Pok�mon Battrio

Pok�mon Battrio is an arcade game exclusive to Japan. However, it is rather unlike other arcade games in that it is also a collectable franchise. There are many disks being sold seperately as part of a variety of sets in a similar manner to the Trading Card Game. These disks, when placed onto the arcade machine, translate into Pok�mon in the game.

On first glance, Battrio just seems similar to the Pok�mon Stadium & Battle Revolution games released in the past in that it is in a nice stylised cel-shaded 3D. However, there is a major difference in that firstly, you have 3 Pok�mon on the field at once and you can position them in a variety of positions based upon the position of the Battrio Disks on the Arcade Machine.

Like the main games, it is a turn based game with each Pok�mon having stats such as Attack, Defense and Attack Speed. This allows for battles to rarely be identical. However, as there's only a finite amount of disks, there is some similarity.

In addition to the simple battle modes, there's a single player campaign. Using a special Memory Key, you have the ability of having your entire progress tracked and saved so you can continue at any time. Using the in-game currency you earn in the game, you can purchase a variety of items to assist your battles.

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