In This Issue

How the NCAA is exploiting players, Russia's Silicon Valley, political sex scandals, and more


A college athlete
Photograph by Evan Kafka for The Atlantic

The Shame of College Sports

College quarterbacks are denounced for partying with agents or trading autographs for tattoos, but the real scandal is the NCAA’s fundamentally unjust concept of amateurism.

Michael Appelton/NY Daily News Archive/Getty; Andrew Gombert/EPA/Corbis; Matt Cilley/AP; Shannon Stapleton/Reuters/Corbis; Isaac Brekken/AP; Davis Turner/Getty Images; Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/Corbis; Jason Merritt/Getty Images/The Consulate General of Israel; L

Sex and the Married Politician

As the list of politicos laid low by sexual scandal grows longer, history offers lessons on when the press should opt for exposure—and when it should leave well enough alone.

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