Video Marketing Statistics 2020

The State of Video Marketing

We gathered the stats below by surveying 656 unique respondents in December 2019. Our sample included both marketing professionals and online consumers. We separated these groups with a preliminary question, ensuring that respondents were only asked to answer the questions relevant to them. Our trends data is based on 6 years of asking these questions.

View past results here: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Warning: These survey results are now out of date. Click here to view this years results along with year over year trend data.


Video marketing overview

How many businesses use video as a marketing tool – and how do they use it?

85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. This was 87% in 2019, 81% in 2018, 63% in 2017 and 61% in 2016.
View trend chart
92% of marketers who use video say that it’s an important part of their marketing strategy. This was 91% in 2019, 85% in 2018, 82% in 2017, 88% in 2016 and 78% in 2015.
View trend chart

99% of people who use video for marketing say they’ll continue using video in 2020.

The most commonly-created types of video are explainer videos (72%) presentation videos (49%) testimonial videos (48%) sales videos (42%) and video ads (42%).


2019 in review

How did the video marketing landscape change in 2019?

20% of video marketers said they used video for the first time in 2019.

47% of first-time video marketers started using video in 2019 because they believe it’s become quicker and less time-consuming to create video content.

48% of first-time video marketers got started with video because they found it easier to convince others in the business of its value.

46% of first-time video marketers started using video in 2019 because they believe it’s easier to create video content in-house.

46% of first-time video marketers started using video in 2019 because they believe video is becoming more affordable.

18% of first-time video marketers started using video in 2019 because they feel clearer about the ROI of video.

92% of video marketers feel the level of noise and competition have increased in the last year.


The ROI of video marketing

How do marketers feel about the return they get on their investment in video?

87% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their website.

81% of video marketers say video has helped increase the average time their visitors spend on page.

95% of video marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service.

83% of video marketers say video has helped them generate leads.

80% of video marketers say video has directly helped increase sales.

43% of video marketers say video has reduced the number of support calls they’ve received.

89% of video marketers say video, in general, gives them a good return on their investment.

95% of video marketers plan to increase or maintain their spend on video in 2020.


Non-video marketers

Why are some marketers still reluctant to invest in video?

20% of non-video marketers say they don’t use video for marketing as it is too expensive.

17% of non-video marketers say they don’t use video for marketing as they don’t know where to start, with the same number (17%) saying they don’t feel it’s needed.

13% of non-video marketers say they don’t use video for marketing as they lack time to invest into video marketing.

10% of non-video marketers say they don’t use video for marketing as they say they’re unclear on the ROI of video, with another 10% saying they’re unable to convince key decision-makers.

59% of non-video marketers say they expect to start using video as a marketing tool in 2020.


The Audience View: Consumers and video

Putting aside what marketers think about video – how do their audiences feel about it?

96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

74% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy or download a piece of software or app by watching a video.

When asked how they’d most like to learn about a product or service, two-thirds of people (66%) said they’d prefer to watch a short video. This compares to 18% who’d rather read a text-based article, website or post, 4% who’d like to view an infographic, 3% who’d rather download an ebook or manual, 3% who’d rather attend a webinar or pitch, and 2% who’d like a sales call or demo.

People watch an average of 16 hours of online video per week – a 52% increase in the last 2 years.

People are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other type of content.

86% of people would like to see more video from brands in 2020. Out of these, 36% say they’d most like to see more educational/explainer video style content, with 14% wanting to see more product demos.


Video marketing on social media

How do marketers plan to use video in 2020?

88% of video marketers plan to include YouTube in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
76% of video marketers plan to include Facebook in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
66% of video marketers plan to include LinkedIn in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
65% of video marketers plan to include Instagram in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
42% of video marketers plan to include webinar in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
38% of video marketers plan to include Twitter in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
32% of video marketers plan to include Facebook Live in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
28% of video marketers plan to include InstagramTV in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
21% of video marketers plan to include interactive video in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
15% of video marketers plan to include TikTok in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
15% of video marketers plan to include 360 degree video in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
12% of video marketers plan to include VR in their 2020 video marketing strategy.
9% of video marketers plan to include Snapchat video in their 2020 video marketing strategy.


Video platforms

Which platforms do video marketers use – and which ones do they find most effective?

YouTube remains the most widely used platform for video marketers, with 85% of video marketers having used it in 2019.

83% of video marketers that have used YouTube said it had been successful for them.

In 2019 LinkedIn has emerged as the most successful channel for video marketers, with an overwhelming 87% of LinkedIn video marketers describing it as an effective channel.

Facebook has become more effective as a video marketing channel than YouTube with 79% of video marketers using it – and 85% of those people say it’s been a success.

Only 11% of video marketers say they’ve used Snapchat as a video channel, and – out of those – less than half report success.

TikTok – often cited as a video platform with huge potential – remains largely untapped, with only around 1 in 10 video marketers having given it a shot. Out of those who’ve tried it out, though, 66% report having seen success.

The average success rate of video marketers, across all platforms, is incredibly high. On average, where marketers use video channels, 79% of them report success – although this number differs across platforms.


Year over year trends

We’ve conducted an annual survey every year since 2015. What does comparing our data, year over year, reveal about the general trajectory of video marketing?

Does your business use video as a marketing tool?

% of people who agree
The number of businesses using video as a marketing tool, overall, has increased from 61% to 85% since 2016.

Is video an important part of your marketing strategy?

% of people who agree
The perceived importance of video as a marketing tool has significantly increased. In 2015, around 78% of video marketers told us they believed video to be an important part of their marketing strategy. Now, as we enter 2020, that number has increased to 92%.

Has your video marketing led to a greater understanding of your product or service?

% of people who agree
Video has held consistently strong as a tool for building understanding. When we first asked the question back in 2015, 80% of marketers told us they felt they’d increased understanding of their product or service using video. Now, that number has increased to 95%.

Has your video marketing reduced the number of support calls you’ve received?

% of people who agree
The number of marketers associating video with a fall in support queries experienced phenomenal growth between 2015 and 2017. Although this has fallen back slightly, the number is still a significant increase from 2015.

Does video give you a positive return on investment?

% of people who agree
There has been an almost unfaltering rise in the number of marketers reporting a positive ROI from video. Back in 2015, only a third said they got a good ROI. That number more than doubled in the following 12 months, and has since seen further increases, peaking this year at 88%.