Annual reports

2023 Annual Report

Protecting animals from neglect, abuse and exploitation; advocating for their interests and ensuring their well-being; raising public awareness and helping to foster compassion for all sentient beings: this has been the mission of the Montreal SPCA for over 150 years. This work is the cornerstone of our organization and it guided our daily actions throughout 2023.

Our teams continue to go above and beyond to ensure that the Montreal SPCA is a safe haven for all the animals who set paw here. A brief overview of all the work we accomplished in 2023 is available through this annual report.

Thank you for your generosity

The SPCA is extremely grateful to its donors for their generosity. Without all of them, we would not have been able to ensure the well-being of the more than 12,921 sentient beings who passed through our shelter.

The Montreal SPCA is a registered charity that relies heavily on donations from the public to fulfill its mission (2023 contributions: 68% of revenues; 2022 contributions: 69.4% of revenues; 2021 contributions: 70.1% of revenues; 2020 contributions: 63.4% of revenues; 2019 contributions: 60.6% of revenues).

In 2023, we were able to pursue our mission thanks to the generosity of our supporters.


The Montreal SPCA is a registered charity that depends on donations from the public to carry out its mission.

The Neonatal Program

Orphaned kittens need constant attention and care: during their first weeks of life, they must be kept warm and hand-fed, one by one, every three hours. To help us provide this care, we founded the Neonatal Program, which allows us to train foster families and provide them with all the necessary materials for caring for these cute little fur balls.

The Palliative Program

Our Palliative Program was created to help ensure that even animals suffering from a terminal illness have every opportunity to find a welcoming home in a forever family. We make the last days of animals at end of life as comfortable and peaceful as possible by placing them in permanent foster homes and providing them with all the necessary support and medical care.

Giving Back to the Community

Thanks to donations, we are able to help not only our protégés at the shelter, but also the animals of people who receive services from partners like Dans la rue, an organization that helps youth that is experiencing homelessness or other precarious situations. Dans la rue meets their immediate needs and works with them in developing skills to lead more independent and rewarding lives.


A Few of Our Greatest Achievements

  1. Participating in legislative consultations on animal protection bills, including by submitting detailed briefs as well as by providing oral testimony at the National Assembly.

  2. The “Animals Are Not Things” campaign that led to the adoption of a new provision in the Civil Code of Quebec
    that recognizes animals as sentient beings (art. 898.1) as well as the enactment of the Animal Welfare and Safety
    Act, the first law entirely dedicated to animal protection in Quebec.

  3. A successful fight against dog breed-specific legislation at the municipal (City of Montreal) and provincial levels,
    including a lawsuit against the City of Montreal, lobbying efforts at both levels of government, and extensive public awareness campaigns.

  4. Lobbying efforts directed at the City of Montreal that led to a ban on horse-drawn carriages and the enactment of
    the most progressive animal bylaw in the province.

  5. Organizing the first-ever federal election debate on animal welfare in 2021, in partnership with other Canadian
    animal protection organizations.

  6. Organizing the first-ever municipal election debate in 2021 on animal protection.

  7. The “Fido on the Metro” campaign calling for leashed dogs to be allowed in Montreal’s public transit system,
    supported by a petition that collected over 16,000 signatures.

Strategic Plan

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that the Montreal SPCA is unveiling its 2023-2027 strategic plan, which presents the vision and priorities that will define our orientations for the coming years.