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Wizzroboe is a boss in Cadence of Hyrule.[1] It's the boss of the Frozen Grotto and it drops an Oboe upon defeat.


Wizzroboe looks like a Wizzrobe seen in A Link to the Past, with a purple dress and a black body. In addition to its large yellow eyes, it has an oboe instead of a mouth and uses it when it attacks. It has an alternative shape with red eyes and a darker coat.

Upon arrival in the arena, Octavo appears and warns the played character (which depends on the player's choice), before teleporting away, unless the played character is Octavo. Eight Wizzrobes then appear while Octavo plays his lute and bewitch the oboe present at the back of the arena, transforming it into a Wizzroboe.

Like Gleeokenspiel, the Bass Guitarmos Knight, and Gohmaracas, Wizzroboe's Life Gauge depends on the number of Instruments that the party owns. When fighting him, he can perform different attacks. He can drop icicles on the character in a circle or by following the character's trajectory, which will then leave ice on the ground. He can summon a myriad of Wizzrobes on the sides of the arena, who will send ice projectiles towards the character before disappearing. It can also make flakes appear that will move towards the character, leaving ice on the ground. After each attack, he teleports, forcing the player to attack him as quickly as possible.

After losing part of his life, he makes a new attack, which consists of quickly teleporting close to the character and attacking where he is, then teleporting again. It uses the same attacks as in the first phase. When he is defeated, all the Wizzrobes invoked disappear and an oboe, as well as a Heart Container, appear.

If Wizzroboe is defeating using only the Fire Rod, the Achievement "Hot Beats" is earned.


Wizzroboe's name is a portmanteau of Wizzrobe and oboe.


  • Every time Wizzroboe attacks or teleports, he plays his oboe.
  • The oboe part in Wizzroboe's theme was performed by YouTuber Kate Lovelymomo.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseウィズローボエ (Uizurōboe)
ChinaChineseSI双簧管魔法师 (Shuānghuángguǎn Mófǎ Shī)
Taiwan, Hong Kong, MacaoChineseTR雙簧管魔法師 (Shuānghuángguǎn Mó Fǎshī)
CanadaFrenchCAHaut Sorcier de bois
FranceFrenchEUHaut Sorcier de bois
ItalyItalianSciamanix dell'oboe
South KoreaKorean위즈로보에 (Wijeuloboe)
Latin AmericaSpanishLAWizzroboe
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See Also[]


  1. "Wizzroboe" — N/A (Cadence of Hyrule)