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Our Focus: Hassle-Free PPC Campaign Management for Time-Strapped SMBs

Does this sound like your business?

  • You’re trying to write new ad copy, check bids, dive into keyword research, create new campaigns, A/B test them for efficiency and launch new landing pages – but with your daily responsibilities, there’s never enough time.
  • You just can’t keep up with Google’s complex search algorithm with up to a dozen changes every month and you feel that your campaigns are suffering as a result.
  • You’ve looked into which tools you’ll need to effectively run an AdWords campaign, and it seems like you need a dozen Google Adwords Management tools.
  • You’ve been managing your AdWords account with free tools, yet you know that to successfully compete you’ll need paid PPC management tools – but can’t afford them all.
  • You’ve never run an ads campaign before (“What are negative keywords??”) and just have no idea where to start.

Spend more time running your business and hire an AdWords Management Services agency to get you more traffic and conversions from your ads.


We Specialize in Managing High-ROI AdWords Campaigns

Single Grain is a paid ads agency that manages high return on investment AdWords campaigns. Whether you are a local tech startup or a global e-commerce retailer, we can help you lower your online advertising costs while increasing your conversions with the latest advertising techniques.

Our team of PPC ads experts will help your brand build a stronger marketing strategy that will outrank your competitors without increasing your bids (hint: it’s all about the Quality Score!).

As a full-service Google Partner, we assist business owners and entrepreneurs in identifying the audiences and demographics your business needs to target. This will help us set goals that fit your unique needs and budget and achieve the best possible outcome.

Some of the strategies and techniques we can use on your campaigns include:

  • Running Display Ads on relevant, cost-efficient placements and Dynamic Search Ads to target non-brand keywords
  • Using smart bidding solutions for maximum efficiency
  • Finding low-cost high-intent keywords and writing compelling ad copy
  • A/B testing headlines, images and CTA copy relentlessly
  • Using Target CPA bidding to boost your conversions while keeping your CPA low
  • Increasing your Quality Score to decrease your bids even further
  • Using Offline Conversion Tracking (OCT) to connect your campaigns with your CRM and track your leads’ quality

Work With Us

Who is Eric Siu?

Eric Siu is the founder of digital marketing agency Single Grain. He also hosts two podcasts: Marketing School & Leveling Up, which get over 2.1M monthly downloads combined. Over the years, Eric has helped companies such as Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, and Salesforce acquire more customers.

Eric hosts a marketing mastermind where 100 of the best in media, marketing, and business get together twice a year in Miami and Beverly Hills. He is also the author of 'Leveling Up: How to Master the Game of Life'.

He also speaks around the world on marketing, SaaS, and SEO. Eric is also an investor in companies such as Eight Sleep, Levels, Fountain Health, Synthesis, and more. Finally, Eric is a member of communities such as YPO and TED.

Discover Featured Podcast Episode

Eric Siu and Neil Patel
4.6 • 1.1K Ratings

How Google and Meta Are Using AI To Make Ads Easier For You

In this episode, we discuss how Google and Meta are using AI to make advertising easier and more effective. We highlight features such as Performance Max and Advantage Plus that automate campaigns and optimize ads for better ROI. We also mention responsive search ads and the use of AI to create unique images and headlines. We underscore the importance of embracing AI in marketing to stay ahead in the industry.

Learn More About The Work We’ve Done

Some Common Questions on AdWords Management

And We Have The Answers

  • What is Google AdWords?

    AdWords is the advertising platform of Google, the largest search engine in the world. In it, advertisers bid for keywords (that is, search queries that users type into Google) to show their pages on the SERPs.

    Advertising on AdWords allows businesses to target larger audiences through Google’s search engine platform and its partner sites at a much larger scale than through search engine optimization (SEO).

  • What’s the difference between Google AdWords and Google Ads?

    There’s no difference. AdWords was the original name Google gave to their ad platform back in 2000. In 2018, Google renamed AdWords to “Google Ads” while keeping the same functionalities. You can use those terms interchangeably.

  • What does an AdWords management agency do?

    A Google Ads agency handles the strategy, execution and tracking of advertising campaigns on Google’s ad platform. We also track metrics via Google Analytics or Google Search Console. Be sure to check out an agency’s case studies and testimonials to verify what they can do for you.

    Some of the many tasks such firms are responsible for include:

    • Conducting keyword research and planning
    • Analyzing campaign budgets
    • Reviewing past campaigns
    • Researching the competitors’ ad campaigns
    • Creating Google Ads campaigns from the ground up
    • Writing ads and designing ad graphics
    • Optimizing bids and budgets
    • Running A/B tests for ads and landing pages

  • How much does it cost to manage an AdWords campaign?

