The Sims 4 Mod: Relationship Changes from Club Gatherings

Tired of spamming social interactions over and over again? This mod allows you to passively gain (or lose) relationship points with the Get Together club system! Just start a gathering, perform encourage activities, make sure the club members are in a good mood, and you’ll passively gain relationship points with them. Of course, you can still perform normal social interactions as well to make it go faster.

How it Works

  • While an active Sim is performing an encouraged club activity, they’ll gain or lose relationship points with all other Sims in the club gathering, depending on both the mood of the active Sim and the mood of the other members.
  • If a Sim is in a positive emotion, they’ll gain relationship points with the other. If both Sims are in a positive emotion, the effect will be applied twice.
  • If a Sim is in a negative emotion, they’ll lose relationship points instead.
  • If a Sim is in a neutral emotion (Fine or Asleep), it will have no effect on relationship points gained or lost.
  • The effect of a negative emotion is stronger than a positive one, so if one Sim is positive and the other is negative, they’ll lose points (but slowly).
  • If a Sim is in the “Very” stage of an emotion, the effect is doubled.
  • The mod intentionally has no effect on romance, since building romance is more complicated, and being able to build it just from club gatherings would eliminate that part of the game.
  • The mod also has no effect on the Social need, so there’s still a reason to occasionally perform normal social interactions.
  • The mod should work with modded emotions. It checks the “buff polarity” of the Sim’s current emotion and their “mood level”, rather than looking for specific emotions or buffs.


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The Sims 4 Mod: Schedule Festivals Yourself


Schedule Festivals Yourself disables all festivals in The Sims 4 and allows you to re-add them using the Seasons holiday system. It supports festivals from City Living, Island Living, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living and High School Years. You can schedule them to appear on any day and season you want, or disable them entirely by not scheduling them at all.

This mod requires Seasons to work. You’ll also need at least one pack that contains festivals, otherwise it’s useless.

If you have High School Years, the mod also changes how the Chess and Computer Team Science Fairs work. These are now scheduled through the holiday system like the other festivals instead of through the phone.

Like most holiday traditions, Sims can “Love” or “Ignore” them based on their traits. A Sim “Ignoring” the tradition won’t prevent the festival from appearing, it just means they won’t get any holiday points for it.

Known Issues

There are two known issues that can cause festivals to start at the wrong time:

  • Festivals are scheduled a certain number of hours after 6am, when holidays usually start. Because of this, if you edit a holiday that has already started and add a festival tradition, it will start late.
  • If this mod is added to an existing save, new instances of festivals can clash with old ones, causing them to not start or start at weird times. To prevent this from happening, schedule festivals on different days than they would normally be scheduled for (for example, avoid scheduling the Football Team Sports Day on Thursdays). For festivals from older packs (City Living, Island Living, Snowy Escape), this problem should fix itself after a few Sim days, but for newer packs, it can take up to four Sim weeks.


  • This mod will conflict with any mod that alters festival notifications, including mods that remove them. I kept the notifications in this mod, because if you go out of your way to add a festival to the calendar, you probably want to be notified when it begins.
  • This mod will also conflict with mods that add notifications to Island Living festivals, including avacadoloki’s Sulani Events Flyer and Calendar Notifications and MizoreYukii’s Island Event Notifications. Schedule Events Yourself adds similar functionality to the latter.

Change Log

  • 15th June 2024 - Updated to fix a typo in the description for the GeekCon tradition.


Download from Google Drive

Please see Known Issues and Conflicts before using!

Project Squealer BIG REVEAL

Calling all mystery buffs, adventure seekers, and gumshoe wannabes!

I am developing MY OWN INDIE GAME under the working title PROJECT SQUEALER! In this action-packed adventure RPG game, a disease called Laughter Pox has plagued the town, and it’s up to three kid detectives to investigate!


