to making allies, you can declare wars and take territories by force. 

Check out other guides with codes for more popular games by exploring the rest of our Roblox Codes section and claim superb rewards. 

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Ana Mitic
Ana Mitic, a seasoned code writer for GAMURS, blends her deep-rooted passion for gaming with her professional expertise. With a decade of gaming experience, she specializes in immersive titles like Baldur’s Gate 3 and The Witcher 3. Her fondness for horror games highlights her diverse gaming tastes. Beyond gaming, her life is enriched by her four cats and a fluffy dog, adding a personal touch to her tech-savvy persona.