    The cost depends a lot on the client’s available ad spend, the complexity of the work done, and the pricing structure the agency uses.

    For low-budget and low-complexity campaigns, you can expect to pay a flat monthly fee of anywhere from $100 to $2,500.

    For marketing campaigns focused on generating leads and sales, with multiple landing pages and target audiences, you will likely pay based on the results generated or your spending.

    In either case, agencies usually charge between 10 to 20%. For example, in a performance-based arrangement, if an agency generates 100 sales a month, each one worth $200, you will pay $2,000 (i.e., 10% of $20,000).

    In a budget-based arrangement, if you spend $10,000 a month, an agency may charge you $1,000 on top of your budget for managing your AdWords campaigns (i.e., 10% of $10,000).
    The benefit of the latter two structures is that the agency is invested in your success. By aligning the incentives, you can expect the agency to perform at its highest potential.

  • Is it worth hiring an AdWords management agency?

    Yes! Organic search is a great marketing strategy, but paid advertising is a faster, more laser-focused strategy. It is, however, more complex.

    Hiring an Google Ads management agency is worth it for multiple reasons:

    • You can avoid all the headaches of setting, managing, and optimizing an AdWords campaign so you can focus on delivering your competitive advantage
    • You can leverage the expertise of a team of PPC experts to reach your goals faster for a small price (compared to what you get in return)
    • You can scale your campaigns faster and seamlessly without any hiccups

  • What makes you different from other Google AdWords Management companies?

    Many agencies use the same formulaic approach to achieve satisfactory results for their clients. This cut-and-paste method of PPC advertising hinders business growth and could cost your business countless dollars in untapped revenue.

    At Single Grain, we make sure that every client receives a custom-built Google Ads strategy with an in-house dedicated specialist, not just an account manager. We deliver quarterly plans based on our research, testing and results to ensure that you’re always hitting the right audience with the right message at the right time.

    We are also a full-service digital marketing agency with specialized teams in pay per click, social media, search marketing, lead generation, retargeting and remarketing campaigns, conversion rate optimization, SEO and more — so we can provide you with well-rounded expertise.

    Many agencies consider their job done once they’ve driven a form submission, but at Single Grain we work with your CRM and sales team to make sure we’re driving quality, valuable leads with high click through rates. Our team members hold certifications in Marketo, HubSpot and other tools, as well as being a Google Premier Partner, to make certain we’re able to optimize towards the most valuable leads in real time.

  • How long does it take to see results?

    With most paid acquisition campaigns, you can expect to see results in the first three months. However, this will depend a lot on your past results, your industry, and your budget.

    We are happy to discuss what we can do to help you and how long it will take for your business to see the results in a call. Schedule a meeting to talk with a specialist by clicking the link below.

If you were unable to find the answer you’ve been looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch and ask us directly.

Our Growth Methodology

  • We’ll start by talking on the phone to get a sense of what your challenges are right now, what you’ve tried so far, and if we're the right full-service digital marketing agency for you. No hard selling. Promise.

  • If we think we can help you, we’ll put together Marketing Insights specifically for your company. Running your business through our experienced digital marketing agency analysis, we’ll create an execution plan which maximizes all the opportunities we see for growth and specific KPIs.

  • We’ll get you as many quick and early wins as possible, while setting up specific, long-term, scalable digital marketing goals.

  • We’ll roll out our full execution plan, focusing on timely, tactical implementation, and setting up scalable growth opportunities. This frees you up to work on other high impact areas of your business.

  • Our online marketing team continually monitors your results at every step of the process, then leverages that to get you even more wins.

Scale AdWords ROI

— Testimonials

Our Creds


— Our clients love us

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“Single Grain enables us to increase our impact without increasing our headcount”

“We really lean on Single Grain as an extension of our team, which enables us to increase our impact without increasing our headcount.”

— Kim Cooper
Director of Marketing, Amazon Alexa

client photo

“Their expertise has helped Nextiva grow its brand and overall business”

“The Single Grain team has been instrumental in providing us with forward-thinking, growth-impacting marketing support. Their expertise has helped Nextiva grow its brand and overall business.”

— Yaniv Masjedi
CMO, Nextiva

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“We can always count on them to deliver high-quality content on time”

“SingleGrain has been there to help take a lot of the stress out of the process. We can always count on them to deliver high-quality content on time, and knock it out of the park.”

— Meredith Wood
Head of Content, Fundera.com

Level Up Your Marketing Knowledge

Marketing School
A top business podcast with 90
million downloads
Eric Siu & Neil Patel
Leveling Up
A channel that will help you level up your business skills and master the game of life
Eric Siu & Leading

Level Up Your Marketing Without Increasing Your Headcount

Scale AdWords ROI