Unpacking Beijing’s strategic, economic, political, and security interactions with the critical region
Deepening understanding of China’s participation in international conflict mediation and its impact
Advancing Stimson's Track II diplomatic engagement as a critical method for achieving international peace and security
Elevating diplomacy as a tool of US statecraft
Examining prevailing assumptions about the Global South and promoting new partnerships between the Global South and Western countries in an increasingly multipolar world order
A series of events, hosted by the Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN, focusing on various security challenges posed in today’s world
Recent Publications
Stimson experts break down the pivotal moments from the first 2024 U.S. Presidential Debates
Christopher Preble • Barbara Slavin • Yun Sun...
Increased budgets just mean that decisionmakers are unwilling to make difficult tradeoffs
Julia Gledhill
North Korea presents a useful case study to examine the ways that China’s interests, risk aversion, and process building drive its engagement in mediation
Niklas Swanström
Agrivoltaics, or co-development of solar power and agriculture, provide an innovative solution to meet Vietnam’s rapidly rising electricity demand
Alana Ballagh • Courtney Weatherby
China seeks to balance diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran to serve its broader strategic interests
Jesse Marks
This conference summary report highlights opportunities for collaboration through the Mekong-U.S. Partnership related to fisheries, agriculture, and food security
Courtney Weatherby • Brian Eyler
China has shifted its role in Yemen to align more closely with Saudi Arabia, while maintaining a narrative of facilitation
Barbara Kelemen
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