How to Make Money from Blogging in 2023 as Beginner Bloggers

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Introduction on How to Make Money Blogging

The question is very natural: how to make money blogging for beginners and professional bloggers even in the era of 2023. Let’s dive deep into the importance of blogging, its future trend, and its scope. Moreover, I will also tell you how much money bloggers are making! How can you make money from blogging as a part-time and full-time blogger?

Blogging is a type of content marketing and a highly lucrative industry. Its demand is all-time high with an increasing trend. People do like reading and learning to enhance their wealth of knowledge, blog posts are significant sources in the text form of content. Professional bloggers always put their minds and soul with passion when they create blog posts. Bloggers know that their write-ups change thousands and millions of lives. They become celebrities with millions of followers and subscribers. 

In online marketing, where everything is being digital, blogging has become one of the most respected and profitable professions.  

Before making money from blogging, let us understand its robust ecosystem and money-making potential. 

Here is the list of 10 bloggers in the world that are making good money from blogging:

  • HuffPost: $500 million/year.
  • SEMrush: $101.5 million/year.
  • Engadget: $47.5 million/year.
  • Moz: $44.9 million/year.
  • PerezHilton: $41.3 million/year. 
  • CopyBlogger: $33.1 million/year.
  • Mashable: $30 million/year. 
  • TechCrunch: $22.5 million/year.
  • Envato Tuts+: $10 million/year. 
  • Pat Flynn: $2.7 million/year

And this list does not end here. It is just to give you an idea of how professional bloggers earn in a year. Even in India, an average blogger makes more than $1000 per month, whereas celebrity bloggers are making more than $30,000 per month. Even a part-time blogger is earning around $300- $400 every month. 

What All You Need to Become a Serious Blogger?

To start a blog, you always need these 4 essential and most critical things:

  • A Domain Name: It is the name and brand of your website. Your website gets recognition on the world wide web, including social media like FB, Instagram, Twitter), and search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing. [For example, Ours is]
  • Web Hosting: It is online storage for your site where visitors can access you and read your blogs.

Typically, a domain name costs around $15-20 per year, and web hosting starts from $7.95 per year.

But fortunately for my users, Bluehost, the best web hosting service, has agreed to offer a massive discount of up to 65% with a free domain name. So, you can start your blogging journey with only $2.75 per month on premium hosting and free domain.

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Crazy! Right?

Click Here Now to get your exclusive deal from Bluehost

If you want more options, you can also check the best web hosting services list with a detailed comparison.

  • A Premium Theme: It is the most critical thing in your blogging journey. You must select a theme that is perfect for both designing and SEO. Marketers across the globe do not explain the importance of theme in blogging properly. And because of this, many beginners and intermediate bloggers do blunders and pick the wrong theme.
  • Even in my blogging journey, I gave less importance to the theme and picked up the casual one. But, when the theme started negatively affecting my blogging results, we migrated out the whole website on a new free theme. Again we made a blunder and chose the wrong theme. Then our team started doing in-depth research on a theme by considering every aspect of designing and marketing. Finally, we got the best and most popular theme of all time i.e.. Astra (ultimate responsive theme), from design to SEO to marketing.

A Content Management System (CMS) or Blogging Platform:

You will need robust software to create, arrange, and post your content on a blog without coding. More than 35% of the entire website that exists in the world is on WordPress. It is the most famous and popularly used content management system (CMS) or blogging platform. WordPress is suitable for all business types, from blogging to e-Commerce websites to the media industry to content marketing. Creating and launching your website on WordPress is 100% free. 

Remark: Without a domain name, excellent hosting service, a premium theme for your website, and a content management system, you can never be a blogger. 

If you are a blogger or want to be a blogger; here are pro-money-making strategies from blogging. No matter if you want to do part-time blogging or be a full-time professional blogger. 

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I have listed down 10 methods and strategies for monetizing your blogging website to make massive money from each of your blog posts. 

Strategies to monetize your blogging website

Through Google AdSense and other Ad Networks:

Making recurring revenue every day, Ad networks are the most popular choice for bloggers; ad networks like Google AdSense,, Infolinks, RevenueHits, and SmartyAds are the most straightforward methods of monetizing your blogging website. There are more than 50 Ad networks out of which Google AdSense is the most trusted ad network through which you can monetize your blog.

