Unpacking Beijing’s strategic, economic, political, and security interactions with the critical region
Deepening understanding of China’s participation in international conflict mediation and its impact
Deepening understanding of China’s foreign policy behaviors and their motivations and impact
Policy solutions and in-depth analysis of the complex relationship between mainland China and Taiwan
Recent Publications
This monthly update highlights major events, statements, and bilateral interactions driving China’s relations with Afghanistan at a time when the Taliban sees China as a crucial partner
Sarah Godek
North Korea presents a useful case study to examine the ways that China’s interests, risk aversion, and process building drive its engagement in mediation
Niklas Swanström
Stimson experts weigh in on the recent China-Japan-South Korea Ninth Trilateral Summit and what it means for Northeast Asia
Yun Sun • Yuki Tatsumi • Jenny Town
China seeks to balance diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran to serve its broader strategic interests
Jesse Marks
China has limited its involvement in crises in Venezuela, preferring to secure its economic interests and avoid reputational cost
Benjamin Creutzfeldt • Parsifal D’Sola Alvarado
China has shifted its role in Yemen to align more closely with Saudi Arabia, while maintaining a narrative of facilitation
Barbara Kelemen
China takes a cautious approach to conflict mediation in the Sahel, where there are high political risks and lower economic/security interests
Lina Benabdallah
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