Tilt Publishing Services

Publishing Packages Tailored For Creators, By Creators

Our publishing packages are designed with you in mind. From editorial guidance to cover design, marketing strategies to global distribution, we offer a full suite of publishing services tailored to the unique demands of digital content creators. Whether you’re looking to publish your first book or your fifth, Tilt Publishing is here to ensure it’s a hit.


This package includes:

  • Proofreading
  • ISBNs for all book formats
  • Print and ebook layout
  • Front and back cover design, including one round of revisions
  • Five printed copies of your book
  • Setup assistance to sell directly through your website
  • Setup assistance for Amazon and other distribution channels if desired
  • Listing on the Tilt Publishing site
  • Assistance with developing a marketing plan
  • Discounted print costs

Author investment: $3,200*


This package includes:

  • Two rounds of professional editing
  • Proofreading
  • ISBNs for all book formats
  • Print and ebook layout
  • Front and back cover design, including two rounds of revisions
  • Ten printed copies of your book
  • Setup assistance to sell directly through your website
  • Setup assistance for Amazon and other distribution channels if desired
  • Listing on the Tilt Publishing site
  • Assistance with developing a marketing plan
  • Promotion in one Tilt Newsletter
  • Discounted print costs

Author investment: $7,500*

*Prices are based on 70,000 words per manuscript.


Choose from the following to customize your package:

  • Editorial assessments
  • Developmental editing
  • Traditional press releases
  • Promotion in Tilt newsletters


Our editorial team reviews and accepts manuscript submissions that meet our acceptance criteria. Please review our guidelines before submitting to help ensure your manuscript meets our criteria:

  • Must be a complete, nonfiction, English-language manuscript
  • Must be well-crafted, original, and unique
  • Must include permissions and/or citations as appropriate
  • Source files must be an editable, unflattened .doc or .docx file and adhere to the following:
    -12-point type
    -Single-line spacing
    -One-inch margins
    -Include sequentially numbered pages
    -Include your working title, name, and email address at the top of the first page
  • Images must be provided as JPG or PNG, and at least 150 DPI.
  • Illustrations, charts, and graphs are preferred in a vector format (AI, EPS, PDF)