These days, I’m mostly known for making mods for The Sims 4, but I’ve been interested in game development as far back as 2009. In fact, I originally bought The Sims 3 for PC back in 2012 as a tool to plan out characters and worlds, before becoming hooked on the gameplay. For a long time, The Sims was my main creative outlet, but I was still coming up with game ideas in the background.

Skip ahead to mid 2016: while playing with my Go to School mod, I needed to create some child characters to fill the school with. I created two rival teams of kid detectives, and came up backstories and mysteries for them to solve. I ended up liking these characters far more than any other characters I had created. They felt like my creative masterpiece, begging for something bigger than just creations made in a character creator.

That’s when “Project Squealer” started brewing in my brain. This indie RPG wasn’t just some vague idea; I was developing full-blown stories, environments, and gameplay planned for my kid detectives. I also had the perfect art style in my head. Emphasis on in my head.

Turns out, bringing my dream art style to life was way harder than I thought. So hard, in fact, that I spent the next few years learning how to create art. It took until 2020 to finally have character and environment art that could (almost) pass for pro-level game stuff. Not only that, the project was undergoing what indie devs refer to as scope creep. I kept adding more and more ideas to the design doc, making the game more complex and pushing the release date even further into the future. In 2018, I even decided to move from 2D to 3D, and switched engines from MonoGame to Unity (and later to Unreal Engine 5 in 2023).

Now, it’s 2024, and I’m finally, finally ready to announce what I’ve been working on for the past 6 years!

Project Squealer is the working title for my own indie game about a team of three kid detectives: Orlo (middle), Von (left) and Zoros (right). Together, they go on adventures and solve mysteries… or at least they would, if they weren’t constantly having their business stolen by a rival detective team.

In this action-packed adventure game, a mysterious disease known as Laughter Pox has plagued the town, causing people to laugh hysterically. Where is it coming from? How can it be cured? It’s up to our detectives to find out! If they can convince others to trust them with such an important mission, that is!

Project Squealer uses a hybrid of 2D and 3D graphics to create a 2D cartoon look with full 3D movement. Characters and some organic objects are 2D sprites that move with the camera. Most environments, objects and buildings are 3D, but have texture-based outlines to give it a 2D look.

The game features a variety of different quests, characters, abilities, enemies, locations, weapons and items. In addition to the main storyline, you can help out NPCs by performing “errands” for them, which will unlock cool rewards and even side missions.

Unlike many RPG games, Project Squealer won’t include a character level system, because I want the player to be able to progress using their own skill, not by grinding levels. One of the game’s main design philosophies is that there are few, if any, permanent upgrades. Weapons will eventually break, status effects that make your stronger will eventually expire, etc.

Project Squealer is still in relatively early development. I plan to post more information, screenshots, and eventually even videos, as it gets closer to release. Follow my Twitter for quicker updates:

Your support and feedback is welcome, and will help improve the game!

The Sims 4 Mod: Simvestigations


Your Sims can become private investigators in this mod for The Sims 4! What was originally based on the Private Investigator active career from The Sims 3 Ambitions, evolved into its own mini game game. Take cases and look for clues to determine who is innocent, and who is the culprit.

How to Play


The mod adds a new “Simvestigations” app to the phone. Select it and choose “Search for Cases” to find a case to solve. It works similarly to the Odd Jobs system from Island Living. Solving cases increases your star rating, and a higher star rating unlocks more cases that are higher paying but more difficult.

After choosing a case, the game will assign a random Sim as the culprit, and one or more other Sims as decoys (assuming you start a 0 stars, your first case will only have one decoy). Using interactions that are available to your Sim, deduce which Sim is the culprit. There are various ways to find clues, including talking to the suspect, rummaging through their trash, using the Listening Device from StrangerVille, and more. See further down for more information. The mod is more likely to choose Sims with traits, skills or who live in worlds based on the case description.