If you have a website with some blog posts, you need to get approval from any ad networks. Once they approve your content and website’s legitimacy, the ads will show your blog posts. Ads will show automatically based on your content, user interest, and recent searches. The quality of ads will be high, so it will not affect your site’s user experience regarding the bounce rate and engagement rate.

How you as a blogger make money through Ad networks?

There are two main ways where you generate recurring revenue daily;

i) CPC Ads Basis: 

CPC stands for Cost per click ads. These are the banners that are placed in your content or sidebar. Each time when a reader clicks on the ad, you will get paid for that click. And this way, you generate money. 

ii) CPM Ads Basis: 

CPM Ads stands for cost per 1,000 impressions. You will get a fixed amount of money on how many people view your ad.

Learn a step-by-step Guide and hidden secrets of making money from Google AdSense

Paid and Native Advertising: 

With sponsored advertisements, you can generate another passive income through your blogs. Most of the famous websites like Forbes, SEJ, Entrepreneur make millions of dollars through paid ads. 

Even if you have one million visitors per year, you can become an extensive ad network. Brands start taking you seriously. You only need to put their ads on your site, and brands will pay a reasonable amount.

Native advertising is one of the most effective ways of making money from blogging websites. Sites like news, publishing, job portals, share markets can generate high income with Native advertising.

Native advertising solution software like Outbrain and Taboola can help you with high-quality native ad campaigns. 

How to Make Money Blogging through Affiliate Marketing: 

Advertisements are, of course, is one of the effective ways of making money from blogging. But, affiliate marketing is the key to making bloggers millennial. Without affiliate marketing, the dream of any blogger being a multimillionaire can not come true. Affiliate marketing is the best weapon for making money from any blogging website. 

It is the process of earning a commission by promoting other company’s products or services. You start finding a product in your blogging excellent and promoting where you earn a fixed percentage price for each sale you make.

  1. Amazon Affiliate program
  2. ShareASale
  3. Commission Junction
  4. PartnerStack
  5. ImpactRadius

To maximize your affiliate sales, you can share your unique affiliate links on the world’s biggest content platforms like Squarespace, Medium, and LinkedIn.

If anyone ends up buying, then you will earn massive commissions of the total sales amount. The commission rates for most of the products are up to 60%. 

Crazy, right!

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How to Make Money Blogging by Providing Content Marketing Services or Freelance Services:

If you are a professional blogger and have expertise in writing, designing, infographic creation, content editing, or any other services, you can sell these services to make money. 

These are the needs of almost every online business, SMEs, media house. You can start connecting with clients and reach out to them with your services. Once you get a decent number of clients, gradually, you can open your own marketing agency. Many the bloggers like us have already achieved this landmark. 

How to Make Money Blogging through Training/Consultancy:

Being a trainer, consultant, or business coach is not everyone’s cup of tea. But if you have expertise in your niche, then giving consultancy and training to the brands will lead you to another height. Most people are doing it and charging more than $1000 with months of a waiting list. 

You will not only earn huge money but also establish your own brand, name, and fame. 

Make Money From Blogging by Writing Product Reviews:

Product reviews are one of the favorite areas of any blogger. It is one of the coolest ways to monetize your blogs. Product reviews are favorable for every blogger at every stage. 

Here, The brands of your niche approach you for the promotion of their product or services. And, you as a blogger, write detailed reviews on their product or services. You cover their product quality, price, and discounts. After that, you promote their product with your subscriber base, audience by advertising on your site, or running the campaign.

Most bloggers also do a brand collaboration, webinars, or even PPC Ads to generate high traffic and quality leads for the respective brands. 

How to Make Money Blogging from Books, Ebooks, and Reports:

Of course, this is not for the entry-level bloggers who have just started their blogging. If you have established your name, authority, effectiveness, and trust, you can make more money and build a brand by writing books and creating reports. 

Selling books are the smart practice done by bloggers when they are at the intermediate or mature stage of blogging. 

Writing a book does not require a lot of investment; all you need to do is choose a topic in which you are an expert, and write 60-200 pages of content, compile it in an eBook. You can sell it through your website or on Amazon. Once you are used to this process, you can earn a decent amount of money by selling eBooks online.

If you like doing research, then you can make a comprehensive industry-focused report once a year based on primary data. Creating reports may take investment, time, and other resources, but if you are done with one quality research report in a year, you would make money and gain massive respect in your industry across the globe. Many bloggers also earn more than 50,000 high-quality backlinks on thousands of referring domains just from 1 industry study report. 

