PirateCraft - Pirate themed minecraft server, build working ships and cannons!

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Publié le 2018-10-29

Jeu Minecraft
Catégorie Serveurs Minecraft
Type PVP Faction PVE
En ligne
Dernière MAJ
3 minutes
Adresse IP mc.piratemc.com
Port 25565
Propriétaire PirateCraft
Site web https://piratemc.com
Discord https://discord.piratemc.com
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⚓ Connect mc.piratemc.com
⚓ Website https://www.piratemc.com
⚓ Discord https://discord.piratemc.com
⚓ Rules https://piratemc.com/information/rules/
⚓ Live Map https://piratemc.com/map/
⚓ Getting Started https://piratemc.com/guides/getting-started/
⚓ Detailed Guides: https://piratemc.com/guides/

About us

PirateCraft is a Pirate themed Minecraft survival server. We are a 6 year tight-knit community that’s developed over the years into a wonderful family.

Our ethos for running PirateCraft is to have a permanent map that isn’t ever Reset, builds will be kept and protected, you can disappear for 3 months and come back to carry on where you left off! We’ve had players come back after 3 years and continue where they left off!

The world doesn’t get stale, Land & abandoned claims are regenerated over time to keep it fresh and clean, players can request Claims and Land to be removed and regenerated by our Staff Team.

Staff act like police, they only intervene when asked, you are mostly left to make your own way in PirateCraft, be it Solo or an Empire. We have a rich History documented over the years on our Wiki https://wiki.piratemc.com/PirateCraft_Timeline

Getting Started

There are no hurdles to get started, spawn is small, you just need to leave it in any direction to get started.
You spawn a deckhand on a shipwreck just off the coast, where has your crew gone? Gather resources and build yourself a home to survive. Do you Build your own Empire or Join an existing one? Maybe you fight as cut-throat solo Pirate laying down your own rules!


Moving ships, you can design and build your own ships then sail them, no mods needed! Battle, sink and steal Pirate ships, attach our working cannons too! https://piratemc.com/guides/ships/
Build and shoot cannons! https://piratemc.com/guides/cannons/
Vast Crew System https://piratemc.com/guides/crews/
Survival gameplay with GriefPrevention protection and siege turned on.
Build custom working Portcullis gates for castles! https://piratemc.com/guides/portcull


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