The Rogue Prince of Persia Early Access



The Rogue Prince of Persia shows a hefty amount of promise, but it may be worth waiting until that promise develops into something more bingeable.


With a slick presentation and an incredibly fun combat system, all the right pieces are here for The Rogue Prince of Persia’s success. But while running on walls and zooming through enemies are fast-paced joys, the repetition you’ll face and the faint whisper of a story that loosely ties things everything together wear thin far too quickly as of its Early Access launch. It will undoubtedly be fascinating to watch The Rogue Prince of Persia fill out as time goes on, but both bug fixes and more of pretty much every good thing need to be equal priorities in its upcoming updates to move the needle to something great. Some of that has already arrived, so I’m at least optimistic The Rogue Prince of Persia could have what it takes to one day become the next major roguelite favorite, but it’s pretty far from that goal where it sits now.


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