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"The Missing Link" is the twelfth episode in The Legend of Zelda TV series. It first aired in the United States and Canada on November 24, 1989.


See also: Episode transcript
Link's Spirit (The Missing Link)

Link's spirit and Zelda

Ganon arrives in Princess Zelda's courtyard with an army of Moblins and Stalfos as he plans to capture her inside his Evil Jar using his new Wand of Power.[1] While Link is distracting the Moblins' attacks, Zelda runs off to get the Triforce of Wisdom to fight against Ganon. When she arrives, Ganon throws a magic spell in her direction, but Zelda deflects it with the Triforce of Wisdom's magic,[2] which causes the spell to bounce around and eventually captures Link instead. Ganon decides that capturing Link is satisfactory and leaves back to the Underworld.[3]

Zelda is upset that Link has been captured,[4] but discovers that Link's spirit is still with her and can still see him.[5] Zelda then theorizes that when Ganon's spell was deflected, it was weakened and only took Link's body but not his spirit.[6] Spryte then comes in and it is then revealed that, although Spryte can also hear Link, she cannot see him,[7] which makes Zelda wonder if she's the only person that can see the young hero.[8] The heroes then set off to go to Ganon's lair and retrieve Link's body, although Zelda is forced to carry Link's sword instead as he cannot pick up the sword.[9]

The pair arrive in Ganon's lair, with Zelda fighting the enemy Stalfos under Link's guidance since none of the foes can see Link either.[10] When one remaining Stalfos grabs Zelda from behind, Link scares it off with his voice,[11] allowing Zelda to zap it. As Link and Zelda close in on Ganon, they overhear one of the Stalfos tell Ganon that they had heard Link's voice and that Zelda could see the young hero, although they could not.[12] Ganon realizes that he has only captured Link's body and theorizes that Zelda can see Link only because she is in love with him.[13] Although Zelda tries to deny it,[14] Link is overjoyed to hear this, and starts yelling "Zelda loves me, Zelda loves me." This causes Ganon and the Stalfos to notice where Link and Zelda are hiding, and they begin to attack.[15]

Zelda sets a curtain on fire to create a diversion while Link's ghost re-enters his body. After the young hero wakes up, Link takes a bomb from a Stalfos and uses it to escape the Evil Jar.[16] The explosion causes water to pour out of the Evil Jar, washing Ganon and his henchmen away and allowing Link and Zelda to escape. Back in the castle courtyard, Link asks Zelda for a kiss,[17] but as she's about to kiss him,[18] the piece of ledge that Link was standing on breaks off and he falls, missing yet another opportunity.





  • The plot of the episode is almost identical to The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. In the game, Zelda's spirit is separated from her body by Chancellor Cole in order to revive his master, Malladus. Only Link can actually interact with Zelda, while everyone else (with the exception of the Lokomos, Cole, and Byrne) cannot.


  • In one scene, when Ganon and the Stalfos are talking in the Evil Jar, Ganon's mouth is moving when a Stalfos is speaking.


  1. "Eliminate that heroic pest! I want Zelda. My new Wand of Power will allow me to zap her into my Evil Jar!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  2. "Blast! She deflected my power zap!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  3. "Well, not quite what I planned, but it will do!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  4. "Link...oh, Link! Oh, I'm so sorry!" — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  5. "Wha? I can see you, but...I can't feel you!" — Princess Zelda (', Episode 12)
  6. "The zap, of course! All that bouncing around it did must have weakened it before it hit you! It got your body but not your spirit!" — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  7. "Huh? Where'd he go? I heard him, but I don't see him!" — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  8. "That's strange. I wonder if I'm the only one that can see him." — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  9. "I can't pick up my sword and Ganon's got my body. What am I gonna do?" — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  10. "No, no! You've gotta aim! You're doing it wrong! Two hands for a beginner." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  11. "Link? What? Where is he?" — Stalfos (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  12. "I heard his voice, evilness. And Zelda seemed to be able to see him, though I could not." — Stalfos (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  13. "Blast! Then that's the explanation. I captured only Link's body, his spirit stayed behind! But one thing puzzles me. Why would Zelda be able to see him? She could only do that if--no, no, impossible. [...] Zelda could only see Link if...if she was in love with him! Zelda in love with Link? Augh! How disgusting!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  14. "Augh, I do NOT! [...] No! I mean...maybe just a little." — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  15. "They're here! Find them, my servants! Now!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  16. "Hah! I'm back! Give me a bomb, bonehead. NOW!" — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  17. "Well, love me or not, I DID save you. Kiss me." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)
  18. "Well...ok. A quick little kiss. But remember, it doesn't mean anything!" — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 12)