
Analysis of China’s strategic intentions and foreign policy behaviors

Reducing the risk and harm associated with the global arms trade

Assessing and testing the influence and applicability of rapidly evolving technologies like AI, blockchain, nuclear technology, and more in reshaping global security challenges

Focusing on tools and mechanisms that deter malicious cyber activity and address cyber harms through research, collaboration, and dialogue.

Explores the trends, developments, and diplomatic initiatives of powers in East Asia.

Building inclusive, evidence-based processes to strengthen transboundary water governance and optimize tradeoffs between water, energy, and sustainable development

Exploring environmental threats that have the potential to undermine national, regional, or global security.

Toward a “New Normal” in Global Order

Reducing misunderstanding, improving communication, and advancing cooperation between the U.S. and Japan.

Promoting greater understanding of relations between the United States and the Korean Peninsula to help address some of the world’s most pressing traditional and nontraditional security challenges.

Achieving common ground between regional rivals and conflicting parties through expert and political leader dialogue and policy development and providing consultancy and advice on current and future dynamics in the region.

Reliable and timely U.S. financial investment in the multilateral system helps to uphold the existing rules-based international order and pays enormous dividends for U.S. foreign policy.

Exposing waste in the military budget while offering pragmatic, forward-thinking perspectives on security policy issues – regardless of politics or parochial interests.

Incentivizing the development of stronger, comprehensive nuclear security standards to reduce the risk posed by nuclear terrorism

Empowering the international community to combat WMD proliferation

Exploring how UN field missions can use renewable energy to improve effectiveness, save money, enhance security, and increase access to energy while mitigating climate change

Reducing civilian casualties in conflict zones around the world

Challenge conventional wisdom, question assumptions, and help policymakers manage risks, make informed decisions, and allocate resources wisely.

Preventing conflict escalation and enhancing strategic stability in U.S.-Russia relations through communication and mutual understanding

Critical exchange and open, objective inquiry of the power dynamics in and around Southern Asia

Promoting sustainable growth, peace, and security in Southeast Asia.

Providing actionable foresight, global risk analysis, and innovative strategies to a community of policymakers, business leaders, and citizens

Enabling strategic trade stakeholders to strengthen international peace and security

Archived Programs

Strengthening the capacity and capability of the US government to improve American national security at a lower cost to the American people

Creating innovative solutions to solve the drivers of food insecurity around the world.

Exploring the costs of strengthening health systems in developing nations, and the costs of failing to do so

Helping policymakers anticipate and assess near-term and long-term changes in political behavior, economic development, and social progress in specific states and regions

Mitigating transnational threats of WMD proliferation, illicit trafficking, terrorism, disease, counterfeit property, and environmental crime to make the world a safer, more prosperous place.

Examining the resiliency of the verification system that supports the nuclear nonproliferation regime

Strengthening the norms for the responsible use of space by every space-faring nation

Understanding the implications of the global trade and use of technology on international security

Examining how international conflict management and support for good governance can create sustainable peace in areas plagued by violence

Mitigating security risks of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through the implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1540