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"Howling with laughter" The Guardian & As Seen in "Podbible" and "Viz" Magazine

Latest Stuff...

June 28

While CheapShow, at the best of times, is quite a random podcast, throwing in an app that creates randomly generates co-ordinates on a map, this promises to be quite the messy "walkabout" episode. Packed with a backpack full of booze, a few bags of Takis and an app called "Randonautica" calling the shots, this could be even more unusual than usual.

Ep 390: Dérive Time!

June 21

CheapShow loves Tomy toys! It's a fact, we can't get enough of them, especially the toys from the 1980s, and luckily, we have 2 retro items to investigate and 1 modern pretender to the throne? Will Screwball Scramble Level 2 live up to its predecessor? Paul and Eli will also be supping fizzy drinks and slurping through milky straws, which promises to be pleasant, but probably won't be!

Ep 389: The Tomy Triple

June 14

The Trash Cannes Film Festival 2024, sponsored by Graxton Industries, was a catastrophic failure when it went live on Sat June 8th on YouTube. Thankfully, Paul and Eli have recorded 45 mins of new, podcast exclusive content to explains what's going on and to apologies profusely for everything that happened. You can now be the judge in this podcast edition of the YouTube live stream!

With a BIG cast of amazing special guests too!

Ep 388: The 2024 Trash Cannes Film Festival (Interrupted)

June 07

Paul and Eli escape the House of Pickles and venture out into London for another "walkabout" adventure. This week, they try to take a Clipper along the Thames for a water based journey through the centre of London. Of course, nothing is ever that simple for CheapShow and there may be one or two problems to tackle before they reach their destination... wherever that is!

Ep 387: Day Clipper

May 31

It's time for Paul to whip out a board game from "yesteryear" for another extra retro Gannon's Golden Games. The classic TV game show, Celebrity Squares, gets the home edition and when the experience is lacking real celebrities, trust Paul and Eli to create their own! There is also a spicy Off Brand/Brand Off with a range of microwavable Mexican rice! Will Eli's supertasting ability shine through?

Ep 386: Celebrities Squared

May 24

Eli's brought the platters that matter this week, with a dip into the warm, comfortable waters of Moog music. There are three jangly tracks to digest, each as curious as the other! Paul's brought the PO Box sourced Price of Shite that will teach everyone about 3D Tic-Tac-Toe mathematics and a potted history of Liquorice All-Sorts. Oh what's this? Track-Bot has rebooted? Oh dear!

Ep 385: Fallow Moments

2024 Special Episodes

Ep 390: Dérive Time!

Ep 388: The 2024 Trash Cannes Film Festival (Interrupted)

Ep 387: Day Clipper

Ep 383: Walk of the Shaun of the Dead

Ep 377: Barshens Rises

Ep 376: Nightbussin'

Ep 375: Scared Of Us

Ep 369: The Sounds of London 2024

2023 Special Episodes

Ep 363: The 5th Annual Office Christmas Party

Ep 360: Cheapitiser (Live)

Ep 359: Stars Over 45

Ep 358: CheapShow Does Leighton Night

Ep 357: To Thrift And Buy In LA

Ep 350: The Wedding of Squishy Jim & Madam Ladyplops

Ep 349: Dream Guest

Ep 346: Come Hungry!

Ep 342: Gannon's Golden Quest The Third

Ep 337: Cow's Parsley & Lamb's Lettuce

Ep 336: Urinevision 2023

Ep 334: The Walk Men (A Ball of Chalk Part Two)

Ep 333: Three Pauls And A Silverman

Ep 324: Red Nob Day 2023

Ep 322: Live from The Leicester Comedy Festival 2023

Ep 320: Brent Crosspocalypse Now

2022 Special Episodes!

Ep 312: The 4th Annual Office Christmas Party Part One

Ep 313: The 4th Annual Office Christmas Party Part Two

Ep 310: A Ball Of Chalk

Ep 305: Little Sweet Shop of Horrors

Ep 300: The 3rd Live One!

Ep 298: End Of The Line

Ep 290: The Boys of Summer

Ep 285: This Is Who's Life?

Ep 282: Gannon's Second Golden Quest Part Two

Ep 281: Gannon's Second Golden Quest

Ep 278: Derek: The Final Chapter

Ep 273: CheapShow TV 2022 Part Two

Ep 272: CheapShow TV 2022 Part One

Ep 267: Saturday Morning Showdown Part One

Ep 268: Saturday Morning Showdown Part Two

Ep 263: The Great Dangerous Davies 40th Anniversary Walk

Specials! 2021

Here are some of the unique "special" episodes we built over 2021

Ep 262: Grumpy Session: The Cream of Acting

Ep 250: A Night At The Grand Flange

Ep 246: The Suitcase

Ep 237: The Rendlesham Forest Deception

Ep 234: The CheapShow Treasure Hunt Nightmare

Ep 232: The Urinevision Song Contest 2021

Ep 229: The (Not Very) Pooh Picnic

Ep 224: The (Not Very) Pagan Picnic 

Ep 222: Die Hard... On A Podcast

Ep 210: The Charity Shop of Chills


Over the "2020 Covid Lockdown" we crafted some very special episodes to get you through the doom and/or gloom. We're proud of them and made us smile, maybe they will tickle you too!

Ep 202: I Know What You Did Last Episode

Ep 200 - The Live One... On Twitch
Ep 193: The CheapShow Awards 2020: The Brandoff Connection

Ep 190: The Urinevision Song Contest 2020

Ep 181: Winkie: The Untold Story

Ep 162: Murder on the Cheap Eats Express

Ep 171: CheapShow TV Part 01

Ep 172: CheapShow TV Part 02

Oh, and you can now DOWNLOAD last year's Urinevision entries on Bandcamp. Take the magic home with you!

BandCamp Urinevision 2021


***Also, Paul is writing a book (hopefully) that you can help with. If you'd like to help fund the making of his Ghostbusters/Ghost hunters themed book, you can donate to the crowd funding campaign at the link below or on the lovely Vorratony art
Unbound: Ain't Afraid of No Ghost

... And if you are intersted, Paul spoke to the podcast magazine "Podbible" to talk about CheapShow's 5th birthday, its dreams/desires and drops a chunk of Winkie into the conversation. Read it HERE and spread the word!

We've got a recommendation from the Podblasts website, check out their lovely thoughts HERE!


Patreon! Finally! If you would like to help support our daft podcast, you can now donate whatever you can to our new Patreon Page. Find out about the donations, rewards and goals on our dedicated page
CheapShow Patreon


The Eli Silverman Soundboard App!
Yes! Now you can carry around with you a little mini (well more mini) version of Eli Silverman with this awesome and NOT SAFE FOR WORK soundboard app created by the brilliant Marvellous Mirth Studios 
Get it at Google Play NOW

The Guardian Recommends Us!
We got a lovely write up in the UK's The Guardian newspaper.
You can read their kind words here!

The very lovely website "We Are Cult" made us their Podcast of the Week today! Read all about us there!
CheapShow: PotW
And Spread the word my lovelies!


CheapShow Live Show Announcement!

Cheap Shots: Dry Shampoo & Snacks

Latest Episode:
Ep 390: Dérive Time
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Ep 300

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