A forum for America’s technology leaders and policymakers to share expertise, build innovative solutions to 21st century problems, and consider the future of U.S. technology policy.
Improving cyber accountability and deterring malicious cyber activity
Elevating Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and cyber security issues as part of the UN Security Council’s efforts on international peace and security
Applied research on distributed ledger technology to improve trust, security, and transparency
Providing foreign direct investment global legislative and implementation best practices and strengthening capacity at the nexus of trade, security, and technology
Convening stakeholders from developing countries to discuss artificial intelligence, evaluate the technology's impact around the world, and propose responsible ways forward
Exploring and testing distributed ledger technology as an innovative solution to reconciling discrepancies in international trade of dual-use chemicals.
DLT for Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control
Recent Publications
Findings from a two-year research project on improving international cyber accountability and deterring malicious cyber behavior
Allison Pytlak • James Siebens • Debra Decker...
Observations on the new U.S. International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy, barriers to implementation, and a possible path forward
Allison Pytlak • Shreya Lad • James Siebens
Policy Memo
Outlining the initial findings from the Stimson Center’s research on cyber and the United Nations Security Council
Allison Pytlak
Project Note
Stimson’s Cyber Program concludes a series of research validation activities ahead of launching a major report on cyber accountability
Allison Pytlak • James Siebens
An inside look at the world of North Korean animation outsourcing and how foreign companies might be inadvertently employing North Korean companies
Martyn Williams
Highlights and takeaways from a Security Council meeting on the cyber threat landscape and implications for international peace and security
Allison Pytlak • Shreya Lad
How do U.S. rival powers compare in advancements and deployment of AI technology in terms of great power competition?
Julian Mueller-Kaler
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