This project explores critical issues at the intersection of geography, political economy, and foreign policy to better position U.S. policymakers to use the full range of tools of statecraft in an increasingly complex world
In-depth analysis of evolving grand strategies, competitive behaviors, and strategic alignments in the Indo-Pacific
Distinguishing today’s signals from the noise, exploring the risks and opportunities of tomorrow, and showcasing alternative futures of a changing world
Elevating diplomacy as a tool of US statecraft
Reassessing some of the foundational beliefs that guide US foreign policy
Examining prevailing assumptions about the Global South and promoting new partnerships between the Global South and Western countries in an increasingly multipolar world order
A devil’s advocate approach to US foreign policy that puts forward innovative solutions and unorthodox thinking about America’s role in the world
Exploring the changing character of war and its implications for US foreign and defense policy
Recent Publications
Project Note
A fresh idea for how the United States should promote infrastructure development won this year's 2024 competition
US-led global infrastructure development can help repair the country's damaged reputation
Luke Venezia
NATO is simply not equipped to deal with Asian contingencies
Kelly A. Grieco
Policy Paper
Policymakers need to plan for a range of possibilities when thinking about U.S. retrenchment from Europe
Emma Ashford • MacKenna Rawlins
Policy Memo
A war in Gaza, uncertain elections, and growing social tensions; “I’ve never seen such an unsettled situation in the region.”
Barbara Slavin • Robert A. Manning • Mathew Burrows
Policy Memo
It is unclear whether decision-makers in major powers grasp the costs of zero-sum competition, rendering cooperation on global challenges elusive
Mathew Burrows • Robert A. Manning
Instead of Albright’s “3Ds,” it should embrace the “3Cs”—cooperation, capabilities, and consolidation—to build a stronger European pillar in NATO
Kelly A. Grieco
Today’s NATO is less defensible, less coherent, and perhaps even more dependent on U.S. capabilities than in the late Cold War
Emma Ashford
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