As your Sim finds information about the case, there is a random chance it will increase your Sim’s “Confidence” that the other Sim is the culprit. Once your Sim’s Confidence reaches 100%, you can use the phone to report the culprit and complete the case.

Your Sim isn’t doing all the work, though. You, the player, have a bit to do as well. While the chance of gaining Confidence is random, it is higher when looking for information on the actual culprit than on a decoy. Therefore, if you notice an unusually high success rate, you may have found the culprit and should continue investigating. Conversely, if you notice a low success rate, maybe you should start investigating a different suspect. Your Sim can only ever get 100% Confidence on the culprit, decoys will cap out.

Ways to Investigate


There are multiple ways you can find information on a suspect:

  • Become friends with them and convince them to give you information.
  • Become friends with them and trick them into giving you information.
  • Be mean to them and demand information.
  • Secude them for information.
  • Become friends with a household member and ask for information.
  • Rummage through their trash.
  • Research them on a computer.
  • Hack for information on a computer.
  • Use the Listening Device from StrangerVille. After using the device to listen in on a suspect, click their recording and select “Use as Case Evidence”. This will delete the recording and has a chance to increase your Sim’s Confidence.
  • Analyze previously rummage trash using the Chemical Analyzer from Get to Work.

Side Cases

Aside from the mini game, there are other cases you can take to earn extra money and increase your star rating. These include socializing with other Sims around town for information, exploring hidden areas from packs, and more.

Some side cases require certain packs to function. The mod is split into seperate package files, so you can delete ones for packs you don’t have.


Ready to start solving cases? Download the mod now!

The Sims 4 Mod: Less Lot Type Restrictions


This mod unlocks the ability to have Residential Rentals on Sulani waterfront lots (with side effects, see below). It also allows you to change the lot type of owned businesses.

Restrictions on Residential Rentals on Waterfront Lots

If you set a waterfront lot to be a Residential Rental, the game will no longer recognize it as a waterfront lot, and the water area will be treated as normal terrain. Sims can no longer swim or use boats on the lot, and if you direct a Sim to “Go Here”, they’ll stand under the water. All water off the lot still works as normal.

Since the game doesn’t recognize the lot as waterfront, buildings aren’t required to have a foundation, and it’s possible to build basements. However, terrain tools are still disabled.

If you change the lot back to another type, you’ll need to reload the lot for it to work normally again.


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The Sims 4 Mod: Fixed Interior Decorator Career

As of this post, the Interior Decorator career from Dream Home Decorator has a significant bug that makes it unplayable, where upon completing a gig, there will be a LastException, no popup, and worst of all, your Sim won’t gain any performance/reputation or get promoted.

This mod fixes the issue, allowing you to play the career once again!

Additionally, this fixes a minor issue with both the Interior Decorator and Actor careers where they would show as rabbithole careers in the Find a Job dialog.

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The Sims 4 Mod: Spawn Refresh

This mod completely overhauls how venue spawning works in The Sims 4, allowing for fully-staffed, multi-purpose lots!


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The Sims 4 Mod: Voidcritter Card Inventory Fix for Sims Outside the Active Household

With this mod, Voidcritter cards from Kids Room Stuff are no longer removed from a Sim’s inventory when switching to another household. Now your Child Sims can battle each other with the cards you gave them!

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The Sims 4 Mod: Increased Default Household Funds

This mod increases the default household funds when creating a new household or moving in an unplayed household from the gallery, to 50,000 simoleons plus an additional 5,000 for each extra household member.

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The Sims 4 Mod: High School Spawn Fix

This mod fixes an issue that prevented player-made Sims from spawning at the high school in High School Years. Additionally, it makes it so that the game is equally likely to choose Sims that are assigned to either class 1 or class 2. The two issues are related, so it’s not easy to fix just one.

Please note: This only fixes the issue preventing player-made teens from spawning, it doesn’t guarantee that they always will. The game uses its own system for deciding which Sims to spawn, and it may or may not choose player made ones.

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