Motion Blur Caused by Display Persistence
Motion Blur Demo Instructions: (1) Look at the stationary UFO. (2) Then look at the moving UFO.

Type of Display: This test shows motion blur on common LCD displays and most OLED displays. (See Why Do Some OLED Displays Have Motion Blur?)
- If you are using ULMB or LightBoost motion blur reduction, temporarily turn it off for this test.
- If you are using a very old LCD, temporarily set brightness to 100% to avoid PWM dimming artifacts in this test.

Explanation: You are seeing motion blur caused by eye tracking on a sample-and-hold display. Eye movement causes the vertical lines to be blurred into thicker lines, filling the black gaps. This is motion blur from persistence (MPRT) instead of pixel transitions (GtG). See GtG versus MPRT. Low persistence displays (such as CRT or gaming monitors with ULMB) eliminate this display motion blur, so this demo looks different on those screens. For another amazing animation, see TestUFO Persistence of Vision.

WARNING: This animation should not be viewed by persons suspectible to epilepsy.

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