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Creating a Marketing Strategy that Generates Reliable and Qualified Leads from Multiple Social Media Channels

Does this sound like your business?:

  • Trying to keep up-to-date on all the new features, ad types and regulations, not to mention algorithm tweaks, for multiple social networks is taking valuable time and energy from your primary job responsibilities.
  • Your competitors always seem to stay one step ahead of you when it comes to social media marketing (this is because the social networks communicate directly with an exclusive group of advertising agencies before they launch changes and new features to the public).
  • You’ve gotten comfortable putting all your advertising eggs in one basket and are now unsure how to diversify your ad spend or test new social platforms.
  • You’ve seen pretty good results from your Google Ads campaigns, and now want to branch out and scale your social media campaigns while maintaining a solid ROAS, but you don’t know where to start.

If you don’t have a paid social media team (or do any kind of social media advertising), you’re likely leaving hundreds or thousands of lead-generation conversions on the table each month.

But with a solid social media ads strategy, you could increase brand awareness by 50% and reach 72% more people on Facebook alone. Working with the best paid social media marketing agency can turn that goal into reality.

Single Grain offers a variety of social media advertising services and excels at tailoring ad campaigns for each social platform. Whether your business uses Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or advertises on TikTok, Twitch, Pinterest, Snapchat or any other social media platforms, we can help you grow.


Lower Customer Acquisition Costs and Boost Conversion Rates? Yes, Please!

Do you want to lower your advertising costs? Lower your bids. Do you want to increase your conversions? Increase your bids. If only it were this easy. Decreasing costs while boosting conversion rates in multiple social advertising platforms is a job that only the most creative and experienced digital marketing agencies can handle.

At Single Grain, our marketing team creates data-driven marketing campaigns and social strategies that are customized for each client, including ad copy and landing page optimization, PPC, SEO, ecommerce and influencer marketing, to hit all your KPIs and reach a wider range of potential customers.

Our unceasing obsession with finding just the right combination of headline, image and text has earned us the trust and respect of some of the most demanding clients like Amazon and Uber. And once we hone in on the perfect message that resonates with your target audience, we implement A/B testing to tweak and improve.

Some of the paid social tasks that Single Grain offers include:

  • Defining a robust audience persona based on data-driven demographics
  • Organizing scalable campaign structures on multiple marketing channels
  • Defining bids as per your paid media strategy
  • Writing ads and other content creation tasks
  • Setting up conversion tracking for the most important metrics

Who is Eric Siu?

Eric Siu is the founder of digital marketing agency Single Grain. He also hosts two podcasts: Marketing School & Leveling Up, which get over 2.1M monthly downloads combined. Over the years, Eric has helped companies such as Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, and Salesforce acquire more customers.

Eric hosts a marketing mastermind where 100 of the best in media, marketing, and business get together twice a year in Miami and Beverly Hills. He is also the author of 'Leveling Up: How to Master the Game of Life'.

He also speaks around the world on marketing, SaaS, and SEO. Eric is also an investor in companies such as Eight Sleep, Levels, Fountain Health, Synthesis, and more. Finally, Eric is a member of communities such as YPO and TED.

Discover Featured Podcast Episode

Eric Siu and Neil Patel
4.6 • 1.1K Ratings

How Google and Meta Are Using AI To Make Ads Easier For You

In this episode, we discuss how Google and Meta are using AI to make advertising easier and more effective. We highlight features such as Performance Max and Advantage Plus that automate campaigns and optimize ads for better ROI. We also mention responsive search ads and the use of AI to create unique images and headlines. We underscore the importance of embracing AI in marketing to stay ahead in the industry.

Learn More About The Work We’ve Done

Some Common Questions on Paid Social Media

And We Have The Answers

  • What are the main benefits of paid social media?

    Paying for an ad campaign on a social network like Facebook or LinkedIn will help you laser focus your targeting to extend the reach of your messages and deliver the desired conversions.

    Nowadays, the reach of organic social media strategies is in the single digits, a historical low that keeps getting lower every year. By running ads, you can reach anyone you want and message them with relevant messages (within what’s permitted in the platform’s guidelines).

    What’s more, your ads can fulfill specific objectives that best fit your business goals, such as increasing your web traffic, generating leads promoting new products or boosting your sales.

  • How much does a paid social media agency cost?

    Advertising costs will vary per platform, target audience and campaign objective. To give you some examples, the average cost per click (CPC) in the major social networks is:

    • Facebook: $1.72
    • Twitter: $0.33
    • LinkedIn: ~$7

    Also, prices vary depending on supply and demand. When there’s a spike in ads, prices usually go up. And since prices in most established social networks tend to rise (due to the ever-limited supply of users), the sooner you get started running paid ads, the better.

  • Is it worth hiring a paid social media agency?

    Yes! For multiple reasons:

    • You can avoid all the headaches of setting, managing and optimizing an ad campaign so you can focus on delivering your competitive advantage.
    • You can leverage the expertise of a team of paid media experts to reach your goals faster for a lower price (compared to what you get in return).
    • You can scale your campaigns faster and seamlessly without any hiccups, particularly if you don’t have your own in-house social media content strategy.
    • A full-service marketing agency can combine marketing services, such as SEO, content marketing and social media management, to get you the best results.

  • How long will it take to get results?

    Typically, paid acquisition campaigns generate results in the first three months. However, this will depend on your past results, industry and budget.

    We are always happy to discuss what we can do to help you based on your business goals and how long it will take to see the results in a call.

If you were unable to find the answer you’ve been looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch and ask us directly.

Our Growth Methodology

  • We’ll start by talking on the phone to get a sense of what your challenges are right now, what you’ve tried so far, and if we're the right full-service digital marketing agency for you. No hard selling. Promise.

  • If we think we can help you, we’ll put together Marketing Insights specifically for your company. Running your business through our experienced digital marketing agency analysis, we’ll create an execution plan which maximizes all the opportunities we see for growth and specific KPIs.

  • We’ll get you as many quick and early wins as possible, while setting up specific, long-term, scalable digital marketing goals.

  • We’ll roll out our full execution plan, focusing on timely, tactical implementation, and setting up scalable growth opportunities. This frees you up to work on other high impact areas of your business.

  • Our online marketing team continually monitors your results at every step of the process, then leverages that to get you even more wins.

Amplify Social Conversions

— Testimonials

Our Creds


— Our clients love us

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“We can count on them to bring new ideas to the table consistently”

“Single Grain has been key in helping us generate B2B engagement across digital channels. We can count on them to bring new ideas to the table consistently and that's why we love working with them.”

— Jacqueline Foster
Demand Generation Marketing, Lever.co

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“Since engaging with Single Grain our revenue has increased more than 300%”

“Single Grain has been the strongest outside force in helping our business "level up." Since engaging with Single Grain our revenue has increased more than 300%.”

— Chad Halvorson
Founder & CEO, When I Work

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“They provided us with key learnings about our messaging that we are now using”

“Not only did Single Grain deliver strong results — markedly increasing unique, new web traffic and engaged users — but they provided us with key learnings about our messaging that we are now using.”

— Devin Kerr
Digital Marketing Specialist, Sandvik

Level Up Your Marketing Knowledge

Marketing School
A top business podcast with 90
million downloads
Eric Siu & Neil Patel
Leveling Up
A channel that will help you level up your business skills and master the game of life
Eric Siu & Leading

Level Up Your Marketing Without Increasing Your Headcount

Amplify Social Conversions