How to Make Money Blogging from Online Courses or Video Courses:

If you are at the advanced stage of your blogging, I will recommend creating online courses or video courses. It will multiply your revenue, and you can make huge money. 

Most of the famous bloggers generate more than 80% of their total revenue by selling their online or video courses. Many bloggers worldwide are making more than 10 million dollars annually only by these online courses. 

Here is the easiest way of creating the best online courses in your niche;

Look if you can convert your ebook, blogs, reports, or guides into a video format? 

Even if you can add the downloadable checklist, pdfs, or templates, it will add extra value.

You can also create 1-2 hours of video courses.

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Then, you should start writing your script, and the rest of the things will be taken care of by technology. 

Suppose your website is on the best WordPress theme like Astra; it automatically builds plugins.  Otherwise, you can use platforms like LearnDash (WordPress) and Teachable to create and sell your online course.

Before creating an online course, you must have high-quality equipment for creating video courses such as a video camera, mike, and micro-speaker. It’s a one-time investment so you should not hesitate. If you want millions, then quality must not compromise. 

Make Money from Blogging by Creating Digital Products like Tools and Softwares: 

Again it is not your cup of tea if you are a beginner blogger. Even it is difficult for intermediate bloggers as well. 

Developing any digital product is recommended only for advanced-level bloggers. Developing any software or tool needs market research, product development, pre-testing, launch, and other marketing work. Marketing tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz are making millions of dollars every year are some examples. 

There is another effective way to minimize risk, R&D cost, and resources, i.e., acquire an existing product and then modify it further after customer feedback. Most of the bloggers have done it successfully. SEO marketing tool UberSuggest acquired and further modified by blogger Neil Patel is the perfect example. He can generate millions of traffic and money only from the UberSuggest SEO tool. 

How to Make Money Blogging from Workshop and Webinars: 

I hope you enjoyed the blog post on how to make money blogging and are excited to start your blogging journey. Selling affiliate products or online courses, tools, and software always have the potential to grow your revenue at an exponential rate. Making more than $100,000 in 60-90 minutes by conducting webinars is another crazy thing about blogging. 

All you need to do is identify the product’s viability, see the demand, and find a way of presenting that makes it superior. 

If you have your own video course that you need to sell, you can offer a mega discount that is valid during your webinar session only. It will do wonders to hook your sales and bring money. 

FAQ’s about How to Make Money Blogging

What do I need to become a Professional Blogger?

A Domain Name- the name of your blog (mine is
Web Hosting Services like Bluehost, SiteGround, or W2 Hosting 
A Premium Theme like Astra to make your website beautiful, optimized and safe.
CMS like WordPress where you can create, post, and manage all your blogging content. 

How much does it cost and what will be the investment amount to start a blogging website?

Typically, a domain name costs around $15-20 per year, and web hosting starts from $7.95 per month. But fortunately for my users, it is more than 65% off on Bluehost, the world’s best hosting service. And you only need to invest $2.75/month in hosting and you will get the free domain. 

Click to buy a free domain and paid hosting service with a mega discount exclusively for our readers only. 
Whereas you need to invest a few dollars in the world’s best theme Astra that can work magnificently for your designs, SEO, and marketing part as well. 

Grab a discount of up to 70% off on Astra Theme. 

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WordPress, a content management software is 100% free and the best in the tech world. More than 35% of the websites that exist are on the WordPress only. 

How much money can I make from blogging? 

It varies from industry to industry and the amount of input you are putting in blogging. On average a part-time blogger earns somewhere between $400-$2000; a full-time professional blogger makes $20000-$500,000 in a month. 

What are the critical factors that I consider in blogging to make money?

You should be passionate about what you are writing. It can be travel, fitness, fashion, sports, food, marketing, business, finance, passive income, health, writing reviews and many other blogging industries.
Do market research, SWOT analysis and see how much you can monetize the niche that you are going to pick for blogging.

Choose every blogging monetization channel from where you can make money from blogging such as ad networks like Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, training, consultancy, writing product reviews, offering services, or selling your own digital product or services.

How will I receive blogging payment?

You can receive the payment from the globe through Paypal, Credit Card, GooglePay, Payoneer and many other channels.

How much time does it take to make money from blogging? 

Depending on your niche and competition it may take from 4 months to 2 years to make money from blogging. If you are consistent in blogging and meeting the expectation of your readers then within 2 years you will become a full-time, professional blogger. Any blogger who spends his/her dedicated 2 years in the blogging industry, he/she is earning more than $5000 every month.

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