A Practical Guide To Scrapebox – The Only Scrapebox Tutorial You Need

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scrapebox tutorialScrapebox is like the Swiss army knife of SEO tools.

It should be in everybody’s arsenal and can be used for a huge range of functions.

A lot of people have asked me for a dedicated Scrapebox tutorial series & well, here it is 🙂

What You Will Learn

  • How to blast comments
  • How to build niche specific comments
  • Page rank sculpting
  • How to automate everything
  • How to analyse competitor backlinks
  • How to use the free addons

You will also get a bunch of exclusive resources and links to additional tutorials teaching you how to use it like a pro!


This was the culmination of months of hard work from Jacob King along with contributions from Charles Floate & Chris Dyson.

So props to them – it was so good I wanted to share it here with you all!

You should check out some of their other posts-

Scrapebox Discount Code

To close off the Scrapebox tutorial, I wanted to show you the cheapest place to buy it.

There’s an exclusive Scrapebox discount available for users of the BlackHatWorld forum.

But you can access that directly here without being a member which will save you $30 off the usual price.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

207 Responses

  1. Hi Matthew,Do you know if there’s some sort of new functionality that replaces the page rank checker?

  2. Scrapebox is amazing actually. Does anyone know what happened to the Check PageRank button that was on the right side and seems to be disappeared on version 2?Thankspat

  3. Hi Matt,I have a question: Does this tool still work in SEO 2017?Thanks for your great post!I”l visit your wrbsite more often :),Tony

    1. Yes it has a huge amount of tools and features to help with all of your SEO tasks

  4. Good day!I trying ta make SEO by myself, but I understand, that without SEO tools it’s impossible 🙁

  5. Hi i’m not sure about buying this my site does not rank high and i need links but i do not wish to be hit by panda etc

  6. I have heard about the use of scrapebox for making guesst blogging, but never applied that in real even tried many times but couldn’t go through as a lot of websites have given email IDs which are dead from long. Recently I have heard of the blog commenting from Matt Cutts Blog – how he is using blog commenting as a weapon to increase SERP but for that you have to be very careful and always post comments on the highest rates pages only.

  7. Dear Marty,Could you please help me to use content locker with its premium features on my website, I use it but it always expire after five days and then after a lot of trouble I have to set it again.

  8. Hi Matt,This is super helpful. I am just getting started to implement SEO tactics to my new website (www.rishipruthi.com), and am very thankful that you’ve put Scrapebox together – so so useful!Keep up the fantastic work!

  9. A very detailed description of how to use Scrapebox for SEO. And very useful. Must have taken a while to write it 🙂 Thanks!

  10. Hi Matthew Sir!Definitely an informative post on Scrapebox! Loved the tutorial very much!One thing i want to know: Can i get my work done with Free Version or any alternative? Thanks!

  11. Hey Matt. You’re the man. Thanks for the great tutorial and all of your awesome web content. 😀 #booyah #mrcool

  12. Scapebox sounds amazing, but somewhat complicated. How have others found it to use as a newcomer to the SEO field?

    1. It’s not that difficult to use really, the main problem is it does so much stuff that its hard to know which stuff to do first 😛

  13. Hey ideas , I Appreciate the info ! Does anyone know where my assistant could possibly find a blank IRS 1023 form to fill out ?

  14. Hi Matt Can we have a tutorial on scraping the meta info from a given given and checking the socials and having the final output out title description and links

  15. Hi Matthew, your social locker is great and i wanted to implement it in my site 🙁 without succes, can you point me to a tutorial or guide ?? +1 given to the post

  16. Hello there, thank you so much for these amazing tutorials. I am generally the field of SEO.I have created a new website and now need to make it popular(I mean watched by lots of people) as it is a marketplace. It is a Wordpress website. (not that it matters).Do you suggest ScrapeBox or GSA SER for backlinks and traffic generation?Thank you very much in advance.

  17. Hey Matt,This is awesome, I have owned scrapebox for years and have used a wide variety of its features. I help run a Web Design and SEO service and had essentially put my black-hat days behind me. These new wonderful white hat uses for Scrape-box is awesome. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction. Would it be alright for me to add a link to here from my blog section: http://www.w3mediaexperts.com/category/blogs/ Let me know. Thanks Again!

  18. Thanks Matt! Just started my own niche site and this pdf covers everything I need to know about Scrapebox. An excellent resource and free! Cannot thank you enough :)http://www.survivalseverything.com is my site, nowhere near finished yet but when it is this resource will be invaluableTom

  19. hello matthew i’m fan of your blogso i’m going to purchase GSA SER and GSA CB and i want to have discover and scrape the list for link building via GSA SER.. so can scrapebox scrape high quality list of websites to use for link building? and also can i scrape list for tier 1 and tier 2 ?

  20. Hey Matthew,Do you know any place where to get good auto approve lists for scrapebox? i’m buying now from fiverr but most of them are bad!

  21. I own scrapebox but it is very annoying to use because of its bad coding in a few ways. For example, it freeze may times in havester in some condition, especially long time harvest, however, I could recovery but need a bit addition works. It freeze at random points, sometime I forget to save progress. It a piece of awesome software but I could be better.

    1. Sounds like you are running it on a budget VPS or a computer with not much ram/cpu power with too many threads than it can handle.

  22. Hi Matt,Just checking out your guide, though I click on the link and it takes me to Jacob King’s website and guide? I was under the impression that you had one as well :/ Cheers,Zak

  23. Great tutorials Matt, thanks for taking the time to share. I just learned about scrapebox and am going to purchase it right away.

  24. Thanks a lot for this tutorial! I have just starting using scrapebox, or better… trying to use it. Time for me to study!!

  25. Hi Matt, first off – thanks for this write-up. I’m familiarising myself with this and wondering if you can suggest one or two awesome ways the scrapebox can be used in conjunction with Majestic SEO? Just diggin’ for great ideas. Thanks.

  26. Am I right in thinking I do not specifically need ScrapeBox to build my target site list if I have GSA Search Engine Ranker ?I know though that ScrapeBox has many many many other great features (that I use a lot – mainly from your tutorials here) but speficially for target site lists can I just use GSA instead – rather than target in SB – export – import to GSA etc

  27. It’s amazing how many white hat uses that ScrapeBox has. I have been investigating it a lot and trying to learn more and the guide linked here was amazing. It helped a lot! Thanks for this post. I found that ScrapeBox is a GREAT keyword research tool and even serves a purpose in the white hat arena.

  28. I shared on facebook, but don’t see the link to download your manual- so please show me, thanks

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