Captain to Captain ingelesa (Q55230339)

Nabigaziora joan Bilaketara joan
Book by Greg Cox ingelesa
Hizkuntza Etiketa Deskribapena Goitizenak
Ez da etiketarik zehaztu
Ez da deskribapenik zehaztu
    Captain to Captain
    Book by Greg Cox
    • Star Trek: Captain to Captain


    Star Trek novel ingelesa
    0 erreferentzia
    0 erreferentzia
    Star Trek ingelesa
    0 erreferentzia
    Legacies ingelesa
    0 erreferentzia
    0 erreferentzia
    Erreferentzia bat
    Captain to Captain (Star Trek: Legacies #1) by Greg Cox (hizkuntza ezezaguna)
    (Star Trek: Legacies #1)
    Erreferentzia bat
    inferred from ingelesa
    Greg Cox ingelesa
    Erreferentzia bat
    Greg Cox | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (ingelesa)
    Star Trek bibliography
    Greg Cox
    0 erreferentzia
    28 ekaina 2016
    0 erreferentzia
    2 erreferentzia
    Captain to Captain | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (ingelesa)
    Starships and vehicles
    quotation ingelesa
    Captain's log, 2 October 2249 CE Even after four years exploring the final frontier, the universe still finds way to surprise us. (ingelesa)
    time index ingelesa
    3.950,1 Stardate unit
    Erreferentzia bat
    quotation ingelesa
    Captain's log, Stardate 3950.1 The Enterprise is en route for some much-needed shore leave on Chippewa Prime. (ingelesa)
    time index ingelesa
    0 erreferentzia
    2 erreferentzia
    quotation ingelesa
    This is Captain Robert April of the United Space Ship Enterprise. Whom am addressing?" "Greetings, Captain. I am Professor Eljor, first scientist of the Jatohr. (ingelesa)
    Pavel Chekov ingelesa
    2 erreferentzia
    quotation ingelesa
    "Employing tractor beams," Ensign Chekov reported from the navigation station to the right of Sulu. A thick Russian accent tinged his voice, along with what sounded like a growing sense of frustration. (ingelesa)
    2 erreferentzia
    quotation ingelesa
    "Aye, Captain," Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott replied from the bridge. "We'll be back under way in two shakes of a lamb's tail, sir." His robust Aberdeen accent came through the comm system loud and clear. (ingelesa)
    2 erreferentzia
    quotation ingelesa
    Spock exited the bedroom and activated a comm unit on the wall of the work area. "Spock to the bridge. Are we still tracking the Shimizu?" "Affirmative, Mister Spock,' Sulu's voice responded. "She's a speedy one all right,… (ingelesa)
    Kyle ingelesa
    2 erreferentzia
    Captain to Captain | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (ingelesa)
    USS Enterprise personnel (2267)
    quotation ingelesa
    "Kirk to Enterprise. Put me through to the transporter room." As Scotty was currently commanding the bridge, Lieutenant John Kyle responded at once: "Kyle here, Captain. Did that emergency ladder come in handy?" (ingelesa)
    media franchise ingelesa
    0 erreferentzia
    2 erreferentzia
    quotation ingelesa
    The events that occur during Kirk's mission take place several months after the Enterprise crew's journey to the diplomatic conference on Babel ("Journey to Babel"). (ingelesa)
    Historian's Note
    The Menagerie ingelesa
    Erreferentzia bat
    quotation ingelesa
    Kirk guessed that she was referring to their former captain, Christopher Pike. Only a year had passed since Spock had temporarily hijacked the Enterprise to provide one last service for Pike, delivering him to a better future on the… (ingelesa)
    Erreferentzia bat
    quotation ingelesa
    "Do not attempt to leave orbit," Woryan replied finally, "or risk certain destruction." "No one wants that," April replied. … Based on the concept of mutual assured destruction, April thought. (ingelesa)
    Mirror, Mirror ingelesa
    0 erreferentzia
    Erreferentzia bat
    quotation ingelesa
    The persistent, vaguely mechanical rumbling in the background reminded Kirk of a classic science-fiction story from the twentieth century about an automated house that kept on running long after its inhabitants had been vaporized by an atomic blast. (ingelesa)

