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Cado is a character in Breath of the Wild.[4]


Cado is a member of the Sheikah Tribe who lives in Kakariko Village with his beloved Cuccos. He is separated from his ex-wife, Rola,[3] but both remain in the Village. He is a talented archer who normally wears his Phrenic Bow on his back in addition to the Eightfold Blade he wears on his hip.

In the Journal of Various Worries, Cado recounts the end of his relationship with Rola. She asked him to choose between herself and his Cuccos, and he chose the Cuccos.[1] Within, he signs his name as "The Bow Master".

When Link first approaches Impa's House in Kakariko Village, Cado and his fellow guard Dorian will take a defensive stance and demand he identify himself.[5] However, he then notices the Sheikah Slate on Link's belt and realizes who the young hero must be.[6] The two relax their stances and Dorian apologizes,[7] inviting the young hero inside to see Impa.[8] Cado and Dorian will step aside to allow Link passage, and Cado will again apologize.[9]

Cado admits they are on high alert due to the Yiga Clan.[10] Link can ask about them to learn the history of both the Sheikah and the Yiga Clan. Cado will describe how their Ancient Technology was once used against Calamity Ganon,[11] but then was considered too dangerous and forced the Sheikah into exile.[12] Cado explains that while some were able to move on and lead normal lives,[13] others were embittered and formed the Yiga Clan.[14] He declares that he and Dorian are stationed to protect Impa against a possible attack from them.[15] Cado asks that Link take caution in his travels, as the Yiga Clan are likely to wish him harm.[16] He reminds the hero not to underestimate them as an opponent.[17]

After Link has had his first meeting with Impa, Cado and Dorian will begin to take shifts guarding her home. At noon, Cado will head home to his Cuccos, whom he refers to very affectionately.[18] However, Cado is utterly shocked and horrified to find that most of the birds have flown away.[19] He is so dismayed by their absence that he breaks down into tears, explaining that his wife has left him and the Cuccos are all he has.[20] Cado has difficulty holding himself together, startling Link with his sudden sobbing.[21]

Link can try to reassure him that they will return, but he replies that he has been waiting for his wife to return as well.[3] Speaking to him again has him despairing over the idea that his Cuccos have decided to leave him the way his wife did.[22] Cado breaks down into sobs again, but Link can volunteer to search for them to cheer him up.[23] He explains that he has 10 Cuccos in total,[24] at which point the "Flown the Coop" Side Quest begins.

When Link returns all of the Cuccos, Cado will excitedly inform him that they have all returned.[25] He thanks Link for his help and gives him a Purple Rupee as a reward.[26] With his Cuccos back at his side, Cado asserts he is ready to face the world again.[27] However, he still wishes that Rola would come back to him.[28] This completes the Side Quest.

After the Side Quest, Cado will continue to watch over his Cuccos until late into the night.[29] He admits that while he is nervous about leaving them alone, he knows he needs his sleep.[30] Even is his sleep, Cado mutters to his Cuccos, begging them not to leave.[31]

Any other time Link comes by to see him, Cado is okay with his Cuccos hopping the fence and exploring, mentioning that they can be used to fly.[32] Link can ask him about the fact, and Cado will proudly declare that it is true.[33] He happily describes the feeling of flying with a Cucco as the greatest joy in his life.[34]

At the outset of "The Stolen Heirloom" Shrine Quest, Cado explains to Link that something awful happened, despite the fact that he and Dorian were standing guard the whole time.[35] He is shocked that they allowed someone to sneak past them.[36] During the Shrine Quest, Cado is angry that the Sheikah Heirloom was stolen and wonders how the thief made it past him and Dorian.[37] He reveals that the only let through known villagers,[38] as they're able to come and go as they please.[39] The only people he remembers visiting around the time of the theft are Lasli and Mellie.[40] When Dorian leaves his post, Cado wonders why he has not returned yet.[41] He recalls that Dorian said he was going to the forest above the village, but Cado believes he is taking longer than expected.[42]


  • Cado is one of several characters that will hit Link back if he attacks them with a Weapon.[43] These attacks deal no damage.


Cado's name is derived from Avocado.

TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
United KingdomEnglishBRCado
CanadaFrenchCAVocahA play on "avocat", French for Avocado.
FranceFrenchEUVocahA play on "avocat", French for Avocado.
Latin AmericaSpanishLAWakat
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Well, my wife left me today. The last thing she said to me was: "What's more important, the Cuccos or me?!" I chose the Cuccos. - The Bow Master" — Journal of Various Worries (Breath of the Wild)
  2. "My husband's a fine archer himself... but we're living apart right now. This feeling... It's been so, so long." — Rola (Breath of the Wild)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "[They'll come back...] My wife left me a while ago... All this time I've been waiting for her to come back. Ha. Joke's on me. Ha... Ha ha..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  4. "Cado" — N/A (Breath of the Wild)
  5. "You there! Who are you?! How dare you trespass upon Lady Impa's abode!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  6. "Hm? Is that...a Sheikah Slate? But that would mean you are... No, it's not possible. Can it be?" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  7. "Please forgive us for behaving so rudely." — Dorian (Breath of the Wild)
  8. "Of course we have heard he legends from Lady Impa herself. Please, friend... Go ahead and step inside." — Dorian (Breath of the Wild)
  9. "Though it was simple ignorance, I must apologize again for my actions." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  10. "Lately the Yiga Clan has been stirring up trouble. We are all on high alert. Still... That is no excuse for my behavior." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "We of the Sheikah tribe have long been heralded as a people of great wisdom. Our technology became the key to sealing Ganon away during the Great Calamity, some ten thousand years ago." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "At one point, our technology was praised as the power of the gods...but eventually the people turned on it. Turned on us. Our creations came to be viewed as a threat to the kingdom. The Sheikah became outcasts, forced into exile." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "Some, like us, chose to cast off our technological advances and strove to live normal lives." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  14. "Others formed a hatred toward the kingdom that shunned them. These sad souls swore their allegiance to Ganon. They now call themselves the Yiga Clan." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "Recently, the Yiga Clan has been acting suspiciously... It is our duty to protect Lady Impa." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  16. "Their sole mission is to eliminate all who stand against Ganon. Please, dear hero...be careful out there." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  17. "To the Yiga Clan, anyone who so much as feels bitterness toward Ganon is an enemy. Do not underestimate them." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  18. "I must be going soon. They'll be waiting for me, my little ones..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  19. "Sir... Sir Link... My Cuccos... My precious Cuccos... They haven't come home yet!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  20. "Now that my wife wants nothing to do with me, my Cuccos are my only emotional support..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  21. "Waaaah... What do I doooo... AAAARRRRGH!!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  22. "Waaah... Sir Link... Could it be that my little Cuccos have stopped loving me just like my wife? My Cuccos... It can't be so... Where are you, my sweet Cuccos... My poor Cuccos..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  23. "[I'll go find them!] Really? Thank you so much!!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  24. "I have 10 Cuccos total. Hopefully you'll be able to find them all..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  25. "Link!! My Cuccos... My sweet little baby Cuccos... They're all back!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  26. "Thank you so much! Really, I could never thank you enough! This isn't much, but I insist you take it!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  27. "I'm ready to get out there again!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  28. "Though I do wish my wife would come back to me, just like my Cuccos did..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  29. "As I was watching my Cuccos... the day just passed me by. Now it's late!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  30. "Ever since what happened, I'm afraid to leave them. But I have some work to do tonight, so I'd better go get some rest." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  31. "Don't leave me... Little Cucco... *sniffle*" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  32. "Ah! Link! Because of you, my Cuccos are out there playing happily. So, what do you think? Aren't they special? And to think, you can fly them anywhere!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  33. "Of course! Didn't you know that? A Cucco that can't fly would be...just a glorified chicken! How boring!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  34. "Ah, the moment when you take hold of a precious Cucco and leap off an edge... Oh, how your stomach flutters! It's truly my greatest joy in life." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  35. "Link. We were standing guard the whole time, and yet this awful thing still happened." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  36. "How could we have let someone sneak past us?" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  37. "That filthy thief! Me and Dorian were standing guard the entire time! How did they get past us?!" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  38. "The only people we let through were known villagers..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  39. "Yes, known villagers are free to come and go as they please." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  40. "I think the only people that stopped by around the time the heirloom went missing were Lasli and Mellie. They used to come by around noonish, but lately they've been stopping by at night." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  41. "Why isn't Dorian back yet?" — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  42. "He said he was going to the area above the village, but he should've been back by now." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)
  43. "So terrifying..." — Cado (Breath of the Wild)